4:12 PM 9/5/2020 - Saved and Shared Stories in 25 Posts

4:12 PM 9/5/2020

Saved and Shared Stories in 25 Posts on RSS Dog | New Page
Saved and Shared Stories from Michael_Novakhov (6 sites) 
mikenov on Twitter: RT @FrankFigliuzzi1: pic.twitter.com/hB3Pac6Ain
mikenov on Twitter: Blogs Review - 2:37 PM 9/5/2020 fbireform.com/2020/09/05/blo
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: Blogs Review 2:37 PM 9/5/2020 | FBI Reform fbireform.com
Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (26 sites): Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: Blogs Review 2:37 PM 9/5/2020 | FBI Reform fbireform.com
Saved Stories - None: Blogs Review 2:37 PM 9/5/2020 | FBI Reform fbireform.com
mikenov on Twitter: Portland Police Arrest 27 as US City Nears 100 Days of Protests voanews.com/usa/portland-p
mikenov on Twitter: 12:44 PM 9/5/2020 - Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks thenewsandtimes.blogspot.com/2020/09/1244-p pic.twitter.com/6mbLGlKJj7
Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (26 sites): The News And Times: 12:44 PM 9/5/2020 - Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks
mikenov on Twitter: RT @VaticanNews: #PopeFrancis greets organizers of the We Run Together initiative, and thanks them for helping promote a model of sport w
mikenov on Twitter: Shoigu on the Military Video games attended the competition of cuisines of the peoples of the world pledgetimes.com/shoigu-at-the-
Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (26 sites): Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: On Twitter - 11:25 AM 9/5/2020
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: Michael Novakhov - Google Search
Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (26 sites): Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: Michael Novakhov - Google Search
Saved Stories - None: Michael Novakhov - Google Search
mikenov on Twitter: RT @HuffPostPol: White supremacist extremists will remain the most persistent and lethal threat" through 2021, according to Homeland Secur
mikenov on Twitter: Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 11:13 AM 9/5/2020 - Tweets by @mikenov tweetsandnews.blogspot.com/2020/09/1113-a pic.twitter.com/sPqCqFcNhB
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: 11:13 AM 9/5/2020 - Tweets by @mikenov
Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (26 sites): Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: 11:13 AM 9/5/2020 - Tweets by @mikenov
Saved Stories - None: 11:13 AM 9/5/2020 - Tweets by @mikenov
Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (26 sites): Tweets And News - From Michael Novakhov: 11:13 AM 9/5/2020 - Tweets by @mikenov
mikenov on Twitter: 10:53 AM 9/5/2020 News Review: Racial tensions roiling US pose target for election meddling AP | Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks michaelnovakhov-sharednewslinks.net/2020/09/05/105 pic.twitter.com/fstAOJDjWh
Saved and Shared Stories from Michael_Novakhov (6 sites) 
mikenov on Twitter: RT @FrankFigliuzzi1: pic.twitter.com/hB3Pac6Ain

Retweeted by Michael Novakhov (mikenov) on Saturday, September 5th, 2020 6:41pm

1795 likes, 990 retweets

mikenov on Twitter
mikenov on Twitter: Blogs Review - 2:37 PM 9/5/2020 fbireform.com/2020/09/05/blo

mikenov on Twitter
Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: Blogs Review 2:37 PM 9/5/2020 | FBI Reform fbireform.com

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from FBI Reform.

The FBI News Review: Russian Mob TOC and Covid-19: Attention #FBI#CIA#DIA#NSC: The event such as COVID-19: global, complex, defying understanding and the explanations; can be comprehended only if it is viewed as the terrorist BioInfoWarfare.
Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (26 sites)
The News And Times: 12:44 PM 9/5/2020 Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks
Tweets And News From Michael Novakhov: On Twitter 11:25 AM 9/5/2020
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: Michael Novakhov Google Search
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: 11:13 AM 9/5/2020 Tweets by @mikenov
Tweets And News From Michael Novakhov: 11:13 AM 9/5/2020 Tweets by @mikenov
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: Racial tensions roiling US pose target for election meddling
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: 9:40 AM 9/5/2020 WHO: Mass COVID Vaccinations Unlikely Before Middle of 2021
The News And Times: 9:40 AM 9/5/2020 WHO: Mass COVID Vaccinations Unlikely Before Middle of 2021
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (115 sites): Voice of America English: WHO: Mass COVID Vaccinations Unlikely Before Middle of 2021
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: 8:07 AM 9/5/2020 Crossfire Hurricane Investigation: It was just a GAS! FBI is dead. The new Service is needed (they are always needed), with the completely different outlooks and mentality than in those present days Pinkertons but without their skills, acumen, and efficiency.
The FBI News Review: 8:07 AM 9/5/2020 Crossfire Hurricane Investigation: It was just a GAS! FBI is dead. The new Service is needed (they are always needed), with the completely different outlooks and mentality than in those present days Pinkertons but without their skills, acumen, and efficiency.
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: Ex-F.B.I. Agent in Russia Inquiry Says Trump Is a National Security Threat
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: 7:09 AM 9/5/2020 fbi surveillance Google News: Peter Strzok, Notorious Ex-G-Man, Explains Himself And Takes Aim At Trump
The FBI News Review: 7:09 AM 9/5/2020 fbi surveillance Google News: Peter Strzok, Notorious Ex-G-Man, Explains Himself And Takes Aim At Trump
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: FOX News: Biden campaign touts it has resources to go wide, go deep
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: Domestic Terrorism in the US, Disinformation and the Impact of COVID19
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: 6:26 AM 9/5/2020 Two Boogaloo Bois are charged with attempting to team up with Hamas to blow up courthouse and assassinate US senators | White supremacist extremists (WSEs) as threat to US security | The Department of Homeland Security concluded that domestic white supremacist groups pose a greater terroristic threat to the United States than foreign extremist groups
Tweets And News From Michael Novakhov: 6:26 AM 9/5/2020 Two Boogaloo Bois are charged with attempting to team up with Hamas to blow up courthouse and assassinate US senators | White supremacist extremists (WSEs) as threat to US security | The Department of Homeland Security concluded that domestic white supremacist groups pose a greater terroristic threat to the United States than foreign extremist groups
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: DHS Finds Homegrown White Supremacists Pose Greater Terrorist Threat to U.S. Than Foreign Groups: Report
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: 5:47 AM 9/5/2020 11 Die After Bangladesh Mosque Blast, and other news stories
The News And Times: 5:47 AM 9/5/2020 11 Die After Bangladesh Mosque Blast, and other news stories

Dismantle the stupid, brainless, treacherous, inept, incompetent, corrupt, self-serving FBI-KGB: the Showboats, the Fools, the Bunglers, the Idiots!

Investigate in depth Trump, Kushner, Putin, German Intelligence, Russian Intelligence, Russian Mob and many other players!

Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks 
1:10 PM 8/3/2020 Does FBI investigate Ernst Uhrlau? Deutsche Bank launches investigation into longtime banker of Trump, Kushner M.N.: She is the small fly. What about her boss, Ernst Uhrlau, the Consultant on the Geopolitical Risks and the former chief of the German BND?

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Trump Investigations Review Of News And Opinions Blog by Michael Novakhov.

Deutsche Bank launches investigation into longtime banker of Trump, Kushner https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/510209-deutsche-bank-launches-investigation-into-longtime-banker-of-trump#.Xyg_SKhasY8.twitter 
Deutsche Bank launched an internal investigation into the longtime personal banker for President Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, a bank spokesman confirmed to The Hill on Sunday.
The New York Times first reported Sunday that the bank was looking into Rosemary Vrablic to determine if she had acted improperly when she and two colleagues bought an apartment for about $1.5 million in 2013 from Bergel 715 Associates.
She is the small fly. What about her boss, Ernst Uhrlau, the Consultant on the Geopolitical Risks for the Deutsche Bank and the former chief of the German BND, who presumably approved the billions and billions in loans to Trump and Kushner, the debt which was later sold to the Russian bank VTB, a front and tool of the KGB FSB and other Russian Intelligence Services? 

Does FBI investigate Ernst Uhrlau?
Michael Novakhov | 1:10 PM 8/3/2020

Investigate the investigators in depth! Save America! Reform the FBI now!

By its history and by its nature, the FBI is the half-criminal gang of the half-literate psychopaths. The only thing they care about is their own well-being, not the country. They are not capable and are not willing to understand their complex mission. It is the army of the hired thugs. This assessment had been proven many times over by themselves and by the outside independent observers. FBI destroys America, they are the huge problem, not a solution.

Reform the FBI now! Abolish the old FBI, and establish the new and competent domestic intelligence and law enforcement service.

No new Headquarters for them, they do not need and do not deserve it. The old ones are more than enough. Anyway, most of these psychopaths and criminals should be fired!
Michael Novakhov | 7:30 AM 8/3/2020 

To #US & #Senate: Present #Covid19 #Crisis is direct result of gross #incompetence & #stupidity of #FBI & #CIA. Both could be #penetrated and #subverted. New centralized structure after 9/11 was not a #solution#INVESTIGATE & #REPLACE them, #ASAP or you will lose this #country!


New Abwehr KGB Russian Mob Incite the R-R-Revolution in AmeriKa!

The KGB und Friends intend to start a Revolution in AmeriKa or at least to put up a nice show, all according to their well thought out plans for Covid world. What are the FBI-CIA plans? Do they have any? 
9:08 AM 4/22/2020 - German Karneval and the start of Covid-19 ...
1:40 PM 7/18/20201:40 PM 7/18/2020 Covid-19 as the political, information, and the biological weapon of the New Abwehr and their tool, Russian-Jewish Mafia or TOC  GSSaved, Shared Stories, Tweets  on RSS Dog In 250 Posts | Page | In Brief  Page | 
To #US & #Senate: Present #Covid19 #Crisis is direct result of gross #incompetence & #stupidity of #FBI & #CIA. Both could be #penetrated and #subverted. New centralized structure after 9/11 was not a #solution#INVESTIGATE & #REPLACE them, #ASAP or you will lose this #country
The FBI News Review: Russian Mob TOC and Covid-19: Attention #FBI#CIA#DIA#NSC: The event such as COVID-19: global, complex, defying understanding and the explanations; can be comprehended only if it is viewed as the terrorist BioInfoWarfare.

Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks
Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (26 sites): Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks: Blogs Review 2:37 PM 9/5/2020 | FBI Reform fbireform.com

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from FBI Reform.

The FBI News Review: Russian Mob TOC and Covid-19: Attention #FBI#CIA#DIA#NSC: The event such as COVID-19: global, complex, defying understanding and the explanations; can be comprehended only if it is viewed as the terrorist BioInfoWarfare.
Blogs from Michael_Novakhov (26 sites)
The News And Times: 12:44 PM 9/5/2020 Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks
Tweets And News From Michael Novakhov: On Twitter 11:25 AM 9/5/2020
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: Michael Novakhov Google Search
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: 11:13 AM 9/5/2020 Tweets by @mikenov
Tweets And News From Michael Novakhov: 11:13 AM 9/5/2020 Tweets by @mikenov
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: Racial tensions roiling US pose target for election meddling
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: 9:40 AM 9/5/2020 WHO: Mass COVID Vaccinations Unlikely Before Middle of 2021
The News And Times: 9:40 AM 9/5/2020 WHO: Mass COVID Vaccinations Unlikely Before Middle of 2021
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: 1. Russia from Michael_Novakhov (115 sites): Voice of America English: WHO: Mass COVID Vaccinations Unlikely Before Middle of 2021
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: 8:07 AM 9/5/2020 Crossfire Hurricane Investigation: It was just a GAS! FBI is dead. The new Service is needed (they are always needed), with the completely different outlooks and mentality than in those present days Pinkertons but without their skills, acumen, and efficiency.
The FBI News Review: 8:07 AM 9/5/2020 Crossfire Hurricane Investigation: It was just a GAS! FBI is dead. The new Service is needed (they are always needed), with the completely different outlooks and mentality than in those present days Pinkertons but without their skills, acumen, and efficiency.
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: Ex-F.B.I. Agent in Russia Inquiry Says Trump Is a National Security Threat
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: 7:09 AM 9/5/2020 fbi surveillance Google News: Peter Strzok, Notorious Ex-G-Man, Explains Himself And Takes Aim At Trump
The FBI News Review: 7:09 AM 9/5/2020 fbi surveillance Google News: Peter Strzok, Notorious Ex-G-Man, Explains Himself And Takes Aim At Trump
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: FOX News: Biden campaign touts it has resources to go wide, go deep
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: Domestic Terrorism in the US, Disinformation and the Impact of COVID19
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: 6:26 AM 9/5/2020 Two Boogaloo Bois are charged with attempting to team up with Hamas to blow up courthouse and assassinate US senators | White supremacist extremists (WSEs) as threat to US security | The Department of Homeland Security concluded that domestic white supremacist groups pose a greater terroristic threat to the United States than foreign extremist groups
Tweets And News From Michael Novakhov: 6:26 AM 9/5/2020 Two Boogaloo Bois are charged with attempting to team up with Hamas to blow up courthouse and assassinate US senators | White supremacist extremists (WSEs) as threat to US security | The Department of Homeland Security concluded that domestic white supremacist groups pose a greater terroristic threat to the United States than foreign extremist groups
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: DHS Finds Homegrown White Supremacists Pose Greater Terrorist Threat to U.S. Than Foreign Groups: Report
Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks: 5:47 AM 9/5/2020 11 Die After Bangladesh Mosque Blast, and other news stories
The News And Times: 5:47 AM 9/5/2020 11 Die After Bangladesh Mosque Blast, and other news stories

Dismantle the stupid, brainless, treacherous, inept, incompetent, corrupt, self-serving FBI-KGB: the Showboats, the Fools, the Bunglers, the Idiots!

Investigate in depth Trump, Kushner, Putin, German Intelligence, Russian Intelligence, Russian Mob and many other players!

Michael Novakhov SharedNewsLinks 
1:10 PM 8/3/2020 Does FBI investigate Ernst Uhrlau? Deutsche Bank launches investigation into longtime banker of Trump, Kushner M.N.: She is the small fly. What about her boss, Ernst Uhrlau, the Consultant on the Geopolitical Risks and the former chief of the German BND?

Michael_Novakhov shared this story from The Trump Investigations Review Of News And Opinions Blog by Michael Novakhov.

Deutsche Bank launches investigation into longtime banker of Trump, Kushner https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/510209-deutsche-bank-launches-investigation-into-longtime-banker-of-trump#.Xyg_SKhasY8.twitter 
Deutsche Bank launched an internal investigation into the longtime personal banker for President Trump and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, a bank spokesman confirmed to The Hill on Sunday.
The New York Times first reported Sunday that the bank was looking into Rosemary Vrablic to determine if she had acted improperly when she and two colleagues bought an apartment for about $1.5 million in 2013 from Bergel 715 Associates.


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