This is just the matter of MONEY! The costs of a cyber hack of state infrastructure was estimated at $1,5 Mil. The one who pays orders the music. The TOC and the spies are the well known music lovers. M.N.

This is just the matter of MONEY! The costs of a cyber hack of state infrastructure was estimated at $1,5 Mil. The one who pays orders the music. The TOC and the spies are the well known music lovers. 



10:04 AM 12/18/2020

В "Ростелекоме" оценили затраты хакеров на кибератаки

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Стоимость кибератак на государственную информационную инфраструктуру составляет 1,5 миллиона долларов, рассказал в интервью РИА Новости вице-президент "Ростелекома" по информационной безопасности Игорь Ляпунов.


Suspected Russian hack is much worse than first feared
В "Ростелекоме" оценили затраты хакеров на кибератаки - РИА Новости, 18.12.2020
michael novakhov - Google Search
News Review - December18, 2020 - 8 AM: He wants to look BIG: Cyber hack announcement and Putin's press-conference 2020
Michael Novakhov on Twitter: "He wants to look BIG: Cyber hack announcement and Putin's press-conference 2020 - Google Search" / Twitter
He wants to look BIG: Cyber hack announcement and Putin's press-conference 2020 - Google Search
Russia seen as likely culprit in major U.S. cyberattack. How widespread was it? | PBS NewsHour
6:52 AM 12/18/2020 – Audio Review – Selected Articles | My News Links -
Deep US institutional secrets may have been exposed in hack blamed on Russia | Technology | The Guardian
Brooklyn NY – Brooklyn NY
Обзор – 3:18 AM 12/18/2020 | Brooklyn NY -
Posts - | Brooklyn NY -
Brooklyn News Review
5 more COVID-19 deaths on S.I.; suspected fatalities hit 70 for December -


  1.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    On this day in 1972, President Nixon orders a massive air campaign against North Vietnam following the collapse of peace talks with Hanoi. The so-called "Christmas Bombings" will end 11 days later with 16 B-52s having been shot down and American crews threatening mutiny.

    View image on Twitter
  2.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Russian-British media mogul Yevgeny Lebedev was officially sworn in as Baron of Siberia and Hampton on Thursday, swearing his allegiance to Queen Elizabeth II

    Embedded video
  3.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    President-elect Joe Biden will have a small, State of the Union-sized audience for inauguration. 

    View image on Twitter
  4.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    President Vladimir Putin, 68, said that he will "definitely" receive the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine "as soon as it's possible" for his age range during his annual press conference Thursday 

  5. Financial Times
    US intelligence agencies warn large-scale cyber attack is 'ongoing'
    Task force set up to assess damage of hack as officials single out Russia.

    Cyber hack - Google Search 

  6. If is an act of by the "nation-state", well planned and executed, then it is inevitable and to link it with or the Disease X-19, as I call it, which is the other side and part of this undeclared war by the invisible and hard to define enemy.

    View image on Twitter
  7. It appears to be more than just . This link seems to support the notion of "" as the act of the combined .

  8. This thought might be clumsily formulated but the connection FEELS palpably real and valid. Another part of this triad is the Trump Presidency or its twilight. Lift the veils, make it visible; expose it. This is the first step of understanding the Bio-Info-Cyber War of 2020.

  9. 7:19 AM 12/17/2020 - Some Companies such as , , , etc. which are fully or partially or foreign owned, appear to be engaged into the well coordinated and concerted efforts to suppress the ... 

    View image on Twitter
  10. 6:31 AM 12/17/2020 - Winter Storm Bailey makes for a treacherous morning commute 

    View image on Twitter
  11.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    NEW: Groups hope Buttigieg opens door to more LGBT nominees 

    View image on Twitter
  12.  Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Interior secretary tests positive for COVID-19 after two days of meetings with officials: report 

    View image on Twitter


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