
My Opinion: The mythical "Zangezur Corridor" is not the contested "zhilploschad", The South Caucasus is not the Soviet communal apartment, And Ilham Aliyev is not the Khan of Baku.

Michael Novakhov @mikenov #SouthCaucasus #SouthCaucasusNews My Opinion: The mythical "Zangezur Corridor" is not the contested "zhilploschad", The South Caucasus is not the Soviet communal apartment, And Ilham Aliyev is not the Khan of Baku. His attempt to impose himself and his family on the Azeri people as some type of the monarchy is ridiculous, his "caviar diplomacy" smells of some other stuff, besides the oil and gases. And his mandate to power is signed by the KGB. Ilham Aliyev cartoons: https:// newwindow=1&sca_esv=540dfeac42c719c1&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS1133US1133&sxsrf=ADLYWIKQaD3y7xKwo4yiaJ6Pqcubz12IBg:1737052276140&q=Ilham+Aliyev+cartoons&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkWd8nbOJfsBGGB5IQQO6L3JyJJclJuzBPl12qJyPx7ESIf1S9KobXMZccIxNeT1A6IHPsOrb2ailWCtrbH230590Qqo_gr3WbK8_b8jln9piI4WsQXYzjWUxHnj2ThOaNp-6yTa8icx87qAZPKBvcGnuSdAwy48glHDioP4Tiz-OaaZCZJDfkWGm9ybQ0VBnye0yPhLw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQp...

Azerbaijan: One of the Pillars of Israel's Regional Security System – A Brief Overview for the Trump

Blogs and Tweets Azerbaijan: One of the Pillars of Israel's Regional Security System – A Brief Overview for the Trump #SouthCaucasus #SouthCaucasusNews Russian Investigative Committee orders examination into AZAL plane crash BAKU, Azerbaijan, January 15. The Russian Investigative Committee has appointed an expert examination to assess the actions of the air defense command, the air traffic management system, and dispatchers after the crash of the Azerbaijan Airlines plane in Aktau, Trend reports. “A comprehensive commission organizational and technical forensic examination has been appointed to assess the actions of dispatch service officials, the air traffic management system, and the air defense,” the Russian Investigative Committee said. The Investigative Committee noted that the 11m RT @GolosAmeriki: Рубио: чтобы покончить со вторжением России в Украину, необходима смелая дипломатия 32m Daniel Fried: 'US has inform...