
Russia's Putin hosts Israeli PM Bennett | House votes to hold Steve Bannon in criminal contempt | China-linked disinformation campaign blames Covid on Maine lobsters | Texas angler caught massive catfish in Pedernales River, und other interesting stories - Новости: Рыболов поймал голубого сома рекордного размера - 7:59 AM 10/22/2021 - Selected Articles Review

putin and bennett - Google Search — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) October 22, 2021 Встреча с Премьер-министром Израиля Нафтали Беннетом • Президент России — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) October 22, 2021 putin and bennett - Google Search — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) October 22, 2021 Post Link -  7:59 AM 10/22/2021 - Selected Articles Review Texas angler caught massive catfish in Pedernales River   Angler Ben Christensen caught a 31.55 pound blue catfish on a size 10 Gamakatsu hook, with 12-lb. Rio Bass tippet and a Scott Flex 4-weight fly rod.  (Ben Christensen) A Texas angler has reeled in a potential world-record blue catfish. Ben Christensen, of Johnson City, caught the 31.55-pound river monster on Oct. 11 with a 4-weight fly rod, which he says is typically unsuitable for catching fish over about f...

Attorney General Garland wouldn't commit to prosecuting Steve Bannon for contempt, but says the Justice Department "will apply the facts" - Tweets Review - 3:59 PM 10/21/2021

  Tweets   by  ‎@mikenov  |  Post Link - 3:59 PM 10/21/2021  Michael Novakhov Retweeted CNN Politics ✔ @CNNPolitics Attorney General Garland wouldn't commit to prosecuting Steve Bannon for contempt, but says the Justice Department "will apply the facts" https://   Garland: DOJ 'will apply the facts and the law' when considering Bannon referral Attorney General Merrick Garland told lawmakers that the Justice Department "will apply the facts and the law and make a decision" when considering a criminal contempt referral for Steve Bannon the... 4 h   Michael Novakhov @mikenov deripaska - Google Search https://   https://www. politics/oleg-deripaska-fbi-raid.html  … F.B.I. Raids Homes Linked to Russian Oligarch Agents investigating whether Oleg Deripaska violated U.S. sanctions searched homes he has used in New York and Washington, D.C. 4 h   Michael...