11:26 AM 9/19/2020 - Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠: Rochester shooting and other stories
11:26 AM 9/19/2020 Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ | In Brief | - Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks mikenov on Twitter: rochester shooting Google Search google.com/search?q=roche pic.twitter.com/vchSKjWhQ0 Jewish figures pave the way behind the scenes in Trumps staff 10:05 AM 9/19/2020 - Jews (of Nazi kapos, e.g. Kushner) and their money (Nazi Gold) behind the New Abwehr agent Trump Is the robbed "Nazi Gold" behind their wealth? Did Jared Kushner's family serve as Abwehr's agents and assets in WW2? Did the so called "Bielski partisans" serve in Abwehr? Is their "partisanship" just the pretty Abwehr's legend, like the so many other myths, legends, and the blatant, brazen disinformation? - 6:18 AM 2/4/2019 Jewish figures pave the way behind the scenes in Trumps staff 4:15 PM 9/18/2020 - The bad case of pot and kettle: Trump calls all Puerto Rico politicians corrupt 3:40 PM 9/18/2020 - Fraser Camero