FBI, national security leaders warn that the Chinese Communist Party allegedly interferes with tech company to regulate Americans' free speech - 9:19 AM 1/1/2021 - All Articles - Current News
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The Chinese try to suppress freedom of speech in America - GS Link
Chinese government and CCP work to stifle free speech in US by influencing and owning the tech and hosting companies - GS Link
Chinese government and CCP work to stifle free speech in US - GS Link
FBI warns about the threats to Free Speech from the Chinese - GS Link
Russians hack, Chinese buy up, Germans orchestrate and manage behind the scenes - Tech and mass communications, social media companies - GS Link
Comment By Michael Novakhov:
How did you allow this to happen, America?!
My answer to this perplexing question is:
I have my own first hand and very bad experiences with some hosting companies, and I will share them later.
I agree wholeheartedly with these assessments, addressed above. The seriousness of these threats cannot be overestimated.
9:19 AM 1/1/2021 - All Articles - Current News
COVID-19 Variant Considered More Contagious Discovered In Florida - Yahoo News
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(KVOA) - On Friday, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that a China-based executive at a U.S. telecommunications company was federally charged after allegedly disrupting meetings commemorating the Tiananmen Square massacre.
Xinjiang Jin, also known as “Julien Jin" was charged with conspiracy to commit interstate harassment and unlawful conspiracy to transfer a means of identification.
“No company with significant business interests in China is immune from the coercive power of the Chinese Communist Party,” Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers said in a news release. “The Chinese Communist Party will use those within its reach to sap the tree of liberty, stifling free speech in China, the United States and elsewhere about the Party’s repression of the Chinese people. For companies with operations in China, like that here, this reality may mean executives being coopted to further repressive activity at odds with the values that have allowed that company to flourish here.”
The DOJ said Jin is an employee of a U.S.-based telecommunications company who was based China when he allegedly participated in a scheme to disrupt a series of meetings in May and June that were held to commemorate the June 4, 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.
The DOJ said the meetings were conducted using a video conferencing program provided by the company and were organized and hosted by people based in the U.S, including people residing in the Eastern District of New York.
“The allegations in the complaint lay bare the Faustian bargain that the PRC government demands of U.S. technology companies doing business within the PRC’s borders, and the insider threat that those companies face from their own employees in the PRC,” Seth D. DuCharme, Acting United States Attorney said in a news release. “As alleged, Jin worked closely with the PRC government and members of PRC intelligence services to help the PRC government silence the political and religious speech of users of the platform of a U.S. technology company. "
DuCharme said Jin willingly committed crimes and sought to mislead others at the company, to help PRC authorities censor and punish U.S. users’ core political speech for exercising their rights to free expression.
The DOJ said the charges make clear that employees working in the PRC for U.S. technology companies make those companies—and their users—vulnerable to the malign influence of the PRC government.
Currently, the FBI said Jin is not in U.S. custody.
“As this complaint alleges, that freedom was directly infringed upon by the pernicious activities of Communist China’s Intelligence Services, in support of a regime that neither reflects nor upholds our democratic values,” Christopher Wray, FBI Director said. “Americans should understand that the Chinese Government will not hesitate to exploit companies operating in China to further their international agenda, including repression of free speech.”
The FBI said the charges in the complaint are allegations, and the defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty. If convicted of both charged conspiracies, Jin faces a maximum sentence of ten years in prison.
But far too many American companies have shown that their values are for sale. They don’t even haggle much over the price. Last year, the Chinese government demanded that foreign airlines remove references to Taiwan from their websites, because China views Taiwan as a renegade province. The four American airlines affected by the order — American, Delta, Hawaiian and United — present themselves to the world as representatives of the United States. The American flag is painted on the outside of their planes; the interiors are American territory. But instead of standing up for American values, the airlines complied with China’s orders. Other recent examples of capitulation include the fashion retailer Coach destroying T-shirts that read “Hong Kong,” rather than “Hong Kong, China,” and Marriott firing a social media manager in Omaha for “liking” a tweet posted by a group that backs Tibetan independence.
Increasingly, China doesn’t even need to raise an eyebrow for global businesses to blink: American companies are engaged in proactive appeasement. In the new animated movie “Abominable,” released by DreamWorks, a subsidiary of Comcast, one scene includes a map of China with a boundary line encompassing most of the South China Sea. The United States does not recognize that line; neither do the other nations that border the sea, including Vietnam, which pulled the film from theaters. ESPN, a Disney subsidiary, displayed a similar map of China — showing what is known as the “nine-dash line” in the South China Sea — on a recent broadcast.
Comcast and Disney are, of course, free to advocate for the Chinese Communist Party’s position, and against the American and global consensus, in the continuing dispute over China’s international boundaries. But by all appearances, the decisions were both less principled and more pernicious: The companies acquiesced in China’s view of the world simply because that was the path of least resistance.
Some companies have tried to evade the issue by insisting they want to avoid politics altogether. Blizzard Entertainment, a subsidiary of the California video game maker Activision Blizzard, banned a user for shouting “Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times” during an online tournament earlier this month, and confiscated $10,000 in winnings. The company, which later returned the money and commuted the ban to a six-month suspension, said it would have taken the same action if a player had shouted in opposition to the Hong Kong protesters. A rival company, the Los Angeles-based Riot Games, announced its own ban on political speech, warning players to “refrain from discussing” political issues, including the Hong Kong protests. (Tencent, a Chinese conglomerate, holds a 5 percent stake in Activision and owns the entirety of Riot.)
Companies face particular pressure on the internet because deference to physical geography is no longer a viable standard. “When in Rome, do as the Romans do,” has lost its meaning. On the internet, one is always at home and always in Rome, too. But there is, or should be, a critical point of difference between American and Chinese internet businesses. Corporations are the creatures of a particular state, however much their executives prefer to think of their operations as multinational. American companies choose to operate under the laws of the United States and to reap the benefits of life in the United States — and they ought to be held accountable for upholding the values of the United States. American companies should feel a responsibility for maintaining the right to free expression in the internet spaces they create and operate. Otherwise, they risk becoming the enforcers of a corporate regime of global censorship that takes its marching orders from Xi Jinping.
Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Facebook, which is banned in China, said this week that the character of the internet must not be taken for granted. “Today, the state of the global internet around the world is primarily defined by American companies and platforms with strong free expression values. There’s just no guarantee that will win out over time.”
Facebook’s role as the private manager of the nation’s public square generates constant controversy, most recently over its refusal to prevent politicians from disseminating clear falsehoods. And the debate over its policies highlights the challenges and contradictions of America’s commitment to free expression. Yet Mr. Zuckerberg is undoubtedly correct that his imperfect company, along with other American tech giants, are the guardians of free expression on the internet. The responsibility of American companies is to maintain that commitment to free expression even if the price is not doing business in China.
Tweets by @mikenov
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Opinion | The Chinese Threat to American Speech - The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/19/opinion/sunday/china-nba.html …
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The Wall Street Journal
China Is National Security Threat No. 1
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