
4:13 AM 12/30/2020 - Are NYC squirrels infected with Covid-19?!

 Are NYC squirrels infected with Covid-19?!  4:13 AM 12/30/2020 Michael Novakhov @mikenov Very Important: It is very likely that these # squirrels are infected with # Covid -19 and are "mad"! Just like # rats and # minks . I myself also observed squirrels acting # erratically . Something has to be done! # Aggressive squirrels in # nyc - Google Search https://www. ssive+squirrels+in+nyc&source=lmns&bih=762&biw=1474&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjC0JanqfXtAhVriOAKHZBtBUcQ_AUoAHoECAEQAA  … Tweets  by  ‎@mikenov  Michael Novakhov Retweeted CNN ✔ @CNN A digitally created fake Queen Elizabeth II danced across TV screens on Christmas as part of a British broadcaster's warning against the proliferation of misinformation https://   15 m    Michael Novakhov Retweeted The Boston Globe ✔ @BostonGlobe Convicted US spy Pollard arrives in Israel http://   Convicted US spy Polla