Russia's Putin hosts Israeli PM Bennett | House votes to hold Steve Bannon in criminal contempt | China-linked disinformation campaign blames Covid on Maine lobsters | Texas angler caught massive catfish in Pedernales River, und other interesting stories - Новости: Рыболов поймал голубого сома рекордного размера - 7:59 AM 10/22/2021 - Selected Articles Review
putin and bennett - Google Search — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) October 22, 2021 Встреча с Премьер-министром Израиля Нафтали Беннетом • Президент России — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) October 22, 2021 putin and bennett - Google Search — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) October 22, 2021 Post Link - 7:59 AM 10/22/2021 - Selected Articles Review Texas angler caught massive catfish in Pedernales River Angler Ben Christensen caught a 31.55 pound blue catfish on a size 10 Gamakatsu hook, with 12-lb. Rio Bass tippet and a Scott Flex 4-weight fly rod. (Ben Christensen) A Texas angler has reeled in a potential world-record blue catfish. Ben Christensen, of Johnson City, caught the 31.55-pound river monster on Oct. 11 with a 4-weight fly rod, which he says is typically unsuitable for catching fish over about f...