8:51 AM 4/30/2022 - Tweets by @mikenov: SPECTACULAR! Sunrise seen this morning from New York City, NY. Photo | Russians are several days behind their goal in Ukraine, Pentagon assesses
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8:51 AM 4/30/2022 - Tweets by @mikenov
Russians are several days behind their goal in Ukraine, Pentagon assesses https://www.cbsnews.com/news/russia-ukraine-behind-goal/ … via @CBSPolitics
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Vladimir Putin pictured with his future wife, born Lyudmila Shkrebneva, in 1983 before their marriage in July, the same year. The couple lived together in Dresden, where Putin was working with the KGB. #Putin #VladimirPutin #history #historical
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Our new friend @oleksiireznikov is a big supporter of @saintjavelin
We’ll be sending Saint Javelin patches to @DefenceU soon. - Michael Novakhov Retweeted
NATO expects further provocations in the unrecognized Transnistria (Moldova) to create problems for Ukraine, NATO Deputy Secretary General Mircea Joane said. He added that NATO doesn’t see a threat to Moldova itself
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said Thursday that Putler may declare war on the "world's Nazis" on Victory Day—an annual Russian commemoration of the end of World War II on May 9.https://www.newsweek.com/putin-may-declare-war-against-worlds-nazis-victory-day-1702276 …
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Военком Пермского края попросил власти региона скрыть данные о погибших в Украине.https://theins.ru/news/250800
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
BREAKING — Conference on the Future of Europe approves radical overhaul of the EU: end of unanimity, abolishment of veto’s, launch of Joint Armed Forces of the Union, transnational lists and many other reforms…
Глава пятой службы ФСБ выступил с речью на кладбище. Ранее писали о его аресте | Власть | Новости | Каспаров.Ru https://www.kasparov.ru/material.php?id=626C3FC9707B1 …
Ukraine fights to hold off Russian advances in south, east https://www.fox10tv.com/2022/04/30/ukraine-fights-hold-off-russian-advances-south-east/ …
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
President Biden: "I get inspector generals telling me that the way some governors are going to spend the money that was in the recovery plan is that they were going to build a frisbee park in such and such a place and I said 'no, you're not'."
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
A moment of beauty today on the outskirts of Kyiv.
Ukraine’s Zelensky says peace talks with Russia close to collapse https://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2022/04/ukraines-zelensky-says-peace-talks-with.html … https://www.scmp.com/news/world/russia-central-asia/article/3176071/ukraines-volodymyr-zelensky-says-peace-talks-russia …
Ukraine’s peace talks with Russia collapse - Google Search https://www.google.com/search?q=Ukraine%E2%80%99s+peace+talks+with+Russia+collapse&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS949US949&oq=Ukraine%E2%80%99s+peace+talks+with+Russia+collapse&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i546l5j69i60l2.19948j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 … https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russian-rockets-hit-kyiv-un-chief-visits-besieged-mariupol-main-target-2022-04-29/ …
Ukraine’s Zelensky says peace talks with Russia close to collapse https://www.scmp.com/news/world/russia-central-asia/article/3176071/ukraines-volodymyr-zelensky-says-peace-talks-russia?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=share_widget&utm_campaign=3176071 … via @scmpnews
Selected Articles - The News And Times Review - http://TheNewsAndTimes.Blogspot.com https://www.inoreader.com/stream/user/1006407045/tag/user-favorites/view/html?t=Selected%20Articles%20-%20The%20News%20And%20Times%20Review%20-%20TheNewsAndTimes.Blogspot.com&l=https%3A%2F%2Fblogger.googleusercontent.com%2Fimg%2Fa%2FAVvXsEhG518O_gZJEp6VBUGkU3Qd8NHqBm69pOoLoTWgladipQiMKYZuDEn7Pp3e6VhKcgohWrmtowOg4HV-K2hbKqed5HPDb9TtAujQtG3bT7Y1h6u4LJiVVooqBAEakeuku9XnHRLLBYMlStrJ5zslQfVqxbEnY2EsEWaYlcgrfw-kgCaGU8EKzNVFMgYM%3Ds267&lw=125&cs=m&lh=100&n=99&sb=y … https://www.scmp.com/news/world/russia-central-asia/article/3176071/ukraines-volodymyr-zelensky-says-peace-talks-russia …
West’s Commitment to Halting Russia Grows
The New York Times - Breaking News, US News, World News and Videos https://www.nytimes.com/ https://www.nytimes.com/live/2022/04/29/world/ukraine-russia-war-news …Shared Links Review: Приднестровье - Transnistria and Georgia are the potential second and third fronts of the Russia - Ukraine War | NATO has additional options to pressure Putin | FBI is infiltrated by Russians https://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2022/04/shared-links-review-transnistria-and.html …
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Mariupol's vast steel plant is shielding around 1,000 people, and the scene of a last-stand battle https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-news-04-29-22/h_5446f8e25766ffde444e92977f005493 … #Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #UkraineUnderAttaсk #UkraineWar #RussianWarCrimesInUkraine
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
#Putin has got 2 go. If his aggression is allowed 2 stand because #Russia has #nukes, what's 2 stop other #nuclear countries from annihilating their neighbors w/o fear of reprisal? This cannot stand. #Humanity is in the balance. Who needs an asteroid, we will end us. #DontLookUp!
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Some children hiding in Mariupol's steel plant are losing their hair and teeth from stress after ... https://news.yahoo.com/children-hiding-mariupols-steel-plant-104510943.html?soc_src=community&soc_trk=tw … via @Yahoo #BuchaGenocide #Mariupol #MariupolMassacre #Russia #Russian #RussiaUkraineWar #Ukraine #PutinWarCrimes #putin #RussianWarCrimes #RussianArmy
8:14 AM 4/29/2022 - Selected Articles - The #News And #Times #Review: #UK #PMJohnson says #Ukraine peace talks are doomed because of "#crocodile" #Putin | Whether Russia can be removed from the #UN SC | Situation inside besieged steel plant ...https://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2022/04/814-am-4292022-selected-articles-news.html …putin crocodile - Google Search https://www.google.com/search?q=putin+crocodile&newwindow=1&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS949US949&sxsrf=ALiCzsbbzhTb-A2G7El6PmUS9u-LPvVp1Q:1651234655198&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjnicG4oLn3AhUQhHIEHayvB9MQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1536&bih=714&dpr=1.25#imgrc=RQh7hRrTHhM7TM …
Radio Free Europe
Cartoon Villains: The Russia-Ukraine Crisis In Caricature- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Delighted to see this new set of 10 stamps honouring women's 'bravery & sacrifice' (& achievements?) during WW2, but wish a tribute to female special agents who served behind enemy lines had also been included.https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-beds-bucks-herts-61256839 …
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Elon Musk’s $44 billion deal to buy Twitter isn't yet complete.
Here are the reasons things could still fall apart, from stock prices to Musk's own tweets. https://wapo.st/3OW6VrV - Michael Novakhov Retweeted
С начала вторжения в Украину Россия утверждает, что Киев работает над созданием биооружия по заказу США. Что стоит за этими обвинениями? "Это или сознательная ложь, или сознательная подтасовка фактов", - считают эксперты https://p.dw.com/p/4AWZl
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Elon Musk sold roughly $4 billion worth of Tesla stock after agreeing to buy Twitter, as he looks for cash to finance his takeover of the social-media company #WSJWhatsNow https://on.wsj.com/3vVa4z8
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
RFE/RL journalist Vira Hyrych has died in Kyiv after a Russian air strike hit the residential building where she lived.
Hyrych's body was found early in the morning on April 29 amid the wreckage of the building https://www.rferl.org/a/rferl-hyrych-killed-kyiv/31826912.html … - Michael Novakhov Retweeted
I’m spending sometime today immersing myself in Keith Jeffery’s official history of MI6/SIS. He kindly left a trail of breadcrumbs for future researchers with regards to certain people & events … #spyhistory
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Every week, tech columnist Joanna Stern provides valuable insights on the products, services and trends that are changing our world.
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
C-SPAN just confirmed what over 80% of Americans were thinking! 142 Historians, professors, and presidential experts analyzed Crisis Leadership, Public Persuasion and Economic Management of all 45 former Commanders In Chief and unbelievably, he's the POTUS they ranked #1
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
MISSION OF VENGEANCE- Available on Amazon! https://amazon.com/Mission-Vengeance-Corey-Pearson-Spymaster-ebook/dp/B087X9ZGKN/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3BCRS260GQBL4&keywords=mission+of+vengeance&qid=1648480588&s=books&sprefix=MISSION+OF+VEN%2Cstripbooks%2C81&sr=1-1 …
Corey Pearson assumes everyone is under enemy control, never goes against his gut, varies his daily routine, stays within his cover, and picks the time and place for action. #suspense#spythriller #thrillerbooks - Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Is silver the most undervalued metal on the planet? Join the world’s fastest-growing online silver investment service.
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
We stand in solidarity with the EU Member States impacted by Gazprom’s decision.
Today the @EU_Commission and Bulgaria decided to set up a 1st regional task force under #RepowerEU
It will coordinate efforts to guarantee the region’s energy security and speed up decarbonisation - Michael Novakhov Retweeted
On 27th April 2022 it was announced that Her Royal Highness Princess Anne, The Princes Royal, was formally appointed as the Colonel in Chief of the Intelligence Corps. Her Royal Highness was welcomed by the Colonel Commandant and Corps Colonel at St James' Palace.
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
“The cool thing about this project is that we’re running inference in the browser to make shopping seamless and more secure for customers. I use it myself and it’s fast.” - Erik Mueller, Sr. Distinguished #ML Engineer
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Capital One is the new official bank and credit card partner of @MLB and presenting sponsor of the World Series!
Details coming soon on how cardholders can get access to special MLB rewards, game tickets and exclusive events.
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