
FBI - #FBI: My Opinion: Investigate the US internet hosting companies, fully or partially Foreign Owned (often Chinese owned), their roles in the cybercrimes, and their attempts to control the FREE SPEECH in this country by creating and sharing the "black lists" of the "undesirable" for them BLOGGERS! This is a very serious issue!

FBI - #FBI: My Opinion: Investigate the  US internet hosting companies , fully or partially Foreign Owned (often Chinese owned), their roles in the cybercrimes, and their attempts to control the FREE SPEECH in this country by creating and sharing the "black lists" of the "undesirable" for them BLOGGERS! This is a very serious issue!  US internet hosting company appears to facilitate global cybercrime, researchers say posted at 11:21:20 UTC   via A little-known American internet hosting company appears to be partially enabling a “wide range” of cybercrime, nation-state hackers and a sanctioned spyware vendor, researchers alleged Tuesday. Additionally, the company known Cloudzy is “almost certainly a cutout” for a outfit operating in Tehran, according to an investigation by the cybersecurity firm Halcyon. Halcyon’s analysis  concludes that hosting company Cloudzy either knowingly or unwittingly provides a platform for illicit digital activity linked t