"Sanction #Putin, #Peskov, #Lavrov & their western living families, find their stolen money, seize their western assets including property, BUT whatever you do, finally do something to truly Punish dictator Putin." - Tweets Review
Post Link - Tweets by @mikenov Michael Novakhov Retweeted Louis Gerber @LouisGerber8 Reports: # LizaPeskova , the 23y-old daughter of # Putin 's spokesman is getting married on the island of # Sardinia . They've rented plenty of luxury rooms in luxury resorts for hundreds of guests. # Peskov must make a fortune as Putin's spokesperson # CORRUPTION # Russia https://twitter.com/KevinRothrock/status/1422533573790380034 Aug 3, 2021 Michael Novakhov Retweeted Glasnost Gone @GlasnostGone OK. Now you've done your bit, it's now time for action. Sanction # Putin , # Peskov , # Lavrov & their western living families, find their stolen money, seize their western assets including property, BUT whatever you do, finally do something to truly Punish dictator Putin. https:// twitter.com/JosepBorrellF/ status/1358488437641338886 … https://twitter.com/JosepBorrellF/status/1358488437641338886 Feb 8, 2021 Michael Novakhov @mikenov "We can see an errone