Video News Review at 11 a.m. [Inoreader digest]

Video News Review at 11 a.m.
created by Michael Novakhov  •  Feb 20 2022
Video News Review at 11 a.m. Daily
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Финал хоккейного турнира на Олимпиаде: за кадром
Сборная России по хоккею уступила Финляндии в финальном матче на Олимпийских играх в Пекине. Игорь Ларионов...
 1tv 2m
В Пекине потушен олимпийский огонь. Церемония закрытия. Олимпийские зимние игры 2022...
Олимпийский огонь потушен — XXIV Олимпийские зимние игры 2022 в Пекине официально завершены!
 1tv 2m
Церемония награждения. Лыжные гонки. Мужчины. Марафон. Олимпийские зимние игры 2022...
Смотрите церемонию награждения российских лыжников Александра Большунова и Ивана Якимушкина, выигравших...
 1tv 2m
Russian Cops Brutally Attacked in Moscow Metro
Two men have been arrested in Moscow following a violent brawl with police officers, captured on camera...
 RT 5m
El límite del grafiti en Glasgow es el cielo
Glasgow (Escocia), 20 feb (EFE).- (Imagen: Guillermo Garrido) Las fachadas en Glasgow se entienden como...
Ukraine crisis: Belarus says joint drills with Russia to continue 'due to border...
It means that Russian troops will remain in Belarus, despite Moscow's promise that they would leave the...
 euronews (in English) 7m
Angry chef reacts to the 11 worst crimes committed against Italian food
You're doing Italian food all wrong, says Italian chef and YouTube superstar, Vincenzo Prosperi. ..
 euronews (in English) 7m
President Biden, VP Harris to meet with National Security Council today
Acknowledging "the real possibility of war," Vice President Kamala Harris wrapped up a weekend of outreach...
 WGN News 9m
Demonstrators take to streets against NATO, demand 'Implement Ukraine-Minsk treaty'...
The world has its eyes on eastern Europe as fears of a Russian invasion continue to grow for months....
 WION 10m
Tensions in Ukraine escalate: India issues an advisory for Indian nationals living...
Amid the ongoing war tensions between Ukraine and Russia, India issued an advisory for Indian nationals...
 WION 10m
Democratic governor explains why he dropped mask mandate months ago
Colorado Governor Jared Polis tells CNN's Dana Bash why he ended the state's indoor mask mandates months...
 CNN 12m
Донбасс: договорились? Беженцев в РФ всё больше. ОИ-2022: встали перед сборной РФ....
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 14m
'Dirtiest Kind Of Fuels Or Cleaner Fuels': Senator Says Even Early Automakers Wanted...
Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) questions witnesses during a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee...
 Forbes Under 30 14m
Pat Toomey: 'Our Mission Is Not To Make It Impossible For A Financial Institution...
At a Senate Banking Committee hearing on Tuesday, Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) questioned witnesses about stablecoins....
 Forbes Under 30 14m
Jon Ossoff Worries That Owning A House Is Becoming Unobtainable For Americans
Sen. Jon Ossoff (D-GA) questions Cecilia Rouse, the chair of the Council of Economic advisors, and other...
 Forbes Under 30 14m
Probe Underway After Deadly Chopper Crash In O.C.
An investigation is underway into the cause of a helicopter crash that claimed one life. Tena Ezzeddine...
 CBS Los Angeles 24m
Is Putin bluffing? See Secretary of State's response
Dana Bash asks US Sec. of State Antony Blinken if Russian President Vladimir Putin is bluffing as he...
 CNN 24m
Benin bronzes return to Nigeria: Over 90% of African artefacts are in Europe & US...
Benin bronzes are set to return to their home in Nigeria. Over 90% of African artefacts are in Europe...
 WION 38m
Elections in the Indian state of Punjab: 63.44% voter turnout recorded till 5 PM...
The residents of the Indian state of Punjab is voting for the next government. The political parties...
 WION 38m
Frederick Douglass: Civil Rights Cases, Lincoln, Emancipation, Ireland - Compilation...
Frederick Douglass (born Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, c. February 1817 or 1818 – February 20,...
 The Film Archives 40m
Ucranianos en Madrid piden "que Putin no invada Ucrania"
Ucranianos que viven en Madrid se han concentrado este domingo en Plaza de España en repulsa por la amenaza...
 Europa Press 40m
La Torre Iberdrola celebra su décimo aniversario convertida en símbolo y referente...
La Torre Iberdrola de Bilbao cumple este lunes su décimo aniversario desde su inauguración oficial el...
 Europa Press 40m
Familiares de la tripulación del 'Villa de Pitanxo' piden que siga la búsqueda
Familiares de la tripulación del pesquero 'Villa de Pitanxo' han reclamado este domingo que "36 horas"...
 Europa Press 40m
'Wish I Shared That 100% Certainty': Brendan Boyle Doubts GOP Plan To Continue Raising...
At a House Budget Committee hearing on Wednesday, Rep. Brendan Boyle (D-PA) spoke about the debt limit....
 Forbes Under 30 43m
2 men stabbed on subway trains in Manhattan, 4 total attacks Saturday
A total of four violent assaults happened inside the New York City subway system on Saturday alone, including...
 Eyewitness News ABC7NY 44m
USS Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group with JMSDF in Philippine Sea
PHILIPPINE SEA (Feb. 16, 2022) The Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72), Ticonderoga-class...
 U.S. Navy 45m
Epstein associate found dead in French prison cell
Jean-Luc Brunel, a longtime French modeling agent who was detained in December 2020 as part of an inquiry...
 Reuters 45m
Hong Kong nurse shares story of hospital chaos
A Hong Kong nurse described the chaotic situation at local hospitals, saying some staff were 'angry'...
 Reuters 45m
Queen Elizabeth catches COVID-19
Queen Elizabeth tested positive for COVID-19, sharpening concerns about the health of the world's longest-reigning...
 Reuters 45m
Donbass Evacuation | Two Days, Tens of Thousands Cross Border to Russia
RT talks Donbass humanitarian situation and evacuations with ICRC spokesperson, Galina Balzamova. ..
 RT 46m
Protesters Clash with Munich Police at Massive Demo Against MSC
Protesters scuffle with police in Munich as thousands gather to protest against the Munich Security Conference...
 RT 46m
DEUTSCHE PANZERHAUBITZEN: Bundeswehr schließt Truppenverstärkung in Litauen ab |...
In Litauen sind die letzten der von Deutschland zusätzlich entsandten Panzerhaubitzen eingetroffen. Neben...
 N24 46m
Veterans Yoga Project helps vets cope with stress, painful memories
Veterans in the program report having better sleep, less alcohol and drugs, improved social relationships...
 CBS New York 48m
Richard Petty: This is what NASCAR is about
Seven-time Daytona 500 winner Richard Petty joined 'Fox & Friends Weekend' to preview the race. #FoxNews...
 Fox News 49m
The Queen congratulates Team GB just hours after her COVID diagnosis
The Queen has congratulated Team GB after winning two medals at the Beijing Winter Olympics. It...
 Sky News 54m
Главное с Ольгой Беловой от 20.02.2022
Все, что произошло в стране и мире за неделю: главные новости, репортажи с места событий и эксклюзивные...
 tvZvezda 55m
Nigeria university lecturers strike threatens graduation plans
A strike by university lecturers in Nigeria is threatening graduation plans for final year students....
 Al Jazeera English 55m
Ukraine commemorates more than 100 killed in 2014 protests
As the country faces a growing conflict with Russian-backed separatist groups and the threat of a Russian...
 Al Jazeera English 55m
Донбасс: последние новости с места. Может ли Украина стать ядерной державой? Итоги...
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 Телеканал РБК 57m
Los ucranianos conmemoran la revolución del Maidán pese a la amenaza rusa
Kiev (Ucrania), 20 feb (EFE).- (Imagen: Ignacio Ortega) Los ucranianos conmemoran hoy el octavo aniversario...
El 'rewind' semanal: 13 al 19 de febrero de 2022
El 'rewind' de NotiCel: un resumen de las noticias más importantes de la semana. Aquí la cápsula número...
 NotiCel 1h
Margaritis Schinas, European Commission vice-president on human rights and European...
DW's Jaafar Abdul-Karim talks to Margaritis Schinas, European Commission vice-president and Commissioner...
 DW (English) 1h
Gravitas Plus | Explained: The Russia-Ukraine crisis
The story of the Ukraine-Russia crisis does not begin in 2021, or 2014, It begins in the 9th century....
 WION 1h
«Люди боятся»: Мария Борзунова — о том, где разместили беженцев и как они получают...
 tvrainru 1h
John Barrasso Looks For Solutions To Shortage Of Health Providers In Rural Areas
Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) questions witnesses during a Senate Finance Committee hearing on Tuesday about...
 Forbes Under 30 1h
Tom Carper Laments That EPA Is Not Approving New Biofuels And Renewable Fuel Sources
Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE) speaks at the start of a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing...
 Forbes Under 30 1h
Miles de simpatizantes apoyan a Ayuso y Casado convoca al comité de dirección
Miles de simpatizantes de la presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, se han manifestado...
 Europa Press 1h
GOD SAVE THE QUEEN: Schock im Großbritannien - Königin Elizabeth II. hat Corona
Hinter den dicken, steinernen Mauern von Schloss Windsor, abgeschirmt durch eine stark reduzierte und...
 N24 1h
Southern California Seeing Record High Gas Prices; Here's Why
International tensions, in part, are causing pain at the pump as gas prices were at a record high on...
 CBS Los Angeles 1h
'I Would Ask For Your Prayers' Says Huntington Beach Police Chief After Death Of...
Two Orange County police departments Sunday were mourning the loss of 44-year-old Nicholas Vella, a Huntington...
 CBS Los Angeles 1h
See McCarthy's head-spinning flip on Liz Cheney
Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) endorsed the primary opponent of Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) because...
 CNN 1h
The Mother of All Talkshows with George Galloway - Episode 140
GEORGE GALLOWAY | And the Mother Of All Talk Shows. Tonight 7pm-10pm London time. Unmissable.
 RT 1h
Sunday Brunch: Fairmont Chicago Lodge
Executive Chef William Schultz from the Fairmont Chicago Hotel's "The Lodge" joined our Sunday Brunch.
 WGN News 1h
Mike Rounds Warns That US Needs Stablecoin Regulations Or Will Fall Behind Other...
At a Senate Banking Committee hearing on Tuesday, Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) questioned witnesses about...
 Forbes Under 30 1h
Tom Carper Points Out That Higher Gas Prices Can Be Traced To Increase In Oil Prices
Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE) questions witnesses during a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing...
 Forbes Under 30 1h
Escarban en tres siglos de documentos para recuperar una ermita inmatriculada por...
Barcelona, 20 feb. (EFE).- Josep Ferrer, un payés jubilado, de 92 años, y su hijo Xavier, de 58 años,...
España envía a Canadá un avión para repatriar a los marineros del naufragio
Zaragoza, 20 feb (EFE).- Un Airbus 400 del Ejército del Aire ha despegado a las 10.00 horas de este domingo...
Más de 3.000 simpatizantes de Ayuso se manifiestan frente a Génova
Más de 3.000 simpatizantes de la presidenta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, se han manifestado...
 Europa Press 1h
Una 'bicifestación' reclamar una red ciclista de carriles protegidos
Ciudadanos marchan en una 'bicifestación' para reclamar al Ayuntamiento de Madrid una red ciclista de...
 Europa Press 1h
Más Madrid señala al Gobierno de Ayuso de "corrupto"
La portavoz de Más Madrid en la Asamblea, Mónica García, junto a la portavoz del Ayuntamiento de Madrid,...
 Europa Press 1h
We're fighting for the very soul of our country: FOP National Vice President
Joe Gamaldi reads between the lines of soft-on-crime Democratic policies on 'Cross Country.' #FoxNews...
 Fox News 1h
Beijing 2022: Fireworks at the end of the Winter Olympics closing ceremony | AFP
Fireworks light up the sky above Beijing's National Stadium as the closing ceremony for the Winter Olympic...
 AFP 1h
Passenger found alive on ferry ablaze off Greece | AFP
One of the 12 passengers missing for three days on the burning Italian ferry off Corfu arrives in the...
 AFP 1h
Beijing 2022: Fireworks mark end of Olympic Games | AFP
Fireworks light up the sky above Beijing's National Stadium as the closing ceremony for the Olympic Games...
 AFP 1h
The Secret Team: Assassinations, Drug Running, Destabilization of Governments: Covert...
More on the secret team: The dark side of U.S. history:
 The Film Archives 1h
F. Scott Fitzgerald: Books, Quotes, Biography, Short Stories, Death, Writing Style...
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (September 24, 1896 – December 21, 1940) was an American novelist, essayist,...
 The Film Archives 1h
Starring In Off-Broadway Opera 'Intimate Apparel' Is A Childhood Dream Come True...
The star of the off-Broadway opera "Intimate Apparel" is wowing audiences at Lincoln Center with his...
 CBS New York 1h
Queen Elizabeth II tests positive for COVID, has mild symptoms
Buckingham Palace said the 95-year-old British monarch will continue with light duties at Windsor Castle...
 CBS New York 1h
US officials: Russia on verge of invading Ukraine
U.S. officials said nearly 200,000 Russian troops are amassed along the border with Ukraine. CBS2's Christina...
 CBS New York 1h
CORONA-VARIANTE: Wie gefährlich ist der Omikron-Subtyp BA.2? | WELT Interview
Die nach ersten Erkenntnissen noch schneller übertragbare Variante BA.2 von Omikron hat nach Einschätzung...
 N24 1h
British Queen expects to continue 'light duties' at Windsor • FRANCE 24 English
🔔 Subscribe to France 24 now: 🔴 LIVE - Watch FRANCE 24 English 24/7 here:
 FRANCE 24 English 1h
Markina Brown's Weather Forecast (Feb. 20)
Cool and cloudy conditions are expected Sunday. Markina Brown reports.
 CBS Los Angeles 1h
⚡️ПРЯМОЙ ЭФИР. Война с Украиной близко. Когда Путин атакует?
На границе с Украиной стоит российская армия. С Донбасса эвакуируют население. Путин явно ищет повод...
 Муниципальные хроники 1h
Watch the dubious videos that Russia may use to justify invasion
CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports on misinformation used by pro-Russian separatist groups in Ukraine, as...
 CNN 1h
WIPR: Autoridades de Nueva York confirman casos de gripe aviar
NUEVA YORK (AP) — Una gripe aviar altamente patógena fue detectada en una bandada de aves de traspatio...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 1h
WIPR: Reina Isabel II da positivo en COVID-19, con síntomas leves
LONDRES (AP) — La reina Isabel II de Inglaterra dio positivo en COVID-19 y presentaba síntomas leves...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 1h
Pakistan: Opposition targets Imran Khan government over proposed power tariff hike...
The economic crisis in Pakistan is showing no signs of abating, the cost of electricity in the country...
 WION 2h
Pakistan Minister stokes controversy, demands international Hijab Day | World English...
Pakistan's regressive attitude towards women is once again grabbing the headlines. With International...
 WION 2h
Nepal: MCC grant tabled in Parliament | Protest erupts once again in Kathmandu |...
The Government of Nepal is on the 'brink of breakdown'. An American project has split the ruling coalition....
 WION 2h
Советы студентам Университета Пенсильвании
"Россия против США" Константин Боровой
 borovonovodvo 2h
Russia, Belarus Conduct MASSIVE Combat Drills Amid Ukraine Tensions
Amid the ongoing crisis, Russia and Belarus have been conducting joint military drills to bolster security...
 RT 2h
Evacuations from Gorlovka amid rising tensions in Donbass region
#news #trending #worldevents --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
 RT 2h
Badass Babushka Plunges into Icy Water to Rescue Husky
The 65-year-old was out walking with friends when she heard the dog's distressed calls, bravely taking...
 RT 2h
Miles de personas apoyan a Ayuso y piden dimitir a Casado y Egea en sede del PP
Madrid, 20 feb (EFE), (Imagen: Juan Yagüe / Ramón Ayala).- Entre 3.000 y 5.000 personas apoyan este mediodía...
Juan Lobato ofrece a los votantes de Ayuso un proyecto "serio" y "honesto"...
El secretario general del PSOE-M, Juan Lobato, ha ofrecido este domingo a los votantes de la presidenta...
 Europa Press 2h
El avión fletado para repatriar a marineros del 'Villa de Pitanxo' parte hacia Canadá
El avión fletado por el Gobierno para las repatriaciones de la tripulación del pesquero gallego 'Villa...
 Europa Press 2h
First Alert Weather: CBS2's 2/20 Sunday morning update
John Elliott has the Tri-State Area's updated First Alert forecast on CBS2 News This Morning.
 CBS New York 2h
Police end three-week occupation, arrest more than 170 people
Canadian police say the 'occupation is over', after clearing most protesters from an encampment outside...
 TRT World 2h
Эвакуация жителей Горловки в Россию на фоне обострения ситуации в Донбассе. Прямая...
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 2h
Hostilities escalate in Ukraine +++ Russia and Belarus extend drills | DW News
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is calling for face-to-face talks with Russia's Vladimir Putin...
 DW (English) 2h
Эмоциональная речь Владимира Зеленского на Мюнхенской конференции по безопасности
"Мы собираемся защищать нашу страну при поддержке наших партнеров или без нее". Владимир Зеленский выступил...
 DW (Russian) 2h
Donbass evacuees settle in to temporary accommodation
#news #trending #worldevents --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
 RT 2h
What was so scary about Tesla's ideas? | Decoded
Did Nikola Tesla find the secret to unlimited energy? And is there a plot to hide his findings? Hollywood...
 Al Jazeera English 2h
У Елизаветы II положительный результат теста на COVID-19; она продолжит выполнять...
У Елизаветы II положительный результат на COVID-19; симптомы лёгкие, и она продолжит выполнять свои обязанности.(Букингемский...
 euronews (на русском) 2h
Queen Elizabeth II tests positive for COVID; mild symptoms | LiveNOW From FOX
Queen Elizabeth II has tested positive for COVID-19, according to Buckingham Palace. The 95-year-old...
 FOX 10 Phoenix 2h
Rick Harrison of 'Pawn Stars': This is basic economics
'Pawn Stars'' Rick Harrison talks inflation and identifying gems for pawning on 'Unfiltered.' #FoxNews...
 Fox News 2h
La Isla Informa | Entrevista con Representante Jesús Manuel Ortíz
Conversamos con el Representante Jesús Manuel Ortíz sobre lo que se mueve en la legislatura. En temas...
 La Isla Oeste 2h
Los vecinos de Villanueva y Don Benito deciden la fusión de sus municipios
Día y votación histórica en las localidades pacenses de Villanueva de la Serena y Don Benito. Sus más...
 Europa Press 2h
La reina Isabel II da positivo en coronavirus
La reina Isabel II de Inglaterra ha dado positivo por coronavirus y presenta ahora "síntomas leves",...
 Europa Press 2h
Britain's Queen Elizabeth tests positive for COVID-19 with 'mild' symptoms, says...
Buckingham Palace described the 95-year-old monarch's symptoms as "cold-like", adding that she would...
 euronews (in English) 2h
KÄMPFE IN OSTUKRAINE: "Alles was im Donbass passiert wird in Moskau entschieden"...
Bei einem Beschuss eines Dorfes im Konfliktgebiet in der Ostukraine sind nach Angaben der von Russland...
 N24 2h
Nigeria asks for the return of Benin Bronzes looted by Britain
Nigeria wants the return of its priceless Benin Bronzes that were looted by British soldiers 125 years...
 TRT World 2h
Job losses and rising rent forces Americans to live on the street
With inflation in the United States reaching levels not seen in decades, housing is where some Americans...
 TRT World 2h
Новости дня | 20 февраль — дневной выпуск
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир,...
 euronews (на русском) 2h
В Мали празднуют вывод французских войск
Ввод французских войск Франсуа Олландом в 2014 году сопровождался ликованием на улицах Бамако. Сегодня...
 euronews (на русском) 2h
Общий номер. Показательные выступления. Фигурное катание. Олимпийские зимние игры...
Смотрите общий номер в исполнении всех участников показательных выступлений на Олимпийских играх 2022...
 1tv 3h
Анастасия Мишина и Александр Галлямов в произвольной программе: за кадром
Анастасия Мишина и Александр Галлямов выиграли бронзовые медали Олимпийских игр в соревнованиях спортивных...
 1tv 3h
Александра Бойкова и Дмитрий Козловский в произвольной программе: за кадром
Александра Бойкова и Дмитрий Козловский завершили соревнования спортивных пар в шаге от медалей, показав...
 1tv 3h
US Vice President Harris at Munich conference: 'We believe Putin has decided' | English...
The US Vice President Kamala Harris at the Munich security conference warns of a possible war as tensions...
 WION 3h
India's advice for nationals in Ukraine: 'Students & non-essential workers advised...
Amid the ongoing war tensions between Ukraine and Russia, India issued an advisory for Indian nationals...
 WION 3h
Can Tejas become India's next biggest defence export to the world?
India's $375-billion defence deal with the Philippines is a huge boost to New Delhi's hopes of becoming...
 WION 3h
Queen Elizabeth tests positive for Covid - BBC News
The Queen has tested positive for Covid, Buckingham Palace has said. The monarch is experiencing...
 BBC News 3h
Familias de yihadistas marroquíes piden que excombatientes detenidos sean repatriados
Casablanca (Marruecos), 20 feb (EFE).- (Imágenes. Mohamed Siali).- Rachida Idrissi espera todos los días...
Beijing 2022: Images outside Beijing's National Stadium during the closing ceremony...
Images outside Beijing's National Stadium as the closing ceremony for the Olympic Games gets underway....
 AFP 3h
Martín Blanco (Cs) acusa al PSC y a ERC de una "doble vara de medir" los...
El diputado de Cs en el Parlament de Catalunya, Nacho Martín Blanco, ha acusado al PSC y a ERC de tener...
 Europa Press 3h
FEUER AUF FÄHRE: Passagier von brennendem Schiff gerettet - weiterhin elf Vermisste...
Rettungskräfte haben am Sonntagmorgen einen der zwölf vermissten Passagiere von der brennenden Autofähre...
 N24 3h
Most Brutal Military Music 2022 ♫ Aggressive War Epic Music Collection 2022 | Magnus
Most Brutal Military Music 2022 ♫ Aggressive War Epic Music Collection 2022 | Magnus 👉million thanks...
 War Epic Music 3h
TRT World witnesses escalation of shelling, gunfire on front line
TRT World has filmed this exclusive footage of explosions in the Donbass region Saturday night. There...
 TRT World 3h
Watch live: Queen tests positive for coronavirus
The Queen has tested positive for coronavirus, Buckingham Palace has said. The monarch, 95, is experiencing...
 Sky News 3h
BREAKING: The Queen tests positive for COVID-19
The Queen has tested positive for coronavirus, Buckingham Palace has said. The monarch, 95, is experiencing...
 Sky News 3h
Беженцы из ДНР прибывают в эвакуационный лагерь в Таганроге. Прямая трансляция
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 3h
Церемония закрытия Олимпийских игр в Пекине. Прямая трансляция от стадиона
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 3h
PM Boris Johnson: 'All signs are that Putin's Ukraine plan has begun' - BBC News
Evidence suggests Russia is planning "the biggest war in Europe since 1945", Prime Minister Boris Johnson...
 BBC News 3h
Thom Tillis Questions DOJ Nominee About Work For Both Democrats And Republicans
At Wednesday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) questioned Paul Monteiro,...
 Forbes Under 30 3h
Two Lugansk Civilians Reported Killed in Kiev Military Attack
An artillery shelling from Kiev has reportedly resulted in two civilian casualties in Lugansk #news...
 RT 3h
France: Paris switches on the first noise radar to keep a check on loud motorbikes...
Paris switched on noise radars to keep a check on loud motorcycles and other vehicles. The move seems...
 WION 3h
Residents of the Indian state of Punjab vote for the next government | World English...
The residents of the Indian state of Punjab is voting for the next government. The political parties...
 WION 3h
Что Трамп на самом деле знал о штурме Капитолия и пойдет ли он на выборы президента...
Подозревать Дональда Трампа и его команду в причастности к организации штурма Капитолия 6 января - это...
 DW (Russian) 3h
Lawrence Jones investigates California's homeless crisis
'Cross Country' host travels to the the Golden State to learn more about the threats posed by homelessness....
 Fox News 3h
ЛНР: атака ВСУ, Киев отрицает обстрелы. Учения России и Белоруссии. Ядерный статус...
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 3h
Luto en Martorell por la primera víctima de violencia machista en Cataluña este año
Barcelona, 20 feb (EFE).- La vecina de Martorell (Barcelona) que fue asesinada ayer, presuntamente, por...
Aliens Could Be Humans From the Future – Anthropologist | SophieCo. Visionaries
While ufology continues to be a fringe science about flying saucers, a subject of speculation, Dr. Michael...
 RT 3h
Rob Beckett shares method acting tips with Andrew Garfield | The Graham Norton Show...
Subscribe and 🔔 to OFFICIAL BBC YouTube 👉 Stream original BBC programmes FIRST...
 BBC 3h
Испания: в тюрьму за жестокость к животным
Согласно новому законопроекту, мучителям животных будет грозить до 2 лет лишения свободы, а дельфинарии...
 euronews (на русском) 3h
Latest news bulletin | February 20th – Midday
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news,...
 euronews (in English) 4h
Greece ferry fire: Passenger found alive on ship near Corfu but 11 still missing
The 21-year-old, one of several lorry drivers unaccounted for, was rescued on Sunday morning as the ship...
 euronews (in English) 4h
11 people still missing after fire ravages ferry off Greek coast | Al Jazeera Newsfeed
"I have been calling him and I have not made contact." 11 people are still missing after a fire engulfed...
 Al Jazeera English 4h
Cine y moda llegan al CaixaForum Madrid de la mano de Jean Paul Gaultier
El CaixaForum Madrid acoge la exposición 'Cine y moda. Por Jean Paul Gaultier', que propone un viaje...
 Europa Press 4h
Bielorrusia anuncia una prórroga de sus ejercicios conjuntos con Rusia
El Ministerio de Defensa de Bielorrusia ha anunciado este domingo que prorrogará sus ejercicios militares...
 Europa Press 4h
Протесты канадских дальнобойщиков: полиция берёт под контроль центр Оттавы
После более, чем трёх недель беспрецедентных акций протеста полицейским удалось вытеснить радикальных...
 euronews (на русском) 4h
FREIHEITSBRIGADE: Tausende Freiwillige bereiten sich militärisch auf eine russische...
Rund 25.000 Freiwillige bereiten sich in der Ukraine auf einen Angriff Russlands vor. Köche, Lehrer,...
 N24 4h
O'Neill: 'Prepare for a united Ireland'
Sinn Fein deputy leader Michelle O'Neill is urging the Irish government to prepare for a united Ireland...
 Sky News 4h
Ex-US Ambassador: Putin unlikely to commit Russian lives
Kay Bailey Hutchison, former US Ambassador to the UN, says that Putin is unlikely to commit the lives...
 Sky News 4h
Донбасс: последние новости. Эвакуация беженцев в Россию. Россия и Беларусь продлевают...
 tvrainru 4h
Police on Horseback Trample Freedom Convoy Protesters
Mounted police knock down Freedom Convoy protesters at a demo against COVID mandate in Ottawa Read...
 RT 4h
Why many Bali hospitality workers turned to farming and fishing?
Preparations to revive Indonesia's tourism industry are underway… with regular direct flights to the...
 Al Jazeera English 4h
Argentina probes toxic lacing of cocaine that killed at least 24
Argentina has one of the region's highest cocaine consumption rates. Two weeks ago, at least 24 people...
 Al Jazeera English 4h
Benin showcases looted artefacts returned by France
For the first time in more than 100 years, people in Benin will be able to see artefacts looted by French...
 Al Jazeera English 4h
In a village on the front line in eastern Ukraine
With Russian-backed separatists saying they are evacuating civilians from the Donbas region, those on...
 Al Jazeera English 4h
Queralt Castellet: "Espero que mi medalla haga crecer el 'snowboard'"
La 'rider' española Queralt Castellet reconoce que le parece "increíble" estar donde está tras haber...
 Europa Press 4h
Don Benito y Villanueva de la Serena votan para unirse
Los vecinos de Villanueva de la Serena y Don Benito acuden este domingo a las urnas para decidir la unión...
 Europa Press 4h
Search for victims continues after catastrophic landslide in Brazil | AFP
Dozens of firefighters and volunteers continue to clean-up areas in Petropolis in search of victims for...
 AFP 4h
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's Remarks at Weekly Cabinet Meeting - 20/2/2022
דברי ראש הממשלה נפתלי בנט בפתח ישיבת הממשלה השבועית. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's Remarks at...
 IsraeliPM 4h
Kilmeade: This is the price the president chose to pay
The 'One Nation' host traces the history of American energy independence in 'What Matters Most.' #FoxNews...
 Fox News 4h
«У Путина нет хорошего выхода»: Галлямов — о том, чем может обернуться для Кремля...
 tvrainru 4h
Historian Anne Applebaum on Ukraine and what Putin wants | DW News
Anne Applebaum is a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and political analyst who writes for the Atlantic....
 DW (English) 4h
SICHERHEIT AUF BAHNSTEIGEN: Bundespolizei veröffentlicht beunruhigende Statistik
Die Bundespolizei zählt jährlich Dutzende Gleisbett-Schubser. Die Folgen dieser Taten sind dramatisch...
 N24 4h
Rutu Modan abre "Túneles" de humor bajo el muro que separa Israel y Palestina
Barcelona, 20 feb (EFE).- (Imágenes Sergio Andreu) Camuflada tras una supuesta aventura arqueológica...
'Window for diplomacy is closing' in Ukraine
Simon Fraser, former head of the Foreign Office, says that Putin wants to rewrite the European security...
 Sky News 5h
Иркутская мафия: оборотни в погонах и без, их агенты - капо, рейдерский захват и...
Комитет против коррупции и пыток продолжает наше независимое расследование по пыткам и Grand-коррупции...
 Гулагу-нет Официальный канал 5h
Australian PM demands answers from China after Chinese vessel aimed laser at Australian...
In recent years, ties between China and Australia have soured. However, tensions have risen tremendously...
 WION 5h
Ukraine crisis: Macron and Putin to speak in 'last effort to avoid major conflict'
The call between the French and Russian presidents is described by the Elysée as among "the last possible...
 euronews (in English) 5h
Russia and Belarus hold drills as Ukraine tensions run high
The joint military exercises between Russia and Belarus, dubbed Operation Allied Resolve, are set to...
 TRT World 5h
Locals Take Up Arms Amid Relentless Donbass Shelling
Sleepless nights in Ukraine's breakaway Donbass republics as artillery shelling pounds on both sides...
 RT 5h
Ukrainian troops prepare for Russian conflict, Daytona 500 coverage & more | LiveNOW...
Subscribe to LiveNOW from FOX! Where to watch...
 FOX 10 Phoenix 5h
Carrera solidaria por los huérfanos de violencia de género para "concienciar"
La carrera solidaria por los huérfanos de la violencia de género busca "recaudar fondos" para ayudar...
 Europa Press 5h
Javier Fernández defiende los "pequeños ajustes" en la Diputación de Sevilla
El secretario general del PSOE de Sevilla, Javier Fernández, ha defendido en una entrevista con Europa...
 Europa Press 5h
Fernández (PSOE de Sevilla) asegura que Muñoz es un "relevo de presente y futuro"
El secretario general del PSOE de Sevilla, Javier Fernández, ha afirmado que el actual alcalde de la...
 Europa Press 5h
Pardo (Cs): "En Andalucía hemos acertado estando en el Gobierno"
La portavoz de Ciudadanos en el Parlamento de Andalucía, Teresa Pardo, ha defendido la participación...
 Europa Press 5h
Геноцид в Донбассе, «темное прошлое» России. О чем говорили на Мюнхенской конференции
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 5h
Russian envoy slams troop numbers and western intelligence
Deputy Russian UN Ambassador, Dmitry Polyanski, says that western intelligence cannot be trusted over...
 Sky News 5h
Shadow Health Secretary calls for evidence that lifting COVID restrictions is safe
Labour's Wes Streeting MP has called on the government to publish the evidence behind the decision so...
 Sky News 5h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Mucha demanda y poca oferta: precios para comprar...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 5h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Crece la ola de migrantes nicaragüenses que llega...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 5h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Inmigración reconocerá el vínculo de matrimonio...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 5h
'Shirtfaced' CEO Gives Background Behind Iconic Rams Parade T-Shirts
John Wolfe, a shirtmaker for 'Shirtfaced,' joined the studio to give the lowdown on the iconic t-shirts...
 CBS Los Angeles 5h
Macron set for 'last chance' talk with Putin, US warns Russia 'poised to strike'...
French President Emmanuel Macron is set to speak to Russia's Vladimir Putin on Sunday in a "last possible"...
 FRANCE 24 English 5h
Russia planning biggest European war since 1945 in Ukraine, says UK PM - BBC News
Evidence suggests Russia is planning "the biggest war in Europe since 1945", Prime Minister Boris Johnson...
 BBC News 5h
Peru oil spill leaves jobless fishers in despair
The clean-up has been continuing, a month after a major oil spill at a Repsol facility in Peru. The...
 Al Jazeera English 5h
Beijing Olympics end: COVID-19, human rights boycotts and doping mark games
The Winter Olympic Games close on Sunday against the backdrop of diplomatic boycotts and global protests...
 Al Jazeera English 5h
"Это не наша война"
Жители Украины - о росте напряжённости и угрозе войны. ЧИТАТЬ ДАЛЕЕ :
 euronews (на русском) 5h
Последствия шторма "Юнис" в Европе
Страны Западной Европы приходят в себя после разрушительного шторма "Юнис": 16 погибших, есть раненые,...
 euronews (на русском) 5h
Minister: 'We see no de-escalation' over Ukraine
Europe Minister James Cleverly MP tells Sky News that a Russian invasion of Ukraine seems 'far more likely...
 Sky News 5h
WIPR: Activan Alerta Silver por desaparición de adulto mayor con Alzheimer
El comisionado de la Policía, Antonio López Figueroa, informó la activación de la Alerta Silver por la...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 5h
Russia maintains 'no plans to invade' as tensions mount over Ukraine crisis | World...
France has asked its citizens to leave Ukraine as tensions rise. France is the latest country to ask...
 WION 6h
Suicide bombing in central Somalia: Prime Minister condemns the attack | World English...
According to reports, at least about 15 people have been killed and dozens of others being wounded in...
 WION 6h
Cine y moda llegan al CaixaForum Madrid de la mano de Jean Paul Gaultier
El CaixaForum Madrid acoge la exposición 'Cine y moda. Por Jean Paul Gaultier', que propone un viaje...
 Europa Press 6h
Juan Lobato interviene en el Congreso de JS de Madrid en Aranjuez
El secretario general del PSOE-M y portavoz de los socialistas en la Asamblea, Juan Lobato, interviene...
 Europa Press 6h
La exposición 'Berlanguiano' se despide en Valencia, cuna del cineasta
La exposición 'Berlanguiano', organizada por la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas...
 Europa Press 6h
Benin exhibits looted treasures returned by France • FRANCE 24 English
Benin President Patrice Talon on Saturday will inaugurate an exhibition of historic artworks returned...
 FRANCE 24 English 6h
ДНР рассказала о «плане нападения ВСУ» на Донбасс с атаками по трем направлениям
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 6h
MÜNCHNER SICHERHEITSKONFERENZ: Ukraine-Krisendiplomatie und Aufregung um ein Foto...
Vor dem Hintergrund der sich weiter zuspitzenden Ukraine-Krise geht am Sonntag die 58. Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz...
 N24 6h
NACH ORKAN "ZEYNEP": Wann zahlt die Versicherung die Schäden und wann nicht?
Sturmfief „Zeynep" hat geschätzt Schäden in Höhe von 900 Millionen Euro in Deutschland angerichtet. Für...
 N24 6h
Huntington Beach Fallen Officer Procession | ORANGE COUNTY, CA 2.19.22
HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA - Procession for fallen Officer Vella, a 14 year veteran as a air flight...
Nepal: Protest erupts once again in Kathmandu as MCC grant to be tabled in the parliament...
The Government of Nepal is on the 'brink of breakdown'. An American project has split the ruling coalition....
 WION 6h
Canada: Ottawa Police clear blockade as Officers accused of forceful evacuation |...
Canadian police officers face off with protestors on Parliament Hill, as they work to restore normality...
 WION 6h
Canada truckers protest: Cops continue crackdown with baton, pepper spray
Canadian police officers face off with protestors on Parliament Hill, as they work to restore normality...
 WION 6h
Tensions flare in Eastern Ukraine: Sharp increase in shelling reported | World English...
There has been a rise in shelling in eastern Ukraine amid the ongoing tensions between Russia and Ukraine....
 WION 6h
'We Just Want to Live' | Tens of Thousands Evacuate to Russia
More than 40k evacuees have crossed the border into Russia as part of the rescue operation from the breakaway...
 RT 6h
American Heart Month: How to Increase Heart Health and Take Necessary Preventative...
Heart Disease is the number one cause of death for women across America, and in honor of American Heart...
 CBS Los Angeles 6h
Сколько нужно спать, чтобы избежать снижения умственных способностей
В США опубликовали исследование, согласно которому избыточный сон в пожилом возрасте не менее вреден,...
 Голос Америки 6h
Sky News Breakfast: COVID restrictions in England to end
On Sky News Breakfast this Sunday morning, - All remaining COVID restrictions in England are set...
 Sky News 6h
Celebration in streets of Mali as French troops ordered to leave
Hundreds of people have been celebrating in the streets of Mali after the ruling military government...
 Al Jazeera English 6h
'Everything is on the table,' EU chief warns Russia of sanctions over Ukraine crisis
The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen has addressed the Security Conference....
 Al Jazeera English 6h
Beijing Olympics stalked by politics, doping scandal set to close • FRANCE 24 English
Beijing hands the Olympic flag to Milan-Cortina on Sunday after a Games that will be remembered for the...
 FRANCE 24 English 6h
Fighter ace develops next gen tech to battle emerging China threat
A veteran group of fighter aces and tech innovators developed a technology they believe will help win...
 Fox News 6h
AKTUELLE CORONA-ZAHLEN: RKI registriert 118 032 Corona-Neuinfektionen - Inzidenz...
Die bundesweite Sieben-Tage-Inzidenz ist erneut gesunken. Das Robert Koch-Institut (RKI) gab den Wert...
 N24 6h
What G7 foreign ministers said on Russian troops near Ukraine border | Russia-Ukraine...
About Channel: WION -The World is One News, examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide...
 WION 7h
1 Officer Killed, 1 Injured In Police Helicopter Crash | NEWPORT BEACH, CA 2.19.20
NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA - A Huntington Beach Police helicopter crashed into Newport Harbor killing...
La OTAN dice que hay señales que sugieren que Rusia planea un "ataque a gran...
El Secretario general de la OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg se ha sumado a las afirmaciones del presidente de...
 Europa Press 7h
Gaza's first fashion house unveiled
A Palestinian couple has opened the first ever fashion house in Gaza. The unemployment rate in the enclave...
 TRT World 7h
'Guaranteed defeat': President Putin supervises nuclear drills
Russia's President Vladimir Putin oversaw military manoeuvres by strategic nuclear missile forces as...
 Al Jazeera English 7h
Rod Blagojevich on the failures of modern-day politics | Rooftop Revelations
On the 91st day of his 100-day rooftop vigil to raise funds to build a transformative community center...
 Fox News 7h
Кризис в Донбассе: эвакуация беженцев в Россию, обстрелы, реакция Запада. Спецэфир...
 tvrainru 7h
India-UAE trade deal: What it means for both countries | UAE News | World News
India and United Arab Emirates (UAE) signed bilateral "comprehensive" trade pact, the biggest pact in...
 WION 7h
Ukraine President Zelensky calls out NATO's 'Open Door' policy at the Munich Security...
On the Day 2 of the Munich Security Conference, the West urged Russia to de-escalate tensions with Ukraine....
 WION 7h
Procession for Fallen Officer Nicholas Vella
Dozens of police officers and first responders alike took part in a procession for fallen Huntington...
 CBS Los Angeles 7h
Ленивец запутался в проводах #Shorts
Электрики города Тарас, на севере Колумбии 20 минут пытались снять с линии электропроводов повисшего...
 BBC Russian 7h
Türkiye deepening ties with Africa
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is set to visit three African countries, starting with the Democratic...
 TRT World 7h
Mucha demanda y poca oferta: precios para comprar vivienda nueva en EEUU siguen al...
Según especialistas en bienes raíces, son muchos los compradores que, ante la escasez de viviendas nuevas...
 Univision Noticias 7h
Crece la ola de migrantes nicaragüenses que llega a la frontera de EEUU: la mayoría...
Familias enteras han arriesgado su vida en largas travesías con el único propósito de conseguir asilo...
 Univision Noticias 7h
На что готов Киев: требования украинских властей к НАТО на фоне напряженности на...
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 Телеканал РБК 7h
Ferry fire burns on off the coast of Greece | AFP
An Italian-flagged ferry continues to burn on for a third day off Corfu after a fire broke out on Thursday...
 AFP 7h
The Bold and the Beautiful - Sheila Plots (Preview)
Sheila revels in Brooke's heartbreak on The Bold and the Beautiful. Only CBS Daytime Watch Full...
 CBS 7h
Эскалация в Донбассе: первые потери, обстрелы и взаимные обвинения
В Донбассе продолжается эскалация: двое украинских военных убиты, министр внутренних дел Украины попал...
 euronews (на русском) 7h
MASSIVER DRUCK VON PUTIN: Kriegsgefahr in der Ukraine steigt dramatisch
Die Befürchtungen vor einem womöglich schon in Kürze bevorstehenden Großangriff Russlands auf die Ukraine...
 N24 7h
G7 foreign ministers 'gravely concerned' on Russia-Ukraine crisis | Ukraine news...
G7 foreign ministers met in Munich, Germany, and discussed the Russia-Ukraine crisis. U.S Secretary of...
 WION 8h
Inmigración reconocerá el vínculo de matrimonio entre refugiados
Según Luis Paoli, abogado de inmigración, esta determinación beneficia a toda persona que es cónyuge...
 Univision Noticias 8h
Germany honours victims of 2020 Hanau far-right terror attack
In Febrauary 2020, a far right extremist shot nine young people with migration backgrounds in the west...
 TRT World 8h
Dozen missing after fire ravages ferry off Greece
Rescuers boarded a burning ferry off of Greece and freed two truck drivers stranded inside the vessel...
 Al Jazeera English 8h
Macron set for 'last chance' talk with Putin, US warns Russia 'poised to strike'...
French President Emmanuel Macron is set to speak to Russia's Vladimir Putin on Sunday in a "last possible"...
 FRANCE 24 English 8h
Новости дня | 20 февраль — утренний выпуск
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир,...
 euronews (на русском) 8h
Latest news bulletin | February 20th – Morning
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news,...
 euronews (in English) 8h
Евгения Тарасова и Владимир Морозов в произвольной программе: за кадром
Евгения Тарасова и Владимир Морозов с минимальным отставанием — десятые доли балла — стали серебряными...
 1tv 8h
Финиш Татьяны Сориной. Лыжные гонки. Женщины. 30 км. Масс-старт. Олимпийские зимние...
Россиянка Татьяна Сорина поборолась за бронзовую медаль на финальном отрезке женского масс-старта. На...
 1tv 8h
Шайба сборной России. Россия - Финляндия. Финал. Хоккей. Олимпийские зимние игры...
Нападающий сборной России Михаил Григоренко реализовал большинство и открыл счет матча за золото на седьмой...
 1tv 8h
Шайба сборной Финляндии. Россия - Финляндия. Финал. Хоккей. Олимпийские зимние игры...
Защитник сборной Финляндии Вилле Покка забил ответную шайбу в начале второго периода. Не пропустите главные...
 1tv 8h
Вторая шайба сборной Финляндии. Россия - Финляндия. Финал. Хоккей
Сборная России пропустила вторую шайбу на 30-ой секунде третьего периода. Автором гола стал нападающий...
 1tv 8h
HANAU: "Dieser Anschlag kam nicht aus dem Nichts. Und er geschah alles andere...
Im Gedenken an die neun Opfer des rassistischen Anschlags von Hanau haben Vertreter des Bundes und des...
 N24 8h
Служу России. Выпуск от 20.02.2022
«Служу России» — программа с давней историей. 30 апреля 1930 года в эфир всесоюзного радио вышел первый...
 tvZvezda 8h
Protest in South Africa against 'illegal' migrant workers | World News | South Africa...
Scores of protesters have been staging protests against "illegal migrants". Members protested in what...
 WION 8h
Ethiopia to start producing power from Renaissance dam | World News
Ethiopia to start producing electricity from a controversial hydroelectric dam built on Nile river. The...
 WION 8h
Украина-Россия – невойна | РЕАЛЬНЫЙ РАЗГОВОР
Почти годичное #противостояние на границе Украины и России еще не закончено, а в Кремле и на Смоленской...
 Настоящее Время 8h
HBPD Officers Remember Their Fallen Partner After Tragic Helicopter Crash
Huntington Beach Police officer Nicholas Vella was killed when his helicopter crashed en route to a disturbance...
 CBS Los Angeles 8h
Конфликт на Украине и страх остаться без дома | Репортаж Би-би-си
Во время первого вооруженного конфликта в Донбассе сестры Валентина и Татьяна, спасаясь от бомбежек,...
 BBC Russian 8h
Ice skating at the Kalamis 'Ice-fest' ✅ | To Do List in Istanbul Episode 7
Looking for the perfect winter activity in Istanbul? In this episode of the 'To Do List in Istanbul',...
 TRT World 8h
ДНР и ЛНР эвакуируют граждан в Россию. Прямая трансляция
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 8h
ДНР: Украина планирует удар. План наступления украинской армии. Обстрел ВСУ, бронетехника,...
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 8h
Arroyo on Gascon: When you protect crime, you get more of it
'The Big Saturday Show' panelists discuss the crime crisis in big cities across the country and the radical...
 Fox News 8h
UKRAINE IN GEFAHR: Boris Johnson warnt vor "größtem Krieg in Europa seit 1945"...
Der britische Premierminister Boris Johnson hat angesichts der drohenden Eskalation in der Ukraine vor...
 N24 8h
HBPD Officer Killed in Helicopter Crash Identified as Nicholas Vella
Huntington Beach Police Chief Eric Parra disclosed at a press conference Saturday evening that one of...
 CBS Los Angeles 9h
Huntington Beach Police Officials Disclose One of the Pilots Involved in the Helicopter...
Huntington Beach Police Chief Eric Parra announced at a press conference that one of the pilots onboard...
 CBS Los Angeles 9h
Беженцы из ДНР прибывают в эвакуационный лагерь в Ростовской области. Прямая трансляция
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 9h
Beijing 2022: Images of Bird's Nest stadium ahead of the Winter Olympics closing...
Images of Bird's Nest stadium and Beijing skyline ahead of the Winter Olympics closing ceremony. The...
 AFP 9h
Ukraine leader seeks new security guarantees amid Russian threat
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said he wants new security guarantees to fix the "almost...
 Al Jazeera English 9h
Covid: Five stages of pandemic, as told by Dr Anthony Fauci | Coronavirus
Dr. Anthony Fauci, top medical advisor to the US President Joe Biden said we are still in the first phase...
 WION 9h
Japanese Day of Remembrance: 80 Years Ago Today FDR Sent Thousands of Japanese Americans...
The Japanese Day of Remembrance is a day for Americans to observe the dark period in American history...
 CBS Los Angeles 9h
Бронетехника на улицах и обстрелы: как прошла ночь в Донбассе
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 Телеканал РБК 9h
Biden is showing 'weakness' on the world stage: Rep. Mace
South Carolina Rep. Nancy Mace rips Biden for failing to lead on Russia-Ukraine conflict and showing...
 Fox News 9h
Covid wave in Hong Kong: Elections postponed, 7.4 million people put under strict...
Hong Kong is reeling under the Covid-19 wave led by the Omicron variant. Elections in the country have...
 WION 9h
Dozens Of Officers Awaiting News On Pilots Involved In HBPD Helicopter Crash
Footage from Sky9 chopper showed dozens of officers on hand outside of Orange County Global Medical Center,...
 CBS Los Angeles 10h
Street Vendor Killed By Driver Behind Wheel Of Stolen Amazon Truck Remembered At...
Family, friends and activists alike joined at a vigil to remember Jose Rangel, the street vendor who...
 CBS Los Angeles 10h
Украина атакует Донбасс. ДНР и ЛНР эвакуируют граждан в Россию. Прямая трансляция
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 10h
Власти Канады против дальнобойщиков «Конвоя за свободу». Задержания в центре Оттавы
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 10h
Egyptian researcher designs brainwave-controlled wheelchair
This wheelchair is controlled by brainwaves. It was created by Egyptian researcher Abdelrahman Omran...
 Reuters 10h
WIPR: Se estrella helicóptero cerca de bañistas en Miami Beach
MIAMI (AP) — Un helicóptero se estrelló el sábado en aguas del océano frente a Miami Beach, desplomándose...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 10h
Estos manatíes de Florida cambian su dieta | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Cada día un grupo de especialistas alimentan con lechuga a unos...
Esta psicóloga entrevistó a Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. La especialista en criminología trató al líder narco en la cárcel...
France asks citizens to leave Ukraine, NATO relocates staff from Kyiv to Lviv
France has asked its citizens to leave Ukraine as tensions rise. France is the latest country to ask...
 WION 10h
Unseen Ghost: The CIA and the JFK Assassination (2004)
CIA Director McCone was "complicit" in a Central Intelligence Agency "benign cover-up" by withholding...
 The Film Archives 10h
Witnesses Detail Moments As HBPD Helicopter Crashes Into Water
KCAL9's Rick Montanez was at the scene of the Huntington Beach Police Department helicopter crash, where...
 CBS Los Angeles 10h
Kristi Noem Hammers Biden Over 'Devastating' Inflation
On Thursday, Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) blamed "devastating" inflation on "Biden's tax and over-regulation."...
 Forbes Under 30 10h
Canadian trucker: 'This is going to be a long road'
'Adopt-a-Trucker' founder Chris Garrah says his peaceful campaign provides housing and hygiene care to...
 Fox News 10h
Don't Underestimate Gazpacho
--David responds to viewer emails and social media messages --- Become a Member:
 David Pakman Show 10h
First Alert Forecast: CBS2 2/19 Nightly Weather at 11PM
CBS2's Vanessa Murdock has your First Alert Forecast for February 19 at 11 p.m.
 CBS New York 10h
Police helicopter crashes in water off Newport Beach, California
A police department helicopter crashed into the water off a beach in southern California on Saturday.
 CBS New York 10h
LLN *LIVE* w/Scott Lane #IRL #LIVE #PRESS #Texas
This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio
Continued Coverage of HBPD Helicopter Crash Shows Officers Being Rescued from Aircraft
New footage from the scene of the Huntington Beach Police Department helicopter crash in Newport Beach...
 CBS Los Angeles 11h
Bird flu detected in non-commercial flock on Long Island
Health officials on Long Island say they have detected bird flu in Suffolk County.
 CBS New York 11h
Final Afghan refugees leave NJ base for resettlement
The last of the Afghan refugees who awaited resettlement left Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurt in New...
 CBS New York 11h
Trouble new signs suggest Russian invasion of Ukraine is imminent
There are troubling new signs that Russia could be on the verge of invading Ukraine; CBS2's Lisa Rozner...
 CBS New York 11h
Investigan causas de la caída de helicóptero en Miami Beach | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. La aeronave se desplomó a pocos pies de los bañistas, a la altura...
Storm Eunice: Power disrupted in UK, Europe as storm causes widespread damage | World...
Around 155,000 British homes were still without power late on Saturday after Storm Eunice knocked more...
 WION 11h
Amid tensions with Russia, how residents in Ukrainian cities are reacting
Ukrainians are hopeful that tension will not escalate further. In Kyiv, residents said the situation...
 WION 11h
Ukraine crisis: U.S & EU allies discuss Russia's military drills, diplomacy options
US and European Union allies discuss Russia's military drills timings and if tensions in Ukraine can...
 WION 11h
4-year-old randomly punched in Times Square, suspect arrested
A Bronx family's fun day out turned violent in Times Square when a 4-year-old was randomly attacked....
 CBS New York 11h
First Alert Weather: Swift snow squall moves through Tri-State Area
The Tri-State Area was hit by a swift snow squall Saturday afternoon.
 CBS New York 11h
Huntington Beach Police Helicopter Crashes Into Newport Beach Waters
A Huntington Beach Police Department helicopter crashed into the Newport Beach waters between Lido Isle...
 CBS Los Angeles 11h
NYC adopting new approach to homeless within subway system
Crime on subways is a major concern for New Yorkers. Now, mayor Eric Adams along with the governor have...
 PIX11 News 11h
Putin isn't afraid of Biden, sees president as 'weak': Sen. Blackburn
Sen. Marsha Blackburn R-Tenn., tells 'Fox News Live' Vladimir Putin feels 'emboldened' to take action...
 Fox News 11h
Ситуация в Донбассе: продолжается эвакуация местных жителей
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 11h
Beijing 2022: Images of Bird's Nest stadium on final day of Winter Olympics | AFP
Images of Bird's Nest stadium in Beijing on the final day of the Winter Olympics. The 2022 Winter Games...
 AFP 11h
«Байден, Путин и Зеленский задумываются, каким завтра будет их рейтинг»: мнение Владислава...
 tvrainru 11h
India on Russia-Ukraine tensions, ties with China, Indo-Pacific issues & more at...
India's External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar spoke about the Indo-Pacific issues and ties with China...
 WION 11h
How One High School Student Has Changed The Way Students Go To Class
A Michigan high school student who loves singing between classes is now inspiring hundreds of his classmates...
 NBC News 11h
Russia holds nuclear drills as Ukraine president issues desperate plea
It's an intimidation tactic to the maximum degree. Russian President Vladimir Putin oversaw large-scale...
 Global News 11h
CSUDR Girls Basketball Team
The California School for the Death girls basketball team set new school records this season. CBSLA Reporter...
 CBS Los Angeles 12h
Elderly mother, daughter injured in Blue Island fire
A mobile home community in Blue Island is holding onto hope after an elderly mother and her daughter...
 WGN News 12h
New Yorkers respond to Russian threat to Ukraine
At the packed Veselka Ukrainian restaurant in the East Village, there is concern among the staff about...
 PIX11 News 12h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Mexicana en Qatar que denunció un abuso acabó...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 12h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Precio de autos en EEUU está por las nubes: la...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 12h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Ante la creciente violencia, Nueva York desalojará...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 12h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Distrito Escolar de Los Ángeles flexibiliza el...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 12h
UnivisionNoticias's YouTube Videos: Corte Suprema de Justicia acepta revisar la continuidad...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 12h
VP Kamala Harris In Munich: 'Sovereignty And Territorial Integrity Of All States...
Vice President Kamala Harris speaks at the Munich Security Conference. Stay Connected Forbes on...
 Forbes Under 30 12h
Two-Year-Old Locked Inside A Daycare After Hours
A branch of one of the nation's largest child care companies is under investigation as a video has gone...
 NBC News 12h
Trucker protests: Crowds thin as police clear downtown Ottawa
The streets in Ottawa are starting to look more bare and normal. Police warned demonstrators in...
 Global News 12h
A Very Confused But Slightly Relevant Call
--Voicemail caller asks a confused but sort of okay question about nutrition, big pharma, and medicine...
 David Pakman Show 12h
Helicopter Crashes Into Miami Beach, Two Swimmers Transferred To Hospital
A helicopter splashed into Miami Beach on Saturday. Fortunately, there were no serious injuries but two...
 CBS Los Angeles 12h
SoCal Gas Prices Continue To Rise, Reach Record High For 14th Time In 16 Days
There is no question that gas prices are continuing to tick upwards. The price for a gallon of regular...
 CBS Los Angeles 12h
Multiple Arrests Made After Authorities Break Up Sideshow in Beverly Hills
Over 100 cars and even more people were on hand at a sideshow in Beverly Hills Friday evening when authorities...
 CBS Los Angeles 12h
One Man Killed in Fatal Multi-Vehicle Collision On 710 FWY In Bell
A multi-vehicle collision involving a motorcycle and at least two cars resulted in one death on Saturday....
 CBS Los Angeles 12h
Dan Bongino: This is the biggest crisis of them all
'Unfiltered' host details a list of crises America faces and says truth is the biggest crisis of them...
 Fox News 12h
For civilians in eastern Ukraine, war is already at their doorstep
After years of peace, villagers in Ukraine's Donbas region are enduring a sharp increase in shelling...
 Washington Post 12h
noticeloficial's YouTube Videos: Freddo Vega creó a Magda pero pronto evolucionará
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 12h
Capitol Police IG Is 'Confident' Force Has Prepared Planning For Another January...
Rep. Teresa Leger Fernandez (D-NM) questions Capitol Police Inspector General Michael Bolton at a House...
 Forbes Under 30 12h
Covid: Cuban tourism industry struggles. Is Cuba suffering from image problem? |...
Cuba is struggling to reawaken its tourism industry after months of pandemic-induced slumber as U.S travellers...
 WION 12h
Police Aggressive Against Protesters in Canada
Canadian police used aggressive tactics against protesters in Ottawa on Saturday, in hopes of ending...
 TicToc by Bloomberg 12h
Kamala Harris Warns Russia Over Ukraine Crisis
U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris states Russia will face "unprecedented" economic costs if they invade...
 TicToc by Bloomberg 12h
Ottawa police use anti-riot weapons on convoy protesters, arrest 170 total
Police officers appeared to be shifting strategy Saturday in Ottawa as they worked to clear the remaining...
 Global News 12h
Wake, funeral arrangements announced for fallen FDNY firefighter Jesse Gerhard
A fallen firefighter will be remembered at a wake and funeral next week. Arrangements for Jesse Gerhard...
 CBS New York 13h
Local tension over possible Russian invasion in Ukraine
Members of New York City's Ukrainian community are paying close attention to what's happening back in...
 CBS New York 13h
Mexicana en Qatar que denunció un abuso acabó siendo sentenciada a recibir 100 latigazos
Paola Schietekat llegó a Doha en 2020 como parte del Comité Organizador del Mundial, pero su estadía...
 Univision Noticias 13h
Precio de autos en EEUU está por las nubes: la falta de suministros tiene en aprietos...
De acuerdo con The Washington Post, ante la escasez y retrasos en la producción de carros nuevos, algunos...
 Univision Noticias 13h
Ukraine-Russia tensions: Rise in shelling in Donbas as evacuees reach Russia | World...
There has been a rise in shelling in eastern Ukraine amid the ongoing tensions between Russia and Ukraine....
 WION 13h
Police: 4-year-old child punched by stranger in Times Square
Police say a man punched a 4-year-old boy in the head in Times Square on Saturday. CBS2's Thalia Perez...
 CBS New York 13h
Former Confidant Of Jeffery Epstein Found Dead
The latest twist in the saga of Jeffery Epstein, Jean Luc Brunel, a former French modeling agent was...
 NBC News 13h
Brian Flores hired by Pittsburgh Steelers
The former Miami Dolphins coach, who is suing the NFL and several teams for racial discrimination, was...
 ABC News 13h
Global National: Feb. 19, 2022 | Police, protesters face off in Ottawa for 2nd day
Police and protesters faced off for a second straight day in the nation's capital and at times those...
 Global News 13h
Caller: Why Are Leftists Triggered by Tesla & Elon Musk?
--Caller questions why many progressives don't like Tesla and Elon Musk --- Become a Member:
 David Pakman Show 13h
LA Convention Center Hosts 23rd Black College Expo
The 23rd Annual Black College Expo was held at the L.A. Convention Center Saturday, where hundreds of...
 CBS Los Angeles 13h
What's Happening with the Crisis in Ukraine? A History Professor Explains
Andrew Jenks, a history professor at Cal State University Long Beach joined the studio to discuss the...
 CBS Los Angeles 13h
A night of fires... LLN IG - LLN FB -
Hundreds say goodbye to former tourism VP Bill 'Mr. Chicago' Williams
Hundreds came out to Mount Calvary Baptist Church Saturday to say their goodbyes to Bill "Mr. Chicago"...
 WGN News 13h
Helicopter Crashes Into Water At South Beach Florida
A helicopter crashed into the water close to shore at Miami's South Beach. Two passengers with broken...
 NBC News 13h
Nightly News Full Broadcast - Feb. 19
U.S. and Ukrainian leaders meet as Russian invasion becomes more likely, helicopter crashes into water...
 NBC News 13h
Freddo Vega creó a Magda pero pronto evolucionará
Para más noticias de Puerto Rico visite NotiCel™| La verdad como es.
 NotiCel 13h
Man Killed In Multi-Vehicle Crash On 405 Freeway
One man was killed in a multi-vehicle crash on the 405 Freeway Saturday. The incident involved a semi-truck...
 CBS Los Angeles 14h
Norwalk Family Left Reeling After Grandfather Killed In Deputy-Involved Shooting
Pedro Lopez was killed Thursday when a deputy-involved shooting broke out in front of his home. Now,...
 CBS Los Angeles 14h
Earl Woods Scholar: Chiamaka "Chia" Obilo
Chia Obilo, a recipient of the Earl Woods scholarship that golf legend Tiger Woods created in honor of...
 CBS Los Angeles 14h
Jim Hill, Golf Professional Aimee Cho Discuss The Genesis Invitational, Tiger Woods
CBSLA Sports Director Jim Hill and golf professional Aimee Cho discuss current PGA TOUR players' respect...
 CBS Los Angeles 14h
MTG Publicly Shamed on Radio Call-In Show #shorts
Woman tells Marjorie Taylor Greene that she is a disgrace. --- Become a Member:
 David Pakman Show 14h
Caller: Do Americans Know How Insane Their Country Seems?
--Caller asks if Americans realize how bad their politics look around the world --- Become a Member:...
 David Pakman Show 14h
Concerns over cyberattacks mount if Russia retaliates for sanctions
'The Big Saturday Show' weighs in on Russia-Ukraine tensions as Biden admin says US unprepared for cyberattacks....
 Fox News 14h
'No to the enemy!' Ukrainians march against Russian threat
Hundreds of Ukrainians rallied in the western city of Lviv to show unity despite fears of a Russian invasion...
 Reuters 14h
Tensions Boil Over In East Ukraine As Attacks Turn Deadly
Ukrainian military leaders were shelled while touring the front lines today. Pro-Russian separatists...
 NBC News 14h
Sunshine will return following Saturday snow squall
Temperatures are on the rise early this week after a chilly Saturday and Sunday.
 PIX11 News 14h
Ante la creciente violencia, Nueva York desalojará a desamparados que duermen en...
En conferencia de prensa, Eric Adams anunció un plan de seguridad en el que pretende reubicar a indigentes...
 Univision Noticias 14h
Distrito Escolar de Los Ángeles flexibiliza el uso de las mascarillas en espacios...
Por instrucción del superintendente escolar Alberto Carvalho, a partir del martes 22 de febrero se permitirá...
 Univision Noticias 14h
Corte Suprema de Justicia acepta revisar la continuidad del programa MPP aplicado...
La administración Biden podrá argumentar por qué el controvertido programa migratorio 'Quédate en México'...
 Univision Noticias 14h
Over 30 Chicago area teams compete in prestigious robotics tournament
CHICAGO — Chicago's Von Steuben High School hosted the VEX Robotics Tournament on Saturday.
 WGN News 14h
Local Girl Scouts help out animals at PAWS Chicago
It's National Girl Scouts Cookie Weekend and some local members rolled up their sleeves to help support...
 WGN News 14h
'The Stakes Can Not Be Higher': McCaul Condemns Dems Over Bill On China
In remarks on the House floor earlier this month, Rep. Michael Mccaul (R-TX) spoke about a bill on China....
 Forbes Under 30 14h
Saved by Boxes: Distracted Boy Survives Fall Without a Scratch
Closed-circuit television footage captured images of a boy, distracted by his phone, falling into a storage...
 VOA News 14h
U.S. And Ukrainian Leaders Meet As Russian Invasion Becomes More Likely
American officials are now confident that Russia will invade Ukraine in the next couple of days. World...
 NBC News 14h
Western powers await Vladimir Putin's next move
U.S. officials say up to 50% of the 150,000 Russian troops surrounding Ukraine are in attack positions....
 ABC News 14h
Americans experience ripple effect of financial squeeze
Several factors have led to increases in prices, such as the pandemic and the crisis in Ukraine. ...
 ABC News 14h
Helicopter crashes into water off crowded Miami beach
Bystanders helped rescue three people on board, two of whom were rushed to the hospital. WATCH FULL...
 ABC News 14h
Trucker protests: Police in Ottawa clash with demonstrators in bid to end blockade
Some of the demonstrators in the so-called "Freedom Convoy" blockade in downtown Ottawa have been arrested...
 Global News 14h
En esta ciudad brasileña el mar ya se ha tragado más de 500 casas | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Tanto ha subido el nivel del mar en Atafona, que donde se bañaban...
Ven con ilusión el descenso del nivel en una presa en México | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. A partir del testimonio de los lugareños, muchos creen que bajo...
Nueva York no quiere desamparados en estaciones del metro | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Las autoridades quieren tener un mayor control sobre un medio de...
Los periodistas mexicanos no quieren seguir muriendo | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Los informadores que ya han visto morir a cinco de sus colegas en...
Un campamento desbordado y precario, el refugio de los migrantes que llegan a Chile
Colchane (Chile), 19 de febrero (EFE).- (Imágenes: Jose Caviedes) A escasa distancia del paso fronterizo...
'Where's all the evidence for that?': Pam Brown hits GOP candidates' claims
CNN's Pamela Brown takes a look at Republican Texas congressional candidates who continue to spread misinformation...
 CNN 14h
'Debt Ceiling Is Not The Answer': Scott Peters Throws Support Behind Eliminating...
At a House Budget Committee hearing on Wednesday, Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA) spoke about the debt limit....
 Forbes Under 30 14h
Random Attack on 4-Year-Old Boy Near Times Square
A random attack on a 4-year-old boy in broad daylight in the heart of the city led police to a suspect...
 NBC New York 14h
WIPR: LeBron James busca seguir invicto en el Juego de Estrellas
CLEVELAND (AP) — Stephen Curry no lo logró. Giannis Antetokounmpo fracasó en dos ocasiones. Ahora, Kevin...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 14h
WIPR: Gobernador asigna fondos al Centro de Diabetes para asegurar su continuidad
El gobernador Pedro R. Pierluisi anunció que asignó $266,000 al Centro de Diabetes para Puerto Rico para...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 14h
Crecen las reservaciones de viajes para después del invierno | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Las agencias de viajes y los sitios web dedicados a la venta de...
Las repúblicas prorusas que pertenecían a Ucrania movilizan a sus reservistas | Noticias...
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Todos los hombres de 18 a 55 años fueron llamados a estar listos...
Realizan funeral de la familia que murió en Las Vegas | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Los seis hijos de Erlinda Zacarías y Jesús Mejía, y un hermano de...
Piden justicia por niña latina muerta por una bala perdida | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Decenas de personas acompañaron a la familia de Arlene Álvarez y...
Moscú muestra ante Ucrania su poderío militar nuclear | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Este sábado Putin dio la orden para el lanzamiento de tres misiles...
"¡Dios mío!": El video del helicóptero que se cayó en una playa de Miami Beach |...
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. El accidente, captado por una cámara de seguridad, ocurrió la tarde...
Ukraine prepares for possible Russian invasion
Fox News foreign correspondent Trey Yingst details escaping artillery fire in Ukraine. #FoxNews #Russia...
 Fox News 15h
New renderings of Hinchliffe Stadium plans in Paterson
The mayor of Paterson says Hinchliffe Stadium should be finished by the end of the year.
 CBS New York 15h
Sharp spike in violence reported in eastern Ukraine
There's been a sharp spike in violence in eastern Ukraine. The United States has long warned Russia might...
 CBS New York 15h
Nearly 80 years later, one of last Tuskegee Airmen remembers fight
Retired Lieutenant Colonel George Hardy faced two battles while fighting for our country: the war and...
 WGN News 15h
Roy Blunt Slams Democrats' Energy Policies Amidst Inflation Spike
At Tuesday's Senate GOP leadership press briefing, Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO) criticized Democrats' energy...
 Forbes Under 30 15h
Lloyd Smucker Admits Debt Increased 'Significantly' During Trump Admin
At a House Budget Committee hearing on Wednesday, Rep. Lloyd Smucker (R-PA) spoke about the debt limit....
 Forbes Under 30 15h
Scuffles in Ottawa as Police Push to Break Up Protests
Canadian police used pepper spray and stun grenades in a final push to clear the capital, Feb. 19, 2022,...
 VOA News 15h
Почему украинцы думают, что Байден поддерживает Украину? account Konstantin Borovoy - Konstantin Borovoy's New Book Russia...
 borovonovodvo 15h
Western countries respond to Russian aggression
Dozens gathered inside Grand Central terminal on a Saturday afternoon to send a message that the US must...
 PIX11 News 15h
'There's a price to pay' for Putin's actions - Pelosi
There is a price to pay for Vladmir Putin's actions regarding Ukraine, U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi...
 Reuters 15h
Ric Grenell Says Germany Will Never Approve Sanctions To Nord Stream 2 Pipeline
On Wednesday, former acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell spoke at a House Oversight...
 Forbes Under 30 15h
'Extreme Abortion Agenda': Steve Daines Slams Biden FDA Commissioner Nominee
In Senate floor remarks on Tuesday, Sen. Steve Daines (R-IN) slammed President Biden's nominee for FDA...
 Forbes Under 30 15h
Protesters support Black teen seen in controversial Bridgewater Commons Mall brawl...
There are calls for justice after a controversial mall brawl in New Jersey. Protesters, who say skin...
 CBS New York 15h
PBS NewsHour Weekend Full Episode, February 19, 2022
On this edition for Saturday, February 19, NATO and the U.S. warn of swift action if Russia invades Ukraine...
 PBS NewsHour 15h
Record Setting Call Ends Abruptly
--Caller discusses traditions and so much more --- Become a Member:
 David Pakman Show 16h
Chilly Fest in Crystal Lake lives up to name this weekend
The Chilly Fest in Crystal Lake lived up to its name this weekend.
 WGN News 16h
Street named to honor young artist who was gunned down
It's been nearly eight years since an up-and-coming Brooklyn rap star was gunned down tragically. Now,...
 PIX11 News 16h
Snow squall blows through New York town
Time-lapse video captured visibility dropping to nearly zero in Apalachin, New York, as a snow squall...
 ABC News 16h
Chopper crashes into ocean off Miami Beach
Dramatic video captured the moment a helicopter crashed into the ocean off the coast of Miami Beach,...
 ABC News 16h
Press Preview: Sunday's front pages
Belle Donati takes a first look at Sunday's papers with journalist and author Christina Patterson and...
 Sky News 16h
The Gentle Barn | VOA Connect
All her life, Ellie Laks has had a special connection with animals. Learn her story about saving animals...
 VOA News 16h
Northrop Grumman Cygnus spacecraft soars to ISS
Northrop Grumman launched its 17th commercial resupply mission to the International Space Station Saturday,...
 Associated Press 16h
AP Top Stories February 19 P
Here are the top stories for Saturday, February 19th: Canadian police clear Parliament street to end...
 Associated Press 16h
GOP Senator Rattles Off Different Categories Of Goods That Have Seen Price Increases...
Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) questions Cecilia Rouse, the chair of the Council of Economic advisors, and other...
 Forbes Under 30 16h
'Giving Sarah Bloom Raskin Way Too Much Credit': Jon Tester Addresses GOP Boycott...
Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) questions Cecilia Rouse, the chair of the Council of Economic advisors, and other...
 Forbes Under 30 16h
Ukraine President Zelenskyy criticizes Biden's sanctions approach
Fox News correspondent Mark Meredith details the Biden administration's handling of Russia-Ukraine conflict...
 Fox News 16h
First Alert Forecast: CBS2 2/19 Evening Weather at 6PM
CBS2's Vanessa Murdock has your First Alert Forecast for February 19 at 6 p.m.
 CBS New York 16h
Too Scared To Teach: New Restrictions In Classrooms Force Teachers To Self-Censor
Jen Given, 10th grade history teacher at Hollis Brookline High School joins Yasmin Vossoughian to discuss...
 msnbc 16h
Video captures helicopter crashing into ocean near Miami Beach
Two people were transported to a hospital after a helicopter crashed into the ocean near the Miami Beach...
 CNN 17h
'I'd Love To See High School Curriculum Get Back To The Basics': GOP Senator Pushes...
At a Senate Health Committee hearing on Tuesday, Sen. Mike Braun (R-IN) spoke about high school. ...
 Forbes Under 30 17h
'Wages Are Rising, But Prices Are Rising Faster': Toomey Worries About American Families
Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) questions Cecilia Rouse, the chair of the Council of Economic advisors, and other...
 Forbes Under 30 17h
Putin oversees nuclear exercises as tensions rise
Fox News correspondent Amy Kellogg discusses nuclear drills in Russia on 'Fox News Live.' #FoxNews...
 Fox News 17h
Judge Orders Trump And Children To Testify In New York AG Investigation
Former U.S. Attorney Harry Litman joins Yasmin Vossoughian to discuss Trump's troubled history of pleading...
 msnbc 17h
BREAKING: Republicans Meeting to Question Trump's Power Over Them
--Republicans have been meeting in private to question Donald Trump's power over their party
 David Pakman Show 17h
Ukraine's president wants to meet with Putin to resolve conflict
World leaders gathered in Germany this weekend for the annual Munich Security Conference. While there,...
 CBS News 17h
Ukraine's president calls for sanctions against Russia before an attack
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he wants sanctions on Russia to be made public before a possible...
 CBS News 17h
What we can do to curb rising sea levels in the U.S.
A new government report sheds light on an alarming estimate about the rise of sea levels over the next...
 CBS News 17h
DEADLY Krakow Whirlwind Causes Crane Collapse
Two people were killed following a powerful whirlwind that was sending items flying across a neighborhood...
 RT 17h
Donetsk Evacuees Kept Waiting For Hours On Freezing Buses In Russia
On February 19, Current Time correspondents caught up with passengers on buses that were part of a convoy...
 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty 17h
teleSUR Noticias 17:30 19-02: Cifra de fallecidos deben aumentar en Petrópolis
Continúan las operaciones de búsqueda y rescate tras inundaciones en Petrópolis, muchas familias tuvieron...
 teleSUR tv 17h
teleSUR Noticias 17:30 19-02: Cifra de fallecidos deben aumentar en Petrópolis
Continúan las operaciones de búsqueda y rescate tras inundaciones en Petrópolis, muchas familias tuvieron...
 teleSUR tv 17h
'Home Sweet Murder' | The 20/20 Event Special airs Friday at 9|8c on ABC
A mother & daughter killing team – unlike anything you've ever seen. Now, the exclusive prison interview...
 ABC News 17h
More than 1,000 rodents found at Family Dollar distribution center
Live rodents and dead rodents in "various stages of decay" were discovered during the inspection this...
 ABC News 17h
Helicopter crashes near Miami Beach swimmers
A helicopter crashed Saturday into the ocean waters off Miami Beach, plummeting a few feet away from...
 Associated Press 17h
'Think About How Crazy That Is': Bernie Sanders Exposes Fall In Workers' Wages In...
In Senate floor remarks on Wednesday, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) spoke about the fall in workers' wages...
 Forbes Under 30 17h
Gillibrand Calls Schumer The 'Closer' - But Senate Has Failed To Pass BBB And Voting...
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) speaks at the New York State Democratic Party Convention on Thursday....
 Forbes Under 30 17h
Man With Leukemia Has Record-long Covid-19, Dreams to Hug Loved Ones
15 months of loneliness: a story of the longest Covid-19 quarantine. #news #COVID #worldevents ...
 RT 17h
Epstein Associate Jean-Luc Brunel Found Dead In French Prison
A French modeling agent linked to convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his prison...
 msnbc 17h
Biden has 'declared war' on the American people: Sen. Cassidy
Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., says President Biden's energy plan kills American jobs and gives an advantage...
 Fox News 17h
Canadian police clash with protesters to clear capital
Canadian police used pepper spray and stun grenades in a final push to clear the capital of trucks as...
 Reuters 17h
Blues musician Keb' Mo' on his musical journey
Blues musician Keb' Mo' has been a star for decades, but achieved little recognition until he was in...
 PBS NewsHour 17h
Foreign policy expert Constanze Stelzenmüller on Ukraine and the current geopolitical...
Constanze Stelzenmüller, German international relations analyst and senior fellow at Brookings talks...
 DW (English) 17h
KRIEGSGEFAHR: Baerbock - "Es muss und es darf nicht so kommen" | WELT Thema
Angesichts der erhöhten Gefahr einer Eskalation im Ukraine-Konflikt hat Bundesaußenministerin Annalena...
 N24 17h
На Берлинале раздали "медведей"
На 72-м Берлинском кинофестивале вручили главные призы. В этом году на премию "Золотой медведь" претендовали...
 euronews (на русском) 17h
Behind The Outrage Over The New Jersey Mall Fight Arrest
Civil rights attorney Charles Coleman gives his take. » Subscribe to MSNBC:
 msnbc 17h
Actors in Kharkiv vow to 'carry on' as Russia's troops sit on the border of Ukraine
Sky News visits a theatre in Kharkiv, where actors say they "want to keep going as usual, because entertainment...
 Sky News 18h
Cecilia Rouse Highlights Some Factors Leading To Current Labor Shortage
Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) questions Cecilia Rouse, the chair of the Council of Economic advisors, and other...
 Forbes Under 30 18h
'Do You Care About The Innocent People Who Are Murdered?': Cruz Grills Biden Nominee
At Wednesday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) grilled Nina Morrison, nominee...
 Forbes Under 30 18h
Miles de malienses vuleven a protestar para exigir salida rápida de Francia
Bamako (Mali), 19 feb (EFE/EPA).- (Imagen: Hadama Diakite/Idrissa Diakité) Miles de malienses se manifestaron...
Canada police 'not going anywhere', operation to clear protests 'not over' | AFP
Interim Ottawa Police Chief Steve Bell says the operation to clear protesters from the Canadian capital...
 AFP 18h
What's Really Fueling Florida's Culture Wars?
Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz explains. » Subscribe to MSNBC:
 msnbc 18h
U.S. relocates remaining Afghan evacuees
The Biden administration announced Saturday that the last group of Afghan evacuees at a military site...
 CBS News 18h
Russia conducts missile tests amid mounting concerns about possible Ukraine invasion
Russia launched nuclear exercises Saturday amid mounting concerns about a possible Ukraine invasion....
 Global News 18h
Men's curling team secure GB's first Olympic medal in Beijing with silver
Great Britain has won its first medal in the Beijing Winter Olympics, with silver in the men's curling...
 Sky News 18h
Un campamento desbordado y precario, el refugio de los migrantes que llegan a Chile
Colchane (Chile), 19 de febrero (EFE).- (Imágenes: Jose Caviedes) A escasa distancia del paso fronterizo...
IRS Employees Say Department Is 'Absolutely' Underfunded As They Deal With Huge Backlogs
Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) questions witnesses during a Senate Finance Committee hearing on Thursday...
 Forbes Under 30 18h
Truckers leave Ottawa protest encampment
Scores of protesters who were camped out in Ottawa began to leave Saturday, not long after police aggressively...
 Associated Press 18h
Today in History for February 20th
Highlights of this day in history: Astronaut John Glenn becomes the first American in orbit; the Rhode...
 Associated Press 18h
Storm Eunice could cost more than £350m as clear-up begins
The clean-up from Storm Eunice could cost more than £350m, it has been warned as thousands are still...
 Sky News 18h
CAUGHT ON CAMERA: Helicopter crashes into ocean near Miami Beach | LiveNOW from FOX
Two people were injured when a helicopter crashed into the ocean near a packed Miami Beach. The FAA is...
 FOX 10 Phoenix 18h
WIPR: EEUU asegura que Rusia "se está desplegando y está lista para atacar"
VILNA, Lituania (AP) — El secretario de Defensa de Estados Unidos, Lloyd Austin, aseguró el sábado a...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 18h
Protesters Scuffle with Spanish police to Stop Elderly Couple Eviction
Several people were arrested as Madrid citizens confronted the police to stop an eviction order. ...
 RT 18h
Ottawa Police: Pepper spray used on protesters, 47 arrests made Saturday | AFP
Interim Ottawa Police Chief Steve Bell tells reporters that officers made 47 arrests Saturday in a final...
 AFP 18h
Nebraska Governor: 'Heavy handed' government mandates do not work long term
Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts discusses Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's response to the Freedom...
 Fox News 18h
Marjorie Taylor Greene Wildly Claims Husband's Vote Was "Stolen"
--Radical Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene now claims that her husband's vote was "stolen"...
 David Pakman Show 18h
Russia Stages Nuclear Missile Drills Amid Tensions Over Ukraine
President Vladimir Putin ordered the start of drills of Russia's strategic nuclear forces on Saturday....
 TicToc by Bloomberg 18h
KRIEGSGRUND GESUCHT: Ukraine-Krise spitz sich zu - So könnte die Invasion beginnen
Die US-Regierung sieht weiter eine hohe Gefahr einer militärischen Eskalation durch Russland in der Ukraine-Krise....
 N24 18h
Ukraine Crisis: Boris Johnson leads diplomatic efforts in Munich
Boris Johnson has joined world leaders at a security conference in Munich who have continued diplomatic...
 Sky News 19h
'Not A Great Number': Lankford Points Out Only 11% Of Customer Support Calls To IRS...
Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) questions witnesses during a Senate Finance Committee hearing on Thursday...
 Forbes Under 30 19h
Итоги: вторжение на кофейной гуще
Сроки прогнозов по российскому вторжению в Украину сдвинулись, ситуация на Донбассе обострилась. Единство...
 Настоящее Время 19h
Thousands flee east Ukraine as Russia invasion looms
US and EU leaders say an invasion of Ukraine could begin within days. It's a statement dismissed by Russia's...
 TRT World 19h
MASSIVE Wildfires DESTROY Ibera National Park Ecosystem
Severe fires kill countless protected animals of Argentina's Ibera National Park, destroying the ecosystem...
 RT 19h
Is Joe Biden a Communist? #shorts
Our correspondent asks a Trump rally attendee if Joe Biden is a communist. --- Become a Member:
 David Pakman Show 19h
Ukraine Crisis: Putin oversees nuclear military exercise
Vladimir Putin has overseen massive military drills to test out Russia's nuclear capability, which he...
 Sky News 19h
New Docuseries Deconstructs Dangerous Stereotypes About Black men
Executive producers Trell Thomas and Tina Knowles-Lawson are deconstructing harmful misconceptions about...
 msnbc 19h
Watch: Helicopter Crashes Into Miami Beach, Passengers Hospitalized
Miami police release video showing the moment a helicopter crashed into the beach and left three people...
 msnbc 19h
Images from Separatist Administration Show Evacuation of Residents in Ukraine
Images released on Feb. 19, 2022, by the press office of the separatist so-called Donetsk People's Republic...
 VOA News 19h
BUNDESREGIERUNG IN SORGE: Russland immer aggressiver - Deutsche sollen Ukraine &
Angesichts der weiteren Zuspitzung der Ukraine-Krise ruft die Bundesregierung nun alle Deutschen «dringend»...
 N24 19h
Trucker protests: Police tracking protesters for possible financial penalties, criminal...
Ottawa police provided an update Saturday after launching continued operations on Saturday to clear all...
 Global News 19h
Ледоколы-гиганты: «Арктика» и «Сибирь» // Военная приёмка
Впервые за последние сорок лет Россия построила серию принципиально новых атомных ледоколов-гигантов....
 tvZvezda 19h
Pelosi warns Putin of strong and swift sanctions
U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said sanctions on Russia if they invaded Ukraine would be "strong"...
 Associated Press 19h
'It's Killing People': Cori Bush Speaks About The Climate Crisis
Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) speaks at a press conference about climate change. Stay Connected Forbes...
 Forbes Under 30 19h
Dem Lawmaker Discusses Importance Of Intelligence For Capitol Police Force
Rep. GK Butterfield (D-NC) questions Capitol Police Inspector General Michael Bolton at a House Administration...
 Forbes Under 30 19h
Ron Wyden Warns That Teens Are Getting 'Lost' In 'Red Tape' When Seeking Mental Healthcare
During the Senate Finance Committee hearing Tuesday, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) questioned witnesses about...
 Forbes Under 30 19h
Un campamento desbordado y precario, el refugio de los migrantes que llegan a Chile
Colchane (Chile), 19 de febrero (EFE).- (Imágenes: Jose Caviedes) A escasa distancia del paso fronterizo...
NATO Did Promise Moscow it Wouldn't Expand, Former German Defense Official Tells...
Despite their denials, Western leaders did make a promise to the USSR that NATO would not expand to Central...
 RT 19h
First Woman Possibly Cured Of HIV
A New York patient is possibly the first woman and U.S. citizen to be cured of HIV after a novel umbilical...
 msnbc 19h
Dave Rubin Says Unvaccinated Being Treated Like Jews Before Holocaust
--Cultural critic and arbiter of ideas Dave Rubin says that the unvaccinated are being treated like Jews...
 David Pakman Show 19h
Ukraine Crisis: On the frontline as 'incoming artillery becomes more intense'
Sky News' Alex Rossi reports from the town of Avdiivka near Donetsk, where they are experiencing the...
 Sky News 19h
Slave shipwreck spurs revitalization and hope in Alabama
Three years ago, the shipwreck of the Clotilda, the last slave ship to arrive in the U.S., was found...
 PBS NewsHour 19h
How have Canadian companies tackled anti-Black racism in the workplace?
As protests decrying anti-Black racism swept North America in 2020, Canadian businesses pledged to do...
 Global News 19h
Police clamp down on Ottawa protesters
Police pushed back protesters on Saturday after arresting more than 100 and towing away vehicles in Canada's...
 Associated Press 20h
WATCH: Ukrainian Officials Come Under Shelling Attack In Separatist Region
Ukrainian military officials and members of the foreign media came under shelling attack while visiting...
 NBC News 20h
White House Watch: Biden Believes Putin Will Invade, Stays Quiet On Supreme Court...
Our reporter Matt Parker recaps the past week at the White House. Stay Connected Forbes on Facebook:...
 Forbes Under 30 20h
Jon Ossoff Questions Witness On Growth Of Stablecoin Market
At a Senate Banking Committee hearing on Tuesday, Sen. Jon Ossoff (D-GA) spoke about stablecoins. ..
 Forbes Under 30 20h
'Needs To Answer For His Role!': Grassley Goes After Jake Sullivan After Durham Report...
In Senate floor remarks on Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) called out Jake Sullivan after the release...
 Forbes Under 30 20h
Russia tests missiles ahead of possible Ukraine invasion | LiveNOW from FOX
Russian President Vladimir Putin's press office released details of the ballistic and cruise missile...
 FOX 10 Phoenix 20h
«Путин необязательно получает правдивую информацию»: эксклюзивное интервью госсекретаря...
 tvrainru 20h
Пробки перед КПП, тысячи беженцев и мобилизация. Ситуация в ДНР и ЛНР
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 20h
Банки и энергосектора: Запад очертил объекты для потенциальных санкций против России
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 20h
Sen. Gillibrand & community officials launch EquityPAC, discuss cannabis legalization
Watch on CBS News New York.
 CBS New York 20h
Understanding Latinos And The Power -- And Complexity -- Of Their Votes
As the first early voting gets underway in Texas, Tiffany Cross and researcher Ian Haney López discuss...
 msnbc 20h
Rep. Byron Donalds: Putin, Xi Jinping will exploit US weakness
Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., weighs in on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and the crisis at the southern border....
 Fox News 20h
Ottawa: Riot police assemble as protesters defy orders to leave | AFP
Riot police stand by in snowy Ottawa, Canada, as protesters continue to gather, defying orders to leave...
 AFP 20h
Новости США за минуту: заявление главы Пентагона
Заявление Ллойда Остина // Контрафактная продукция // Felicity Ace // Апелляция фигуристов Главные...
 Голос Америки 20h
El color blanco vuelve a inundar las calles de Andalucía
De forma casi simultánea, y con recorridos en las ocho capitales, numerosas asociaciones, plataformas,...
 teleSUR tv 20h
El color blanco vuelve a inundar las calles de Andalucía
De forma casi simultánea, y con recorridos en las ocho capitales, numerosas asociaciones, plataformas,...
 teleSUR tv 20h
Canadian Police Crack Down on Freedom Convoy as Protest Shows No Sign of Ending
Despite riot police raids on the Freedom Convoy, the participants stay dedicated to their cause. At this...
 RT 20h
Violent Protest During Bogota Far-Right Conference
Colombian Antifa throw bricks at police and smash windows of Radisson hotel hosting far-right conference....
 RT 20h
CORONA-POLITIK: Impfquote stagniert - Lauterbach will weiterhin Impfpflicht
Die Impfquote stagniert, Bundesgesundheitsminister Lauterbach will deswegen die Impfpflicht. Doch ob...
 N24 20h
Police make arrests in bid to end Ottawa siege
Police aggressively pushed back protesters in Canada's besieged capital on Saturday, arresting dozens...
 Associated Press 20h
Protesters and police clash in Ottawa
Canadian police used pepper spray and stun grenades in a final push to clear the capital of trucks and...
 Reuters 20h
Putin launches drills, U.S. says Russia poised to invade Ukraine
Russia's strategic nuclear forces held exercises overseen by President Vladimir Putin, and Washington...
 Reuters 20h
Twelve still missing after Greece-Italy ferry fire
Shocked and sleep-deprived, passengers rescued from a Greece-Italy ferry that caught fire off the island...
 Reuters 20h
Elizabeth Warren Questions DoD Nominee About 'Indefensible' Poor Housing For Military...
At today's Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) spoke about the need...
 Forbes Under 30 20h
Paul On SCOTUS: 'I Will Not Make False Accusations About Things They Might Have Done...
In a virtual town hall on Tuesday, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) spoke about the SCOTUS confirmation process,...
 Forbes Under 30 20h
Abuelo lucha para repatriar a sus nietos franceses desde Siria
París (Francia), 19 feb (EFE).- (Imagen: María Valderrama) M. López muestra la foto de sus cuatro nietos,...
¿Qué hago si nunca he recibido respuesta sobre mi petición de asilo? | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. El proceso de asilo dura aproximadamente 5 años, por lo que hay...
¿Se puede conseguir una visa U si sufrí violencia hace años? | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Para este tipo de casos es importante contar con los documentos...
Soy enfermo crónico. ¿Aplica solicitud de emergencia? | Noticias Telemundo
Video oficial de Noticias Telemundo. Hay que viajar a Bogotá para hacer el trámite y presentar las pruebas...
teleSUR Noticias 15:30 19-02: Se eleva a 138 cifra de fallecidos en Brasil
Como consecuencias de las lluvias e inundaciones en Petrópolis, Brasil, el número de fallecidos asciende...
 teleSUR tv 20h
teleSUR Noticias 15:30 19-02: Se eleva a 138 cifra de fallecidos en Brasil
Como consecuencias de las lluvias e inundaciones en Petrópolis, Brasil, el número de fallecidos asciende...
 teleSUR tv 20h
Andrew Garfield got the job with a LIE | The Graham Norton Show - BBC
Subscribe and 🔔 to OFFICIAL BBC YouTube 👉 Stream original BBC programmes FIRST...
 BBC 20h
Piers Morgan: My goal is to 'cancel' cancel culture
New York Post columnist Piers Morgan discusses his new Fox Nation show, Freedom Convoy protests and Ukraine...
 Fox News 20h
V.P. Harris And Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Meet In Munich
Terrell J. Starr, Errin Haines and Peter Alexander join Tiffany Cross to discuss the last-ditch efforts...
 msnbc 20h
WHO executive director Michael Ryan on COVID-19 and future global health emergencies...
Interview with Michael Ryan, executive director of the World Health Organization's Health Emergencies...
 DW (English) 20h
US Secret Intelligence on Russian Invasion: Another Pretext for War?
RT asks if secret US intelligence is enough without hard evidence. #news #Ukraine #worldevents ...
 RT 20h
Ukrainian Interior Minister, Journalists Come Under Fire In The East
A group of officials and journalists including Ukrainian Interior Minister Denys Monastyrskiy came under...
 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty 20h
UKRAINE-KRISE: "Man hat bewusst zivile Infrastruktur beschossen" | WELT...
Gustav Gressel, Russland-Experte und Militärexperte vom European Council on Foreign Relations im WELT-Gespräch...
 N24 20h
Кто хочет стать миллионером? Выпуск от 19.02.2022
Телевикторина Первого канала «Кто хочет стать миллионером?» – аналог телеигры британского канала ITV1...
 1tv 21h
Young: 'I Pleaded With The Administration Not To Spend So Much Of Our Money On Things...
At a press event on Wednesday, Sen. Todd Young (R-IN) spoke about inflation. Stay Connected Forbes...
 Forbes Under 30 21h
'Faster, Safer, Simpler, And More Affordable': Sinema Touts the Potential Of Cyrptocurrencies
At a Senate Banking Committee hearing on Tuesday, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) spoke about cryptocurrencies....
 Forbes Under 30 21h
De Venecia a Pekín caminando, la aventura de una italiana de 72 años
Roma (Italia), 19 feb (EFE).- (Imagen: Álvaro Padilla) De Venecia a Pekín es el recorrido que hará a...
Donald Trump's Legal Problems Just Keep Getting Worse
A New York judge has ordered Donald Trump, Don Jr. and Ivanka to be deposed within the next three weeks...
 msnbc 21h
«Детали» c Андреем Деркачем - 19 февраля
Поддались счету! Узнаем, сколько на планете видов деревьев, а также сколько из них нам еще предстоит...
 Голос Америки 21h
Blind to Donbass Violence? | Biden Says Kiev Govt is the Real Victim
Despite the shelling on the territory of the breakaway Donetsk and Lugansk republics, Joe Biden says...
 RT 21h
Реакция мировых лидеров на эвакуацию в Донбассе. Киев исключил агрессию против ДНР...
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 21h
Олимпиада: триумф Александра Большунова
По сообщению ТАСС, именно Большунов станет знаменосцем команды на закрытии Игр ЧИТАТЬ ДАЛЕЕ :
 euronews (на русском) 21h
Svetlana Tsikhanouskaya: 'Democratic world must show its teeth' over Belarus
The Belarusian opposition leader told Euronews the regime in Minsk is 'hiding its domestic crisis' behind...
 euronews (in English) 21h
Mortar Shells Explode as Ukraine Minister Tours Frontline
▶️ An RFE/RL camera crew caught the moment a dozen mortar shells fell within a few hundred meters of...
 VOA News 21h
Los supervivientes del 'Vila de Pitanxo' ya están en tierra en Canadá
Los tres supervivientes del naufragio del 'Vila de Pitanxo' frente a las costas de Canadá ya están en...
 Europa Press 21h
Concentración frente al Ministerio de Justicia en apoyo a Pablo Hasél
Decenas de personas se han manifestado este sábado frente al Ministerio de Justicia en apoyo al rapero...
 Europa Press 21h
«Объехали все точки, говорят, что мест нет!»: как протекает расселение беженцев из...
 tvrainru 21h
Llegan a puerto los tres supervivientes y siete cuerpos del Villa de Pitanxo
San Juan de Terranova (Canadá), 19 feb (EFE) .- El barco que transporta los tres supervivientes y los...
Police clear street in bid to end Ottawa siege
Police aggressively pushed back protesters in Canada's besieged capital on Saturday, seizing trucks and...
 Associated Press 21h
Kweisi Mfume: Putin Believes He Has 'Divine Authority' To Reverse Collapse Of Soviet...
On Wednesday, Rep. Kweisi Mfume (D-MD) spoke at a House Oversight Committee hearing on protecting US...
 Forbes Under 30 21h
WATCH: Ottawa Police Arrest 70 Freedom Convoy Demonstrators
Ottawa law enforcement arrests 70 Freedom Convoy demonstrators. Stay Connected Forbes on Facebook:...
 Forbes Under 30 21h
Eric Adams Says Democrats Can Lead New York From 'Precarious Present' To Brighter...
NYC Mayor Eric Adams speaks at the New York State Democratic Party Convention on Thursday. Stay...
 Forbes Under 30 21h
Penguin Random CEO Donates $500,000 To Combat Book Banning
In response to a recent rash of book-banning politics, Penguin Random House CEO Markus Dohle is donating...
 msnbc 21h
Brazil: excavations resume four days after catastrophic floods(2) | AFP
Construction equipment and rescue workers are working to find bodies, four days after floods and landslides...
 AFP 21h
Brazil: excavations resume four days after catastrophic floods | AFP
Construction equipment and rescue workers are working to find bodies, four days after floods and landslides...
 AFP 21h
Protesters face off with police trying to clear trucker demo in Ottawa | AFP
Protesters gather in front of police who are trying to dislodge truckers and protesters from downtown...
 AFP 21h
UAE's Sharjah Safari park opens its doors to visitors | AFP
After seven years in the making, the Sharjah Safari park opens its doors to visitors and animal lovers,...
 AFP 21h
New York Hall of Science in Queens officially reopening
After being closed for 16 months during the pandemic, the Hall of Science was forced to shut down again...
 CBS New York 21h
Shop Local Saturday: Kingsland Manor
Kingsland Manor adds to Nutley, New Jersey's rich history. CBS2's John Elliott reports.
 CBS New York 21h
Новости дня | 19 февраль — вечерний выпуск
Узнавайте о самых важных событиях в Европе и за ее пределами - последние новости, срочные новости, мир,...
 euronews (на русском) 21h
Украина в центре внимания на Мюнхенской конференции
Премьер-министр Великобритании Борис Джонсон провел встречу с президентом Украины Владимиром Зеленским...
 euronews (на русском) 21h
Latest news bulletin | February 19th – Evening
Catch up with the most important stories from around Europe and beyond - latest news, breaking news,...
 euronews (in English) 21h
HUGE BLAZE Following Two EXPLOSIONS at Lugansk Gas Pipelines
Emergency services tackle massive fire caused by explosions in the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic....
 RT 21h
Velshi: 'We Need To Prioritize Environmental Justice To Fight Climate Change'
Natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes and wildfires – all made worse by the climate crisis – have...
 msnbc 21h
CORONA-BESCHRÄNKUNGEN: Was das Ende der Homeoffice-Pflicht für die Arbeitnehmer bedeutet
Mit dem Ende vieler Corona-Beschränkungen soll am 20. März auch die Homeoffice-Pflicht entfallen. Dann...
 N24 21h
Афганские беженцы в ожидании американских и канадских виз
В августе прошлого года в Албанию прибыли около 2400 афганцев. Они здесь остаются временно в ожидании...
 euronews (на русском) 21h
Weekend Weather Forecast
CBSLA's Alex Biston shows you the weekend weather forecast.
 CBS Los Angeles 22h
LIVE: NASA launches resupply spacecraft to the International Space Station
NASA launches Northrop Grumman's 17th commercial resupply services mission to the International Space...
 Reuters 22h
John Yarmuth Praises Biden Admin's Economic Agenda, Advocates For Abolishing Debt...
At a House Budget Committee hearing on Wednesday, Rep. John Yarmuth (D-KY) spoke about the debt limit....
 Forbes Under 30 22h
Rodney Davis Discusses Structure Of Capitol Police Leadership
Rep. Rodney Davis (R-IL) questions Capitol Police Inspector General Michael Bolton at a House Administration...
 Forbes Under 30 22h
NASCAR champ Joey Logano: 'Winning' Daytona is 'everything'
2015 Daytona champion Joey Logano previews NASCAR's Daytona 500 on 'Fox & Friends Weekend.' #FoxNews...
 Fox News 22h
Big Jet TV: How a plane stream became a sensation during Storm Eunice - BBC News
A live YouTube stream of planes trying to land at Heathrow during Storm Eunice has become an unexpected...
 BBC News 22h
Стрельба на Донбассе, перговоры в Мюнхене | НОВОСТИ | 19.02.22
00:00 Зеленский выступил на конференции по безопасности 02:13 Министр, депутаты и журналисты попали...
 Настоящее Время 22h
Люди, вывезенные из Донецка в Россию, ждут в автобусах #shorts
Люди, вывезенные из Донецка в Россию, ждут в автобусах в Ростовской области. Послушайте, что они говорят....
 Настоящее Время 22h
NOAA Administrator On Dramatic Sea Level Rise: "Failing To Plan Is Planning To Fail"
A new NOAA report found that sea levels will rise, on average, by another foot of water by the year 2050,...
 msnbc 22h
Tough Ukrainians And Muddy Terrain Pose Challenges For Russian Troops
According to some estimates, there are up to 190k Russian troops currently surrounding the country of...
 msnbc 22h
Who's telling the truth on the Ukraine conflict? | Inside Story
With tensions running high over a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine, all sides have accused each...
 Al Jazeera English 22h
El Wanda Metropolitano acoge la VIII edición de la Feria de los Colegios
La Feria de los Colegios ha vuelto a celebrarse de manera presencial, tras un año de ausencia, en el...
 Europa Press 22h
«Ярс», «Искандер» и «Кинжал». Учения стратегических сил России с ракетными пусками....
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 22h
First Alert Weather: CBS2's 2/19 Saturday update at noon
John Elliott has the Tri-State Area's updated First Alert forecast on CBS News New York.
 CBS New York 22h
Ukraine President Zelenskyy delivers impassioned speech | MSC 2022
Speaking on the second day of the Munich Security Conference, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy...
 DW (English) 22h
Impressive Footage Shows a Flock of Birds Dropping Dead in Mexico
Security footage shows how a flock of birds drop dead midflight in the northern Mexican city of Chihuahua,...
 VOA News 22h
Atlantic Council relies on 'feelings' to predict 'Russian invasion'
A NATO think tank that wrongly predicted Russia would invade Ukraine last week is ramping up the accusations...
 RT 22h
RUSSLAND-KRISE: Laut Lambrecht - Nato war "noch nie so geschlossen" | WELT...
Russlands Präsident Putin heizt die Lage im Ukraine-Konflikt weiter an, von Entspannung keine Spur. Bundesverteidigungsministerin...
 N24 22h
Catherine Cortez Masto Questions Witness On Lack Of Federal Agencies Backing Stablecoin...
At a Senate Banking Committee hearing on Tuesday, Sen. Cortez Masto (D-NV) questioned witnesses about...
 Forbes Under 30 22h
'The AP Headline From Last Thursday Said It All...': John Thune Roasts Democrats...
In Senate floor remarks on Tuesday, Sen. John Thune (R-SD) blamed Democrats for inflation. Stay...
 Forbes Under 30 22h
Biden Acknowledges Impact Inflation Has Had On Americans
President Biden delivered remarks at the National Association of Counties 2022 Legislative Conference...
 Forbes Under 30 22h
Sheldon Whitehouse Shares Story Of Wrongly Accused Man From Time As State Attorney...
At today's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) questioned Nina Morrison,...
 Forbes Under 30 22h
GOP Lawmaker: Biden and Dems Are 'Content With America Sitting On The Sidelines'
Earlier this month, Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE) spoke about the America COMPETES Act during House floor...
 Forbes Under 30 22h
Тренировка перед показательными выступлениями: за кадром
На Олимпийской арене Пекина прошла репетиционная тренировка перед торжественным гала-вечером с участием...
 1tv 22h
Церемония награждения. Фигурное катание. Пары. Произвольная программа. Олимпийские...
Евгения Тарасова и Владимир Морозов завоевали серебряные медали Олимпийских игр 2022 в Пекине, уступив...
 1tv 22h
See Michael Smerconish's reaction to the political earthquake in San Francisco
San Francisco voters' resounding recall of three school board members is seen as a harbinger for national...
 CNN 22h
Ukraine separatists mobilise troops as violence intensifies amid Russia invasion...
Ukraine's military said on Saturday that two soldiers have been killed on the eastern front, while the...
 euronews (in English) 22h
'The Criminal Conspiracy That Is Donald Trump Is Being Exposed' Says Rep. Plaskett
From tossed lawsuits to new subpoenas from the New York Attorney General, a whirlwind of legal woes is...
 msnbc 22h
Araujo se entrena con sus compañeros antes de la cita contra el Valencia
El jugador del FC Barcelona, Ronald Araujo, ha entrenado hoy junto a sus compañeros en la Ciutat Esportiva...
 Europa Press 22h
Inside Midtown's New Food Hall Boasting Vibrant Flavor and Design | NBC New York
New York City welcomes a new food hall with nearly 20 restaurants showcasing unique cuisines that capture...
 NBC New York 22h
PBS NewsHour Weekend Live Show: February 19, 2022
On this edition for Saturday, February 19, NATO and the U.S. warn of swift action if Russia invades Ukraine...
 PBS NewsHour 22h
Глава МВД Украины под обстрелом в Новолуганске
Пророссийские сепаратисты открыли стельбу из минометов по министру и группе журналистов Ссылка на...
 Радио Свобода 22h
How do Ukraine and Russian forces compare?
Prof Michael Clarke examines the military forces of Russian and Ukraine, with the former showing a substantial...
 Sky News 22h
Actions of Kamila Valieva's coach described as chilling - BBC News
International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach said it was "chilling" to see the "cold" way Kamila...
 BBC News 22h
Интервью госсекретаря США Энтони Блинкена Дождю. Кризис в Донбассе. Выступление Зеленского...
 tvrainru 22h
Как жилось в стране, где деньги - не главное. СССР. Знак качества с Иваном Охлобыстиным
Советский Союз - это не только серп и молот, первые полеты в космос, «МИР!ТРУД! МАЙ!» или гонка вооружения....
 tvZvezda 22h
'I Reject That': Ernst Counters Arguments Made By Colleagues On Price Of Oil
At a Senate Environment hearing on Wednesday, Sen. Joni Ernst spoke about the price of oil. Stay...
 Forbes Under 30 22h
Europe is at 'a very dangerous moment,' UK prime minister says
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said that if Western nations failed to fulfill their promises to...
 Reuters 23h
Florida receives 118 million domestic visitors in 2021
Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody discusses Biden's vaccine mandate for federal contract workers...
 Fox News 23h
WIPR: Cargos contra hombre que le pegó a su hijo menor por ponerse un tatuaje ficticio
En horas de la tarde de ayer, la agente, Helvia Díaz de la División de Delitos Sexuales y Maltrato a...
 Puerto Rico News Videos from Michael_Novakhov (20 sites) 23h
Shop Local Saturday: Pretty Handy Makerspace and Gift Shop
Instead of competing for customers, this unique shop collaborates with other local businesses. CBS2's...
 CBS New York 23h
Ukraine's president speaks out as Russians amass on border
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy speaks with CNN's Christiane Amanpour about Russian troops amassed...
 CNN 23h
Estados Unidos y la UE advierten a Rusia de importantes sanciones si invade Ucrania
Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea han advertido a Rusia en la Conferencia de Seguridad de Múnich de importantes...
 Europa Press 23h
PSOE-M solicita un Pleno Extraordinario para que Ayuso dé explicaciones
El secretario general del PSOE-M, Juan Lobato, ha pedido este sábado que se convoque un Pleno Extraordinario...
 Europa Press 23h
Varios colectivos piden la "regularización extraordinaria" de migrantes...
La regularización de 500.000 personas migrantes en situación administrativa irregular en España. Es lo...
 Europa Press 23h
Байден: Россия нападет на Украину в ближайшие дни
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 Телеканал РБК 23h
Первые беженцы из Донбасса в Ростовской области
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 23h
Что будет в результате этой виртуальной войны? account Konstantin Borovoy - Konstantin Borovoy's New Book Russia...
 borovonovodvo 23h
Anti-Eviction Protest Turns Violent as Israeli Police Deploy Batons
Police beat demonstrators with batons in East Jerusalem during protest against eviction of Palestinian...
 RT 23h
Kim Potter sentenced to 16 months in prison for killing Daunte Wright
Protesters gathered outside the home of the judge who sentenced the former police officer. SUBSCRIBE...
 ABC News 23h
Russia is building up troops along border with Ukraine
ABC News' James Longman reports at a military base in Belarus where Russian troops have been carrying...
 ABC News 23h
First Alert Weather: CBS2's 2/19 Saturday update at 11 a.m.
John Elliott has the Tri-State Area's updated First Alert forecast on CBS News New York
 CBS New York 23h
Liz Truss: 'We need to prepare for worst case scenario' in Ukraine
Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has said "we need to prepare for the worst-case scenario" for Ukraine which...
 Sky News 23h
Western leaders warn Russia over Ukraine as Putin tests missiles - BBC News
The shock of any invasion of Ukraine by Russia would "echo around the world", Boris Johnson has told...
 BBC News 23h
Canadian 'Freedom Convoy' brace for police crackdown at Parliament Hill in Ottawa
Canadian 'Freedom Convoy' brace for police crackdown at Parliament Hill in Ottawa #news #trending...
 RT 23h
В Донбассе объявлена всеобщая мобилизация
В Донбассе за минувшие два дня резко возросло число нарушений режима прекращения огня ЧИТАТЬ ДАЛЕЕ...
 euronews (на русском) 23h
В Аргентине не удаётся взять под контроль лесные пожары
Огонь уничтожил почти 800 тысяч гектаров растительности в провинции Корриентес на северо-западе страны....
 euronews (на русском) 23h
KEYLESS GO: So schlecht sind Autos mit schlüssellosen Systemen vor Diebstahl geschützt
Immer mehr Autodiebe tricksen mit selbst gebauten Funkverstärkern schlüssellose Zugangssysteme aus. Ein...
 N24 23h
Пуск крылатой ракеты «Калибр» с атомной подводной лодки в рамках плановых учений
Пуск крылатой ракеты «Калибр» с атомной подводной лодки в рамках плановых учений сил стратегического...
 tvZvezda 23h
Jornada de protestas en ciudades de Andalucia
En las principales provincias de Andalucía miles de personas se manifestaron por una mejora del sistema...
 teleSUR tv 23h
Jornada de protestas en ciudades de Andalucia
En las principales provincias de Andalucía miles de personas se manifestaron por una mejora del sistema...
 teleSUR tv 23h
teleSUR Noticias 11:30 19-02: Asciende en Brasil cifra de fallecidos por fuertes...
Asciende a 136 la cifra de fallecidos y 213 desaparecidos tras intensas lluvias en Petrópolis, Brasil.teleSUR.
 teleSUR tv 23h
teleSUR Noticias 11:30 19-02: Asciende en Brasil cifra de fallecidos por fuertes...
Asciende a 136 la cifra de fallecidos y 213 desaparecidos tras intensas lluvias en Petrópolis, Brasil.teleSUR.
 teleSUR tv 23h
House Witness Blames 'Antagonistic & Aggressive' Putin For Neighbors Wanting To Join...
On Wednesday, Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT) questioned witnesses at a House Oversight Committee hearing on...
 Forbes Under 30 23h
'Saved This Country': Dem Senator Praises Stimulus Passed Under Biden And Trump Despite...
Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) spoke about stimulus at a Senate Banking Committee hearing on Thursday. ...
 Forbes Under 30 23h
'I Will Not Be Bullied': Tish James Takes Shots At Cuomo Over Harassment Investigation
NY Attorney General Leticia James speaks at the New York State Democratic Party Convention on Thursday....
 Forbes Under 30 23h
'Suspend The Federal Gas Tax': Warnock Proposes Measure To Ease Rising Prices
At a Senate Banking Committee hearing on Thursday, Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) spoke about inflation....
 Forbes Under 30 23h
3rd stabbing in 3 days inside NYC subway system
A man was injured in the third stabbing in the last three days inside the New York City subway system....
 Eyewitness News ABC7NY 23h
'Mrs. Doubtfire' Broadway reopening delayed, Hochul attends 'Six'
The first Broadway show to shut down because of the COVID-19 omicron variant just delayed its reopening....
 Eyewitness News ABC7NY 23h
No vaccine mandate for NY state cheerleading championship
There will not be a vaccine mandate for cheerleaders at New York's state high school championships.
 Eyewitness News ABC7NY 23h
La crisis de Ucrania planea como una sombra sobre la conferencia de Múnich
Múnich (Alemania), 19 feb (EFE).- La amenaza rusa en Ucrania planeó hoy como una sombra permanente sobre...
Sudan peace deal: Implementation delays cause security concerns
Delays in the implementation of a peace deal in the Darfur region of Sudan are raising concerns about...
 Al Jazeera English 23h
Nigeria begins major overhaul of irrigation equipment
Nigeria has begun upgrading some of its irrigation systems due to fears of food shortages. It is hoped...
 Al Jazeera English 23h
Schools taking steps to eliminate masks
All but one state is now lifting, or planning to lift, mask mandates. SUBSCRIBE to ABC News:
 ABC News 23h
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky questions NATO's intentions at Munich Security...
On the Day 2 of the Munich Security Conference, the West urged Russia to de-escalate tensions with Ukraine....
 WION 23h
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky mocks West's war prediction at Munich Security...
On the Day 2 of the Munich Security Conference, the West urged Russia to de-escalate tensions with Ukraine....
 WION 23h
'Cyberattack': Ukraine president cracks joke after headphone malfunction in Munich...
While addressing Russia and Ukraine tensions at the Munich security conference in Germany, Ukrainian...
 FOX 10 Phoenix 23h
Man's hilarious commentary for landing jets goes viral
CNN's Hala Gorani reports on commercial jets landing in high winds at Heathrow Airport in London. ..
 CNN 23h
13 heridos al derrumbarse parte del techo del auditorio del Parque de Atracciones...
Un total de 13 personas han resultado heridas este sábado, de las que ocho han sido hospitalizadas, al...
 Europa Press 23h
Mortar shells explode as Ukraine minister tours frontline: AFP | AFP
Mortar shells fall near the frontline between Ukraine and Russia next to Novoluganske, where Ukraine's...
 AFP 23h
РФ: ядерные учения. Донбасс: беженцы в РФ. Украина, обстрел РФ, сомнения. ЕС: газ...
Подпишитесь на канал РБК: ---------------------...
 Телеканал РБК 23h
Opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya on the situation in Belarus | DW Interview
DW's Jaafar Abdul-Karim talks to Belarusian opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya on the Lukashenko...
 DW (English) 23h
Boris Johnson Gives Strongly Worded Speech on Ukraine Crisis
Boris Johnson gave a strongly worded speech during the second day of the annual security Conference in...
 TicToc by Bloomberg 23h
Cory Mills: Putin knows the Biden administration is weak
Congressional candidate Cory Mills, R-Fla., weighs in on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and discusses the...
 Fox News 23h
UKRAINE-KRISE: Zivilisten trainieren für den Ernstfall - Gedenken an Maidan-Tote...
Im Konfliktgebiet in der Ostukraine sind die Angriffe in der Nacht zum Samstag nach Darstellung der Separatisten...
 N24 23h
'Counters Some Of Your Earlier Comments': GOP Senator Questions FCC Nominee Gigi...
Gigi Sohn, the nominee to be Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission, was questioned by...
 Forbes Under 30 23h
'Why Is This President So Scared To Call Out China?': GOP Lawmaker Tears Into POTUS
In House floor remarks earlier this month, Rep. Gregory Murphy (R-NC) decried President Biden's approach...
 Forbes Under 30 23h
Ron Wyden Speaks About Federal Budget At Town Hall Meeting
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) holds a virtual town hall with residents of Columbia County. Stay Connected...
 Forbes Under 30 23h
Mick Mulvaney, Trump's OMB Director, Admits That Past President Greatly Increased...
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) speaks at a House Budget Committee hearing on Wednesday as the committee...
 Forbes Under 30 23h
'Protecting New Yorkers Is My Top Priority': Mayor Eric Adams Pledges Subway Safety...
On Friday, Mayor Eric Adams pledged to address the safety problems of the NYC subway. Stay Connected...
 Forbes Under 30 23h
Дом президента
Документальный проект "Голоса Америки" о Белом доме, резиденции президентов США. Фильм охватывает самые...
 Голос Америки 23h


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