8:42 AM 4/4/2021 - More on the New Abwehr Hypothesis: Investigate the Investigators! GRU, the Russian Military Intelligence masks as FBI – (?!). Do we know about it? Do we think about it?
Investigate the Investigators!
GRU, the Russian Military Intelligence masks as FBI – (?!). Do we know about it? Do we think about it? | Suspect in Capitol car attack posted about fears of FBI and CIA week before ramming officer. | M.N.: FBI: Declassify and disclose all the background information on Noah Green. His name might also be a “telling name”. Those who are in the know might guess what it means. Try to unravel the mysteries of the situation by examining closely this person’s life and his connections.
"The same day, Green uploaded an image of a certificate that appeared to recognize a gift he had made to the Nation of Islam of $1,085."
M.N.: This number: $1,085 is odd (not the usual even number, such as $1,000, $2,000, etc.), therefore it might contain the message; I think, most likely it points to a year in the World History: year 1085. The most notable events of that year in history appear to be: 1. Completion of the "Domesday Book", and 2. The beginning of the introduction of the paper money in China: The output of copper currency for the Chinese Song Dynasty reaches 6 billion coins a year, prompting the Chinese government to adopt the world's first paper-printed money later in the 1120s.'
Both events can be viewed as the references and allusions to the present day situations and circumstances: "the doomsday scenario" for the Western Civilization and the "America as the global monetary printing press".
The allusions to the WW2 may also be present: The Operation Doomsday of the WW2.
These allusions and references lift the veil (deliberately semitransparent) over the minds, mentality, and the backgrounds of the putative masterminds of these hypothetical intelligence operations. In my opinion, humble or not, they are the leaders and the functionaries of the New Abwehr, the hypothetical construct which I use in the attempts to analyze and to understand these phenomena. This point of view is supported by the the quite visible activization of the Extreme Rightist and the frankly Fascist political and social movements and groups.
The twist in this concept is that after the WW2 the remnants of the Nazi Abwehr adopted the anti-Hitler and the anti-Nazi stance, outlooks, and "ideologies", placing them in the Leftist camp. However, the New Abwehr stays high above all the transient political plays and frays, it is concerned mostly with the overcoming the effects of the formal German defeat in the WW2 and their many feelings of guilt, sorrows, recriminations, post mortem analyses, repetition compulsions elements, rationalizations, etc., etc. Their main preoccupations are the German dominance in the World, the new World order ("my way", anyway), and the global political and economic matters which are their tools in governing the World.
This concept of mine may be right or wrong but it has to be considered and explored further, if we really want to get to the Truth.
Michael Novakhov | 8:42 AM 4/4/2021 - Post Link
Was Noah Green the weaponized target of the GRU (Russian Military Intelligence) which is masked as the FBI Cointelpro? - Google Search
Just like the scores of others involved in the similar incidents and accidents?
Does the FBI investigate this hypothesis?
Red Hood and the Bad Gray Wolf – Google Images
Suspect in Capitol car attack posted about fears of FBI and CIA week before ramming officer
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Noah Green, the suspect who law enforcement sources say rammed his car into two US Capitol Police officers on Friday, posted on social media in the weeks before the attack that he had lost his job and suffered medical ailments, and said he believed the federal government was targeting him with “mind control.”
Less than two hours before he was shot and killed, Green posted a number of Instagram stories on an account that appears to belong him, including links to other Instagram videos of Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan speaking.
“The U.S. Government is the #1 enemy of Black people!” a caption on one video read. In another post on the Instagram account, Green wrote last week that he believed Farrakhan had saved him “after the terrible afflictions I have suffered presumably by the CIA and FBI, government agencies of the United States of America.”
Responding to a comment on that post, Green wrote, “I have suffered multiple home break ins, food poisonings, assaults, unauthorized operations in the hospital, mind control.”
Green, 25, graduated from Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia, in 2019 with a bachelor’s degree in finance, according to a program from the university commencement. A law enforcement source said he had a Virginia driver’s license.
An online athletics bio from the university said he was born in Fairlea, West Virginia, and that the “person in history he’d most like to meet is Malcolm X.” In a March 17 post on a Facebook account that appears to belong to him, Green wrote that he believed Farrakhan is “Jesus, the Messiah,” and that Farrakhan was “instrumental on my awakening and life’s work.” Green signed the post “Brother Noah X.”
“To be honest these past few years have been tough, and these past few months have been tougher,” Green wrote in the post. “I have been tried with some of the biggest, unimaginable tests in my life.”
He said that he was unemployed “after I left my job partly due to afflictions, but ultimately, in search of a spiritual journey.”
“My faith is one of the only things that has been able to carry me through these times and my faith is centered on the belief of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as Jesus, the Messiah, the final divine reminder in our midst,” the post continued. “I consider him my spiritual father. Without his guidance, his word, and his teachings that I’ve picked up on along the way, I would’ve been unable to continue.”
The same day, Green uploaded an image of a certificate that appeared to recognize a gift he had made to the Nation of Islam of $1,085. He also posted links to videos of several speeches by Farrakhan. One of the videos, of a 1996 speech by Farrakhan, was titled “The Divine Destruction of America.”
In his Facebook post, Green wrote that he had been “unknowingly” taking a drug and suffering from side effects.
“The Minister is here to save me and the rest of humanity, even if it means facing death,” he wrote, appearing to reference Farrakhan. “Be willing to deny yourself and follow him, pick up your cross.”
The Instagram and Facebook accounts were both taken offline Friday afternoon.
“After this horrific event, our thoughts are with the Capitol Police and their loved ones,” a Facebook company spokesperson told CNN. “We have designated the incident under our Dangerous Individuals and Organizations policy, which means we have removed the suspect’s accounts from Facebook and Instagram, and are removing any content that praises, supports, or represents the attack or the suspect. We are in contact with law enforcement as they conduct their investigation.”
Two law enforcement sources with knowledge of the ongoing investigation confirm to CNN the Facebook page is the suspect’s. Additionally, an Instagram account with the same photos and information as the Facebook account was discovered by CNN.
CNN has attempted to reach Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam for comment on this story but has not received a response. Calls to the Nation of Islam were directed to the organization’s newspaper, and an individual that picked up the phone at the newspaper said there was no one there that could comment on the story.
Was Noah Green the weaponized target of the GRU (Russian Military Intelligence) masked as the FBI Cointelpro? – Google Search
Just like the scores of others involved n the similar accidents?
Does the FBI investigate this hypothesis?
Two years ago, the world was Capitol knifeman Noah Green’s oyster.
A star of the college football team, the accused Capitol knife attacker was soon to graduate with a degree in finance from Christopher Newport University in Virginia.
Yet over the course of the next two years, his life would take a frightening turn into paranoia and suicidal depression, and ultimately come crashing down.
On Friday he rammed his car into a barricade at the U.S. Capitol and leapt out with a knife, killing one of the officers. He was shot and killed by police.

Green (right) played football at Christopher Newport University and in college, where he also ran track, according to an athletics bio

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