“In proposing a national minimum wage of $15 ...

“In proposing a national minimum wage of $15 ...


  1.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Russian lawmakers on Wednesday quickly approved the extension of the last remaining nuclear Russia-U.S. arms control treaty, a fast-track action that comes just days before it’s due to expire. https://to.pbs.org/3t41L1I 

  2.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    2021 will have its fill of disease, poverty, and economic uncertainty. But there are also reasons for optimism, writes Homi Kharas. https://brook.gs/3cbCwEG 

  3. Top U.S. & World Headlines — January 27, 2021 https://ino.to/EFj6qeK 

  4.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    DC National Guard commander says Pentagon restricted his authority before riot http://hill.cm/rzvsHrF 

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  5.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    US Flies B-52 Bomber To Gulf In Show of Force Against Iran https://buff.ly/3sZdEWX  | @KatieBoWill

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  6. Biden, Putin Discuss Cyber Breach, Arms Control, In Phone Call posted at 10:56:51 UTC via Reuters: World News https://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2021/01/biden-putin-discuss-cyber-breach-arms.html 

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  8. Biden, Putin Discuss Cyber Breach, Arms Control, In Phone Call posted at 10:56:51 UTC via Reuters: World News https://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2021/01/biden-putin-discuss-cyber-breach-arms.html 

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  9. 5:24 AM 1/27/2021 - F.B.I. says there is no evidence antifa participated in storming the Capitol. – The New York Times https://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2021/01/524-am-1272021-fbi-says-there-is-no.html 

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  10.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Portugal's government was urged to seek international help and transfer COVID-19 patients abroad as deaths hit a record high and the oxygen supply system of a large hospital near Lisbon partly failed from overuse https://reut.rs/3ok63ie 

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  11.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Galaxy S21 vs. iPhone 12 im Test: Beim Vergleich der Handy-Giganten gibt es eine Überraschung http://to.welt.de/vqspfMp 

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  12. 1 day ago — How the KGB Hooked Trump. 'American Kompromat,' a new book by Craig Unger, gets the lowdown from former Russian and U.S. spies ...
    Is Trump an agent of Russia? It's the unanswered question ...
    Trump and KGB - Google Search https://www.google.com/search?q=Trump+and+KGB&source=lmns&bih=762&biw=1474&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjxyKT957vuAhUQFt8KHUYcB4EQ_AUoAHoECAEQAA 

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  13.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    -: Am 27.01.1945 befreiten der Roten Armee die Häftlinge des KZ Auschwitz-Birkenau, des größten Vernichtungslagers des NS-Regimes. „Auschwitz“ avancierte nach 1945 zum Symbol für den von Deutschen begangenen Massenmord. ▶️ https://www.bundeswehr.de/de/organisation/weitere-bmvg-dienststellen/zentrum-militaergeschichte-sozialwissenschaften/zmsbw-aktuelles-holocaust-gedenktag-5021462 

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  14.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    On immigration, President Biden seeks a new approach to an old deadlock | Analysis https://cnn.it/36xSk1h 

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  15.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Célébration des héros effacés
    par Evelyne Pieiller

    "Leaders et manifestants furent tués en nombre par les forces de l’ordre et les hommes de main de ces agences d’informateurs, dont l’une s’institutionnalisera pour devenir en 1908 le " ... https://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2021/01/PIEILLER/62642 

  16.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    And all this under the watchful and loving gaze of the
    Abolish the FBI!
    Get the FBI out of the COUNTERINTELLIGENCE!!!
    book, American Kompromat - Google Search https://www.google.com/search?q=book%2C+American+Kompromat&source=lmns&bih=762&biw=1474&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjLxd-by7vuAhVnneAKHcjcDTUQ_AUoAHoECAEQAA 

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  17. Unger makes the revelations in his new book, American Kompromat, How the KGB Cultivated Donald Trump, and Related Tales of Sex, Greed, Power and Treachery https://michaelnovakhov-sharednewslinks.com/how-russia-began-grooming-donald-trump-40-years-ago-saving-financial-ruin-book-claims-html/ 

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  18.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Here's how pure gold is refined

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  19.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    "The most durable wall Mr. Trump has built is the one between Americans, not the one between the United States and Mexico," writes @gerry_cadava. https://nyti.ms/39n1Wh7 

  20.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Est. $80 Billion: Our Top Marijuana Investment Has Nothing to Do with Marijuana

  21. And all this under the watchful and loving gaze of the
    Abolish the FBI!
    Get the FBI out of the COUNTERINTELLIGENCE!!!
    book, American Kompromat - Google Search https://www.google.com/search?q=book%2C+American+Kompromat&source=lmns&bih=762&biw=1474&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjLxd-by7vuAhVnneAKHcjcDTUQ_AUoAHoECAEQAA 

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  22.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    We’re extremely lucky that we’re not mourning the loss of a NYC police officer tonight — a blessing we count all too often these days.

    Tonight’s events are another terrifying reminder of the dangers your cops face every day as they try to rid NYC streets of gun violence. https://twitter.com/NYPDnews/status/1354319764227842049

  23.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    In light of new virus strains, Germany, Austria and France introduced measures requiring surgical masks or medical-grade respirators to be worn in some public settings instead of fabric masks.https://trib.al/ET2Z0aP 

  24.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    The Senate confirmed President Biden's nominee, veteran diplomat Antony Blinken, to serve as secretary of state https://reut.rs/3t03lBJ 

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  25.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    45 GOP senators vote that Trump's impeachment trial is unconstitutional because he's no longer in office - in sign they will vote to ACQUIT https://trib.al/KrhsjKu 

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  26.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Secretary @ABlinken’s overwhelming confirmation is a great way to start our work towards a brighter future for U.S. foreign policy.

    Watch my remarks ahead of his confirmation⬇️

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