
The Trump-virate

(A SATIRE) I am getting sick and tired of the raging violent conflicts overseas and the political mess here at home which is consuming us day in and day out. I thought that for a change a little levity is in order. The Trump-virate Tweets - Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) / Twitter @mikenov: Совещание с членами Правительства 20m @mikenov:… The Trump-virate #NewsAndTimes #NT #TNT #News #Times #World #USA #POTUS #DOJ #FBI #CIA #DIA #ODNI #Trump #TrumpNews #Israel #Mossad #Netanyahu #Ukraine #NewAbwehr #OSINT #Putin #Russia #GRU #Путин, #Россия #SouthCaucasus #Bloggers The News And Times… 24m @mikenov: October Surprise 2024 exploded, reversed the polls trend, and propelled Trump to near sure landslide win. It is a combination of three main themes: Diddy Affair, Middle East War, Staged Assassination Attempts. The Triumvirate of Trump, Putin, Netanyahu (+Kims) will rule the… 28m @mikenov: October Surprise 2024 exploded, reversed the polls

My Opinion: There is a palpable, conservative-religious, affective, ideological stream behind many acts of crimes that are branded as the "domestic terrorism", and also behind the interferences in the US Elections.

When church and state are anything but separate Shalom Lipner August 11, 2017 _____________________________________________________________ Michael Novakhov @mikenov https:// /1846166148867313686 … My Opinion: There is a palpable, conservative-religious, affective, ideological stream behind many acts of crimes that are branded as the "domestic terrorism", and also behind the interferences in the US Elections. It is likely that this stream and criminal acts serve as the embodiments of "God's punishment" and the "True Teachings", in the mind of these perps. Behind this phenomenon may be the Intelligence Services influenced by the religious ideologies; such as GRU and ROC, and Mossad and the Orthodox Judaism. Their religious umbrellas provide the ideological and spiritual protection for them, and the ultimate justification of their actions. It looks like the Mossad targeted Diddy for a variety of the ideological reasons, in additio