5:17 AM 1/6/2021 - M.N.: Much ado about nothing: It is very likely that Sars-Cov-2 was made or modified in the lab(s) but unlikely the Chinese ones: they do not have enough brains and expertise for it. GERMANS! New Abwehr! Old WW2 Nazi and Japanese human experiments and research - this is the most likely answer, in my opinion. And this is even much greater and much more consequential story that no one wants to look into, because it is awesome and very scary. And more might yet to come. WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!! | New life pumped into theory COVID-19 is result of China experimental lab leak

5:17 AM 1/6/2021 - Tweets 

  1. The cover story, however, also notes numerous denials from leading US virologists and health officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, that COVID-19 stemmed from a lab.

    Among Baker’s 10 works of fiction are three erotic novels, including “House of Holes.” https://nypost.com/2021/01/04/new-life-into-theory-covid-19-is-result-of-china-lab-leak/ 


  2.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Distance offers perspective. Out January 12.

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  3. 12:11 PM 1/5/2021 - Coronavirus: Germany poised to extend nationwide lockdown amid high infections and deaths https://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2021/01/1211-pm-152021-coronavirus-germany.html 

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  4. 11:05 AM 1/5/2021 - Covid-19 spike of fall-winter 2020: what are the causal factors? Travel or heavy rains? This question is open. https://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2021/01/1105-am-152021-covid-19-spike-of-fall.html 

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  5.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    A pharmacist accused of trying to destroy hundreds of doses of coronavirus vaccine is allegedly a conspiracy theorist who believed the medication wasn't safe, Wisconsin authorities say. https://nbcnews.to/38gbwSr 

  6.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Cheap hair lice drug may cut risk of COVID-19 death by 80 percent: study https://trib.al/beDooCI 

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  7. 2 Gunmen Open Fire On Brooklyn Street, Hitting Man And Sending Crowd Running https://ino.to/Va1UZMU 

  8. 9:35 AM 1/5/2021 - Most amazing! The so called "leader" of the so called "Proud Boys" has the most prominent negroid facial features. Is his ideology a psychological defense against this circumstance? https://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2021/01/935-am-152021-most-amazing-so-called.html 

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  9. 9:35 AM 1/5/2021 - Most amazing! The so called "leader" of the so called "Proud Boys" has the most prominent negroid facial features. Is his ideology a psychological defense against this circumstance? https://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2021/01/935-am-152021-most-amazing-so-called.html 

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  10.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    В Китае приговорили к смертной казни бывшего председателя правления крупнейшей в стране компании по управлению активами China Huarong Asset Management Co., Ltd Лая Сяоминя.

    Его признали виновным в коррупции, получении взяток и двоеженстве:https://iz.ru/1108405/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social 

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  11.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Rep. Raskin and wife say son lost battle with depression http://hill.cm/UlvOBnC 

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  12. Did someone visit this jewelry shop in dressed in a nice coat that was shedding a lot of viruses, the "NEW"(?!) " or variant", to be exact?! Or was this variant present in this place for many years, unknown and : IT WAS NO FOR IT!

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  13. New York’s first case of ‘’ diagnosed in Saratoga Springs - Tweets by @mikenov - 6:42 AM 1/5/2021 https://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2021/01/new-yorks-first-case-of-ukstrain.html 

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  14. Springs New York -19 - Google Search https://www.google.com/search?q=Saratoga+Springs+New+York+Covid-19&newwindow=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&sxsrf=ALeKk01rvvKeMYthu93373q2Llq4BN28Pw%3A1609846019883&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjHtqHh14TuAhVFnFkKHXXwBgYQ_AUoAnoECAkQBA&cshid=1609846064124031&biw=1474&bih=762 

    New York’s first case of ‘’ diagnosed in Saratoga Springs
    Gov. Andrew held a conference call with media Monday to update New Yorkers on the state's ongoing coronavirus response efforts.

  15. Dear "ellen zee": Tourists visit many various places. Why this particular shop? Is there a big rat nest underneath the shop, which is the source of the local community transmission? Were the other places checked out? I would do that. https://twitter.com/ellenzradio/status/1346240484709171205  https://twitter.com/ellenzradio/status/1346240484709171205

  16.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    tourists come from all over to Saratoga. it was brought into the jewelry store.

  17.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Russia has cemented sweeping new restrictions on political protests, social media and “foreign agents” in wha observers call a pronounced hardening of its authoritarian system ahead of fall parliamentary elections, @felix_light reports https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2021/01/05/the-kremlin-tightens-the-screws-on-public-dissent-a72542 

  18. New York Weather: Tuesday Morning 1/5 CBS2 Weather Headlines https://ino.to/d7wkchE 

  19. "He did not travel recently so this suggests it was in the community," he said. | Health officials have found the more contagious variant of COVID-19 associated with the United Kingdom in Saratoga Springs in upstate New York, https://thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2021/01/he-did-not-travel-recently-so-this.html 

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  20.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger: "If you're going to put out stuff that we don't believe is true, then we will respond in kind" http://hill.cm/ga6NhhG 

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  21.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    The once prestigious Lancet medical journal has called on the Biden administration to significantly increase U.S. funding of the United Nations and the W.H.O. https://trib.al/QtBxjOc 

  22.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Medical experts said Boris Johnson had little choice but to impose further measures, given the rapid spread of the new variant. Some said he was already behind the curve, given how cases and hospital admissions have skyrocketed in the last week. http://nyti.ms/2XbW8zS 

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  23.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Breaking News: Prime Minister Boris Johnson closed schools and imposed a strict national lockdown in England, as a coronavirus variant continues to spread quickly. https://nyti.ms/2XbW8zS 



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