
8:50 AM 11/1/2020

8:50 AM 11/1/2020 Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader   Far-right militia groups fixate on Election Day doomsday scenarios Spain rocked by second night of clashes over coronavirus measures Britain starts accelerated review for AstraZeneca's potential COVID-19 vaccine Russia rules out cutting fossil fuel production in next few decades Russias Four Wars: Return Of The Russian Leviathan Wins Pushkin House Prize - Forbes Силовики стреляют на воскресном марше в Минске Global Wine Production Slumps For Second Year As Industry Crushed By Virus    Microsoft Edge Beats Google Chrome With This Brilliant New Feature - Forbes Google ad costs, not its alleged monopoly, irks businesses - ABC News France: President Macron says he understands Muslim shock over Prophet cartoons Several injured after hayride accident - WTVY Global Security News- Mike Novas favorite articles on Inoreader: FOX News: Federal judge orders USPS to take extraordinary measures to de...

Selected News Articles - 8:36 AM 11/1/2020

Selected News Articles  -  8:36 AM 11/1/2020 Mike Nova's favorite articles on Inoreader   France: President Macron says he understands Muslim shock over Prophet cartoons Several injured after hayride accident - WTVY Global Security News- Mike Novas favorite articles on Inoreader: FOX News: Federal judge orders USPS to take extraordinary measures to deliver mail-in ballots on time The National Interest: When Victory Means Loss: Imperial Japans Win at Coral Sea Came at a High Price "us national security" - Google News: At Least 51 Dead in Turkey, Greek Islands Earthquake - Voice of America Stars and Stripes: UK says four-week coronavirus lockdown may have to last longer Trump: 5 or more countries to make peace with Israel after election - The Jerusalem Post EU Sanctions Russian Officials Over Navalny Poisoning, Citing Chemical Weapons Use - KVNF Public Radio The China Ambassador's Son Who Got Rich in Trump's Swamp - The Intercept Trumpism And...

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Selected News Articles

Selected News Articles You apparently do not have JavaScript enabled on your browser lest you would be viewing an RSS Feed here from RSS Dog You apparently do not have JavaScript enabled on your browser lest you would be viewing an RSS Feed here from RSS Dog ____________________________________________

Hunter Biden second laptop and psychiatrist Dr Keith Ablow: A November (2020) surprise?! M.N.: I will not be surprised at all if it were the "FBI sting operation" from the beginning to the end (which we do not know yet). Just like in 2016 with the Anthony Weiner's computer and emails, and the FBI's "October surprise" Letter. Investigate this version, interpretation and possibility in details. But who will investigate the Investigators?! How do you know that it was Hunter Biden who brought those computers for repairs and not the "FBI undercover agent"?!

M.N.: I will not be surprised at all if it were the "FBI sting operation" from the beginning to the end (which we do not know yet). Just like in 2016 with the Anthony Weiner's computer and emails, and the FBI's "October surprise" Letter. Investigate this version, interpretation and possibility in details.  But who will investigate the Investigators?! How do you know that it was Hunter Biden who brought those computers for repairs and not the "FBI undercover agent"?!  All this looks and sounds very fishy. It appears to be the same operational pattern as in 2016: to induce and to introduce the notion of the "guilt by implication".  _______________________________ #KGB States of #America : If you bring your computer to repair shop be aware that it will end up in the #FBI office or they will learn all its contents. The true Liberty arrived! And they will label the drug addict and the criminal both you & your psychiatrist! Nice job, FBI-...