6:14 AM 12/4/2020 - More practical explanation of salmon death after heavy rainfalls. HYPOTHESIS: Sars-Cov-2 and/or other viruses or infectious agents are washed off the infected dead animals, mostly rats, from the ground into the waters.

More practical explanation of salmon death after heavy rainfalls. HYPOTHESIS: Sars-Cov-2 and/or other viruses or infectious agents are washed off the infected dead animals, mostly rats, from the ground into the waters. - 6:14 AM 12/4/2020

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More practical explanation of salmon death after heavy rainfalls. HYPOTHESIS: Sars-Cov-2 and/or other viruses or infectious agents are washed off the infected dead animals, mostly rats, from the ground into the waters. Association of human epidemics with heavy rainfalls was noted for some time, especially by the native American Indian observers. This factor may play a significant role in the present Pandemic, and it has to be studied very carefully. The deliberate hostile spread of infections in salmon and other animal reservours, such as mink, is also possible, and it should be the subject of the special CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION. Do pay attention, FBI: this is very important!

Michael Novakhov | 5:50 AM 12/4/2020


  1. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    More practical explanation of salmon death after heavy rainfalls. HYPOTHESIS: Sars-Cov-2 and/or other viruses or infectious agents are washed off the infected dead animals, mostly rats, from the ground into the waters. Association of human epidemics with heavy rainfalls was noted

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  2. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    This factor may play a significant role in the present Pandemic, & it has to be studied very carefully. The deliberate hostile spread of infections in salmon & other animal reservoirs, such as mink, is also possible, and it should be CRIMINALLY INVESTIGATED. Pay attention, !

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  3. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    massive death of salmon on the west coast – Google Search https://www.google.com/search?q=massive+death+of+salmon+on+the+west+coast&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&oq=massive+death+of+salmon+on+the+west+coast&aqs=chrome..69i57.17955j1j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8  Pollution from car tires that washes into waterways is helping cause a mass die-off of salmon on the US west coast, researchers have found.

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  4. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    “Up to 90% of the adults migrating up certain streams to spawn suddenly die after rainstorms.”

    Why were salmon dying? The answer washed off the road | Science https://science.sciencemag.org/content/370/6521/1145.summary 

  5. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    New viruses discovered in endangered wild Pacific salmon populations — ScienceDaily https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/09/190904091120.htm 

    “We found the new viruses widely distributed in dead and dying farmed salmon and in wild salmon, … It emphasizes the potential role that viral disease may play …

    New viruses discovered in endangered wild Pacific salmon populations

    Three new viruses — including one from a group of viruses never before shown to infect fish — have been discovered in endangered Chinook and sockeye salmon populations. While the impact of the…


  6. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    “Although there’s no risk to humans, one of the viruses is evolutionarily related to respiratory coronaviruses, and is localized to the gills. That suggests it has a similar infection strategy to its distant relatives that infect mammals.”https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/09/190904091120.htm 

    New viruses discovered in endangered wild Pacific salmon populations

    Three new viruses — including one from a group of viruses never before shown to infect fish — have been discovered in endangered Chinook and sockeye salmon populations. While the impact of the…


  7. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    New viruses discovered in endangered wild Pacific salmon populations — ScienceDaily https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/09/190904091120.htm 
    Three new viruses — including one from a group of viruses never before shown to infect fish — have been discovered in endangered Chinook and sockeye salmon populations.

    New viruses discovered in endangered wild Pacific salmon populations

    Three new viruses — including one from a group of viruses never before shown to infect fish — have been discovered in endangered Chinook and sockeye salmon populations. While the impact of the…


  8. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    As Covid-19 rises, Alaskans crowd rivers to stock up on wild salmon | Food and Environment Reporting Network https://thefern.org/2020/07/as-covid-19-rises-alaskans-crowd-rivers-to-stock-up-on-wild-salmon/ 

    As Covid-19 rises, Alaskans crowd rivers to stock up on wild salmon | Food and Environment Report…

    Cortney Edwards’ camp at the mouth of the Kasilof River in south central Alaska looks like a preschool in the sand. His white Suburban and a long piece of driftwood cordon off a stretch of beach that…


  9. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Press TV


     policy of inflaming tension no longer tenablehttps://www.presstv.com/Detail/2020/12/03/639943/Iran-Saudi-Arabia-region-Zarif-Jubeir 

    Iran: Saudi policy of inflaming tension no longer tenable



  10. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Илья Яшин@IlyaYashin

    Сижу на заседании призывной комиссии. Дверь открывается, заглядывает сотрудник военкомата. Говорит: «Тут юноша сдаваться пришел, в армию очень хочет. Странный такой. На психиатрию его отправить? Или как?»

  11. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Bloomberg Politics


    Hungary’s PM says he won’t end his block on the EU’s $2.2 trillion budget and coronavirus-rescue package unless Brussels relents in tying spending to upholding democratic values https://trib.al/LBp6LCU 

    Defiant Orban Says Hungary Won’t Blink in EU Budget Standoff

    Hungary’s prime minister said he won’t end his block on the European Union’s $2.2 trillion budget and coronavirus-rescue package unless Brussels relents in tying spending to upholding democratic…


  12. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Salmon have been dying mysteriously on the West Coast for years. Scientists think a chemical in tires may be responsible – CNN https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/03/us/microplastics-tire-rubber-chemicals-killing-coho-salmon-scn/index.html 

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  13. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Salmon have been dying mysteriously on the West Coast for years. Scientists think a chemical in tires may be responsible – CNN https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/03/us/microplastics-tire-rubber-chemicals-killing-coho-salmon-scn/index.html 

    Salmon have been dying mysteriously on the West Coast for years. Scientists think a chemical in…

    For decades, huge numbers of coho salmon have been turning up dead as they return to spawn in streams along the US West Coast. Now scientists have zeroed in on what they think is the culprit: a toxic…


  14. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Current News Review In 25 Posts https://mynewslinks.com/current-news-review-in-25-posts/ 

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  15. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    9:54 AM 12/3/2020 – Tweets https://mynewslinks.com/954-am-12-3-2020-tweets/ 

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  16. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Seth Hettena@seth_hettena

    “The biggest question that’s never been answered is why didn’t [Mike Flynn] tell everyone in the West Wing that he talked to him about sanctions?” one official said. “Because no one would have cared if he did.” https://www.nbcnews.com/specials/michael-flynn-firing-lie-leak-liability/index.html 

    Michael Flynn’s firing: A lie, a leak, and then a liability

    Inside the 25 days that shook the Trump presidency.


  17. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    9:54 AM 12/3/2020 – Tweets https://mynewslinks.com/954-am-12-3-2020-tweets/ 

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  18. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Gay Civil Rights@gaycivilrights

    These people are monsters.

    Trump Admin Held Back Phone Numbers and Addresses That Could Have Reunited Separated Migrant Children With Parentshttps://buff.ly/3mDphz0 

    ‘Withholding This Data Forever’: Trump Admin Held Back Phone Numbers That Could Have Reunited…

    The Trump administration has been holding back information, including telephone numbers and addresses, of parents whose children they separated at the border. The administration, in a deliberate and…


  19. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    The Hill


    List of Republicans breaking with Trump amid widespread voter fraud claims grows longer http://hill.cm/WxC4Mye 

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  20. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Current News Review In 25 Posts https://mynewslinks.com/current-news-review-in-25-posts/ 

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  21. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    The Moscow Times


    Russian rights activists Thursday condemned proposed legislation that would expand on who could be labeled a “foreign agent” as a clampdown on dissenthttps://www.themoscowtimes.com/2020/12/03/russian-activists-condemn-new-foreign-agent-bill-a72229 

    Russian Activists Condemn New ‘Foreign Agent’ Bill

    Critics say the new legislation is meant to further limit Russia’s opposition ahead of next year’s elections for the Duma.


  22. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Current News Review In 25 Posts https://mynewslinks.com/current-news-review-in-25-posts/ 

    Giuliani appears with witnesses alleging voter fraud in heated Michigan hearing

    President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani appeared in Michigan at an at-times heated hearing before the state’s House Oversight Committee to address claims of voter fraud during the 2020…


  23. Michael Novakhov Retweeted



    China blasts Trump’s “political repression” over U.S. visa restrictions https://www.newsweek.com/china-blasts-trumps-political-repression-over-u-s-visa-restrictions-1551984?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1607003348 

    China blasts Trump’s “political repression” over U.S. visa restrictions

    China’s foreign ministry on Thursday said it had voiced its dissatisfaction with the U.S. over the Trump administration’s new visa restrictions targeting over 90 million Communist Party members.


  24. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Current News Review In 25 Posts https://mynewslinks.com/current-news-review-in-25-posts/  https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMiSGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm55dGltZXMuY29tLzIwMjAvMTIvMDMvdXMvcG9saXRpY3MvdmFjY2luZS1jeWJlcmF0dGFja3MuaHRtbNIBTGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lm55dGltZXMuY29tLzIwMjAvMTIvMDMvdXMvcG9saXRpY3MvdmFjY2luZS1jeWJlcmF0dGFja3MuYW1wLmh0bWw?oc=5 

    The European Commission’s Directorate General for Taxation and Custom in Brussels was one of the targets of the attack.

    Cyberattacks Discovered on Vaccine Distribution Operations

    IBM has found that companies and governments have been targeted by unknown attackers, prompting a warning from the Homeland Security Department.


  25. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Current News Review In 25 Posts https://mynewslinks.com/current-news-review-in-25-posts/ 

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  26. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Defense One


    The Nazi Inspiring China’s Communists https://buff.ly/37rdnlD 

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  27. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Current News Review In 25 Posts https://mynewslinks.com/current-news-review-in-25-posts/  https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2020/dec/03/i-guess-this-is-a-thing-now-right-monolith-appears-on-california-mountain-video-report 

    ‘I guess this is a thing now, right?’: monolith appears on California mountain – video report

    A new mystery metal monolith has appeared atop a mountain in California, the third such structure to be found after two were discovered in Utah and Romania


  28. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Anders Åslund@anders_aslund

    UA: “Corporate raiding — stealing companies through forgeries or force — is up slightly this year compared to last year, reports Ukrinform, citing data from Opendatabot, the online registry. Through October, 751 corporate raids were recorded in Ukraine” (UBN)
    =no property rights.

  29. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Current News Review In 250 Posts https://mynewslinks.com/current-news-review-in-25-posts/current-news-review-in-250-posts/  https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-55171974 

    Lord Maginnis

    Ken Maginnis: Peer faces 18-month ban over bullying claims

    Lord Maginnis was accused of using homophobic language in dealings with parliamentary colleagues.


  30. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Anders Åslund@anders_aslund

    “Ukraine may tap the international Eurobond market for up $1 billion in short term financing, Prime Minister Shmygal tells… He asserts the IMF will announce the date of its review mission in coming days.” (UBN)
    This sounds as if the IMF mission is just a bait for investors.

  31. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Anders Åslund@anders_aslund

    Peter Stone discusses what crimes Rudolph Giuliani may be prosecuted for. “With his foreign entanglements” and “business relationships with charged fraudsters … Rudy Giuliani’s conduct would surely invite specialized scrutiny.”https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/12/rudy-giuliani-trump-pardon-election/617250/ 

    What Rudy Giuliani Is Really Up To

    The former mayor’s fevered efforts to overturn the election results may be about self-preservation more than anything else.


  32. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Current News Review In 250 Posts https://mynewslinks.com/current-news-review-in-25-posts/current-news-review-in-250-posts/  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUhqXT0pqGc 

    Current News Review In 250 Posts | My News Links – mynewslinks.com

    Current News Review | On RSS Dog | In Brief – 50 TDB – 250 Minimalist _____________________________ You apparently do not have JavaScript enabled on your browser lest you would be viewing an RSS Feed


  33. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Anders Åslund@anders_aslund

    Foreign Direct Investment in Ukraine effectively stopped in 2020. 3 reasons:
    1. Covid-19 (similar elsewhere)
    2. State’s refusal to pay the big green energy investors for electricity sold.
    3. The evident reform reversal & blatant court corruption.https://www.kyivpost.com/business/foreign-investment-inflow-to-ukraine-plummets-20-fold-in-2020.html 

    Foreign investment inflow to Ukraine plummets 20-fold in 2020 | KyivPost – Ukraine’s Global Voice

    Ukraine drew in $221 million of direct foreign investment in the first ten months of 2020 — 20 times less than during the same period of 2019 when the country attracted $4.5 billion from foreign…


  34. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    The Hill


    Biden plans to keep on Christopher Wray as FBI director: report http://hill.cm/WU9fOxC 

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  35. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Current News Review In 250 Posts https://mynewslinks.com/current-news-review-in-25-posts/current-news-review-in-250-posts/  http://www.slguardian.org/2020/11/israel-cohens-mossad.html 

    Current News Review In 250 Posts | My News Links – mynewslinks.com

    Current News Review | On RSS Dog | In Brief – 50 TDB – 250 Minimalist _____________________________ You apparently do not have JavaScript enabled on your browser lest you would be viewing an RSS Feed


  36. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Current News Review In 250 Posts https://mynewslinks.com/current-news-review-in-25-posts/current-news-review-in-250-posts/  http://www.slguardian.org/2020/11/israel-cohens-mossad.html 

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  37. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Current News Review In 250 Posts https://mynewslinks.com/current-news-review-in-25-posts/current-news-review-in-250-posts/  https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/us-holocaust-memorial-iranian-website-launch-holocaust-education-project-651028 

    US Holocaust Memorial, Iranian website launch Holocaust education project

    The project, named after Abdol Hossein Sardari, an Iranian diplomat based in Paris who saved many Iranian and non-Iranian Jews in occupied France.


  38. Michael Novakhov Retweeted



    New York’s rules were far more stringent for synagogues, even those built to hold hundreds of worshippers, than for secular facilities in the same areas @RabbiAviShafran Opinionhttps://www.haaretz.com/us-news/.premium-why-are-jews-flinging-anti-semitic-libels-at-jews-who-want-to-pray-in-synagogue-1.9345564 

    Opinion | Why are Jews flinging anti-Semitic libels at Jews who simply want to pray in synagogue?



  39. Michael Novakhov Retweeted

    Anders Åslund@anders_aslund

    This was news to me. Nazarbayev’s young grand-son died in London soon after he came out in public opposition against his grand-father and the rest of the Nazarbayev family. https://twitter.com/tomburgis/status/1334405584997605377

  40. Michael Novakhov@mikenov

    Current News Review In 250 Posts https://mynewslinks.com/current-news-review-in-25-posts/current-news-review-in-250-posts/  https://news-links.org/1334430905784524800-2/ 

    mikenov on Twitter: ‘A circus’: second mass salmon outbreak

    ‘A circus’: second mass salmon outbreak in Tasmania outrages conservationists mynewslinks.com/a-circus-secon… Was this Salmon infected with Sars-Cov-2?! twitter.com/mikenov/status… pic.twitt



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