Tweets Review: Have the Political Debates, Not WAR! Extra, Extra! The Ex-Comedian (now the First Jewish President of Ukraine) Zelensky (#Zelensky) and Ex-KGB Colonel (now the First Ryazan Tatar Mafiosi President of Rusland) Putin (#Putin) at the request of the World Public Opinion agreed to hold #DEBATES!
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Extra, Extra!
— Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) March 14, 2022
The Ex-Comedian (now the First Jewish President of Ukraine) Zelensky (#Zelensky) VS. Ex-KGB Colonel (now the First Ryazan Tatar Mafiosi President of Rusland) Putin (#Putin) at the request of the World Public Opinion agreed to hold #DEBATES!
Tweets by @mikenov
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Needless to say the current German government is guilty only of not acting, the disastrous German strategic situation was created foremost by Merkel despite thousands of voices screaming to warn her.
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
slowly retreating from its partnership with the
? To prevent opposition journalist from
from entering is nothing but shameful. …
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Heroic Ukrainian protesters brawl with Russian soldiers as they demand the release of Melitopol mayor who was kidnaped
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Apartment block in Kyiv after last night’s Russian shelling.
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Советский офицер допрашивает взятого в плен ефрейтора (о чём свидетельствует нашивка V) Вермахта. 1942 г. Вторая мировая.
The Ex-Comedian (now the First Jewish President of Ukraine) Zelensky (#Zelensky) & Ex-KGB Colonel (now the First Ryazan Tatar Mafiosi President of Rusland) Putin (#Putin) at the request of the World Public Opinion agreed to hold #DEBATES! …Extra, Extra!
The Ex-Comedian (now the First Jewish President of Ukraine) Zelensky (#Zelensky) VS. Ex-KGB Colonel (now the First Ryazan Tatar Mafiosi President of Rusland) Putin (#Putin) at the request of the World Public Opinion agreed to hold #DEBATES! … Michael Novakhov Retweeted
ரஷ்யா உக்ரைன் இடையே 4 ஆம் கட்ட பேச்சுவார்த்தை #WinNews #UkraineRussiaWar #RussianUkraineWar #Zelensky #Putin
Jerusalem Offers Itself as “City of Peace” Amidst Russia-Ukraine War … via @Israel Today
Russia - Ukraine war - 7:25 AM 3/14/2022: S&P to end this year 1% lower amid Ukraine crisis - Goldman - …
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Самая лучшая иллюстрация происходящего в России. Смотреть до конца.
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Protester is arrested just THREE SECONDS after holding up sign in Moscow
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Melitopol continues to fight back against occupation and the kidnapping of its mayor. Things likely to take a dark turn but I wouldn’t want to be one of these Russian soldiers.
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Russian forces are destroying Mariupol literally block by block. This is genocide on a massive scale, in a European country in 2022. #Ukraine
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Кадырова уничтожат ВСУ, если он реально под Киевом, — Арестович - … #Киев #Новости #Украина
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Президент України @ZelenskyyUa :
Торік я попереджав лідерів @NATO: якщо протине буде жорстких превентивних санкцій – вона піде війною.Я мав рацію. Повторю: якщо ви не закриєте наше небо, то російські ракети впадуть і на вашу територію, на територію НАТО. Це лише питання часу.
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Last year, I warned NATO leaders: if there will be no strict preventive sanctions against
, it will start the war. I was right. I repeat once again: if you do not close our sky,
missiles will afterwards fall on your territory, on NATO territory. It's only a matter of time.
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Все же интересно, когда и чем закончится карьера этой «мэра»-марионетки? Ваши варианты?
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Negotiations. 4th round. On peace, ceasefire, immediate withdrawal of troops & security guarantees. Hard discussion. Although Russia realizes the nonsense of its aggressive actions, it still has a delusion that 19 days of violence against
peaceful cities is the right strategy
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
On the same Russian TV show where pundits advocated hanging Ukrainians for resisting Russia's invasion, one argued: "Never let morality prevent you from undertaking correct actions. I understand the importance of a humanitarian component... but morality shouldn't get in the way."
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
What exactly did #NeverAgain really mean? Did it mean the world would never again fight for truth, democracy and freedom?#RussiaInvadedUkraine #StopPutinNOW
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
I did a thread with latest Zelensky speech tonight. If anyone want see... …
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Russian military vehicles try to hide in a forest north of Hostomel but are quickly spotted by the drones of the Ukrainian 72nd Mechanized Brigade.
The Ukrainians then direct some very accurate heavy artillery strikes against their enemy. - Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Pope Francis condemns 'barbaric' killing of children in Ukraine
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Russian occupants fired on the living building in the Obolon District, Kyiv during #UkraineInvasion
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Russia asked China for military support for the war in Ukraine and additional economic aid to help offset sanctions, U.S. officials said.
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Since Mar12,
activists have been blocking trucks coming into
on Kukuryki checkpoint, creating a 28-km traffic jam. Trucks likely delivering sanctioned goods to Russia
Activists demand to expand EU sanctions, including on the road transit of goods …
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Meanwhile, in the Opera and Ballet theater of occupied Donetsk
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
The Russian bombardment of the southern city of Mariupol has now caused more than 2,500 deaths, per Oleksiy Arestovych, an adviser in President Zelensky's office.
"The Russians are just wiping the city out," he said Monday. … - Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Despite threat of arrest, kidnapping and worse, Ukrainians in their thousands still come out to protest against occupying Russian forces. This latest video from Berdyansk on the Azov coast.
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
В Биаррице местный активист Пьер Аффнер проник на виллу дочери Путина «Альта Мира», сменил замки и заявил, что вилла готова принять беженцев от режима Путина, в первую очередь украинских беженцев.
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Yes, many people rightly pointing out that this brute force Soviet tactic of purposely & indiscriminately attacking the civilian population of cities is not new.
Putin did it in Grozny 22 years ago and in Aleppo 7 years ago. - Michael Novakhov Retweeted
In occupied Kherson thousands take the streets shouting “A Russian soldier is a fascist and an invader.”
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Избитого при задержании в Москве Владислава Маслова госпитализировали из ОВД «Китай-город». У него травмы головы, грудной клетки и голени.
В полиции на него составили протокол по статье о дискредитации российской армии из-за пикета на Манежной площади … - Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Это пиздаватое создание Пушилин несет такую хрень, что сам уже не понимает, о чем это он. Пусть лучше застрелится, пользы больше будет от этого кремлевского хуесоса.
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Сбитая над Донецком ракета "Точка-У" несла кассетный заряд, если бы ее не сбили, то жертв было бы несоизмеримо больше, заявил глава ДНР Пушилин:
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Retreating #Ukrainian neonazi army shells peaceful #Donetsk with tactical ballistic missile Tochka-U with cluster bomb warhead: 20 dead (including children), 9 severely wounded.#warcrimes #Ukraine
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Zelensky: “Nearly 13,000 dead invaders, that’s more than in both Chechen Wars, Russia lost thousands of military vehicles, 74 planes, 86 helicopters, we know that they have more, but we also know that we’ll continue to defend our land.”
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
В оккупированном Мелитополе начали вещать российские телеканалы. По словам нового назначенного российской армией мэра города Галины Данильченко, жители «ощущают острый дефицит в получении достоверной информации».
Начался четвертый раунд российско-украинских переговоров
Russia - Ukraine war from Michael Novakhov on Inoreader … …
Russia - Ukraine war from Michael Novakhov on Inoreader … …
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Так сейчас выглядит Мариуполь. Всего три недели назад - спокойный и мирный город, где люди пили чай в кафе, а мамы прогуливались в колясками в парке. То, что происходит, это самое настоящее преступление.
Trump News TV from Michael_Novakhov (10 sites): FoxNewsChannel's YouTube Videos: Kamala Harris is 'new low point' in U.S. diplomacy: Ex-Trump senior adviser
Talks to resume as Russia pressures Ukrainian capital Kyiv …
Russia Ukraine War: 2 killed as shelling hits Kiev apartment building @kalingatv …
Antonov aircraft plant in Kyiv shelled by Russian forces …
Russia targets Antonov airbase in new strikes, gains complete control over Black Sea coast - Top 10 Updates …
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
It ends with a bang, not a whimper
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Well, strictly speaking illegal, but still a great thing to do! …
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Представители Киева на переговорах с делегацией Москвы должны приложить все усилия для организации встречи лидеров Украины и России, заявил украинский президент Владимир Зеленский:
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
"The bodies of Russian soldiers killed in battle in Ukraine are filling up morgues in Belarus, local residents told RFE/RL." …
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Russia threatens Western companies with arrests, asset seizures.
Russian prosecutors issued warnings that companies may have their assets seized for pulling out of Russia, and corporate leaders that criticize the government may be arrested, the Wall Street Journal reports. - Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Russia seeks military equipment from China after Ukraine invasion -reports
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
That was his last tweet. Maybe the Russians terminated the relationship.
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
In a highly significant move
national security adviser @JakeSullivan46 travels to Rome tomorrow to meet his
counterpart Yang Jiechi.
will seek to impress upon Beijing leadership that continuing to back up the Putin
aggression will hurt
core national interests.
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Russia is asking CHINA for military equipment to try and prop-up its flagging Ukrainian invasion
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
It ended up being so easy winning against Russian propaganda. We just had to stay humble.
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
As so many others, I would like to hear the US administration say - or do - what they can to defend the Ukrainians rather than elaborating on what they are not going to do. The West cannot allow this slaughtering of innocent Ukrainians continuing!
Russia vs. Ukraine: How does this end? via @BrookingsInst
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Russians 'shoot dead disabled Ukrainian volunteer who had one arm and one leg in his wheelchair'
Россия просит помощи у Китая, хасиды прячут Тору: итоги 18-го дня войны в Украине …
How a Line of Russian Tanks Became an Inviting Target for Ukrainians - The New York Times …
Russia - Ukraine war from Michael Novakhov on Inoreader … …
3 ways Russia has shown military ‘incompetence’ during invasion of Ukraine …
Russia - Ukraine war from Michael Novakhov on Inoreader … …
Zelensky says Russia now taking ‘fundamentally different approach’ in talks with Ukraine … via @timesofisrael
He plays his part almost to the T, and sincerely. This "almost" is intriguing, and it asks to be defined.
You sense a live human being in him, his emotions are palpable, he is a nice kid, lad, man. He draws you into his world, the inner and the outer. … Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Украинские воины затрофеили новейшую российскую БМД-4М
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
Петербург. Семеро опричников задерживают одного человека. СЕМЕРО! То есть, государство содержит этих семерых: платит им зарплаты, льготные ипотеки, потом пенсии начислит, и только ради того, чтобы они задержали одного мирного парня, который просто против войны
- Michael Novakhov Retweeted
The palm-sized spider, which comes from Japan, may spread north from Georgia. But it could also eat lots of annoying, invasive insects.
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