
Trump's Ear, Revisited

Search inside image FBI confirms that a bullet struck Trump's ear during assassination attempt Visit Images may be subject to copyright.  Learn More Share Save Trump's Ear, Revisited - Post Link See new posts Conversation Michael Novakhov @mikenov https:// tus/1865856374963610001 … It is more than the bullet vs shrapnel doubts. It is the gunshot vs non-gunshot (e.g. paintball, as many people think) hit, which left no visible wound. I addressed this issue in my tweets at the time. This dilemma is not addressed and is not resolved by the FBI and Congressional Investigations. And it is important. It is not enough for the FBI to release their OPINION (yes, just that), they have to provide enough of the convincing evidence and reasoning behind it. And they did not do it. C. Wray's testimony was the most objective, in retrospect. Trump's Ear - https:// newwindow=1&sca_esv=41e1805164364b40&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1133US11...