
7:05 AM 10/8/2020 – Germany sees ‘worrying jump’ in Covid-19 cases | Coronavirus second wave continues to hit Europe, with France seeing highest daily infections ever

Coronavirus second wave continues to hit Europe, with France seeing highest daily infections ever - 7:05 AM 10/8/2020  –  Germany sees ‘worrying jump’ in Covid-19 cases  |  Coronavirus second wave continues to hit Europe, with France seeing highest daily infections ever NewsLynx℠ – News Channels  – Page  |  News Channels –  Blogger Page ___________________________________ News Reviews News Reviews from Michael_Novakhov (13 sites) 1. VIDEO NEWS from Michael_Novakhov (72 sites): france24english’s YouTube Videos: Germany sees ‘worrying jump’ in Covid-19 cases 1. VIDEO NEWS from Michael_Novakhov (72 sites): france24english’s YouTu...

6:30 AM 10/8/2020 - Putin has praise for U.S. ties | M.N.: Denial and wishful thinking. And a bunch of baloney!

6:30 AM 10/8/2020 -  Putin has praise for U.S. ties  | M.N.: Denial and wishful thinking. And a bunch of baloney! Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks℠ Michael Novakhov – SharedNewsLinks in 25 Headlines Saved Stories in 25 Headlines Saved Stories - None Putin has praise for U.S. ties Trump Investigations from Michael_Novakhov (124 sites): realDonaldTrump on Twitter: RT @larryelder: Comey Pleads Ignorance Regarding Problems With The Steele Dossier #TrumpDerangementSyndrome #Ob Voice of America English: VOA Newscasts RT @KremlinRussia: #НовоОгарёво: Интервью телеканалу @tvrussia1 COVID-19 superspreaders highlight need for backwards contact tracing Another victim of Kremlin's propaganda: COVID-19 Google Alert - Coronavirus and US Navy: Fighter squadrons deploying to Japan test Marines' a...

4:29 AM 10/7/2020 - The secrets and lies of Cold War spies - Counterintelligence News Review: They engaged in thrilling adventures in a shadowy world. But who were the spies who operated during the Cold War and what were they up to?

4:29 AM 10/7/2020 -  The secrets and lies of Cold War spies -  Counterintelligence News Review The Secrets And Lies Of Cold War Spies - HistoryExtra The secrets and lies of Cold War spies They engaged in thrilling adventures in a shadowy world. But who were the spies who operated during the Cold War and what were they up to? Professor Michael Goodman steps into a realm of suspicion... -  4:13 AM · Oct 7, 2020·Twitter Web App   _______________________________ Cold War Moscow was a place like no other. The eyes and ears of the Soviet secret police, the KGB, were everywhere; the only place that was really safe, one political prisoner would later write, was in your dreams. It was a place where life and death existed side by side, as did opportunity and imprisonment. To betray the state was to risk everything, yet on one cold and snowy evening in February 1978 that was precisely the choice one individual made. As Gus Hathaway drove from the US Embas...