
Russia's new co-operation pact with Iran suspended, RIA agency reports - News Review: Russia and Iran

Russia and Iran - GS Russia's new co-operation pact with Iran suspended, RIA agency reports posted at 09:45:30 UTC   via June 11 (Reuters) - A new agreement between Moscow and Tehran on comprehensive cooperation has been temporarily suspended due to problems that Iranian partners are facing, Russia's RIA state news agency reported on Tuesday citing a Russian foreign ministry official. "This is a strategic decision of the leadership of the two countries," RIA cited Zamir Kabulov, the foreign ministry official as saying. "The process ... has stopped due to problems that our Iranian partners have." There was no immediate comment from the Iranian side. Russia and Iran have developed close ties in recent years, pushing against what they see as pernicious U.S. foreign policy in an effort to establish what they say would be a fairer multipolar world order. Work on a new major agreement between Moscow and Tehran was announced in September 2022 during a

A Deep State of His Own: “I am your warrior, I am your justice. … For those who have been wronged and betrayed ... I am your retribution.” - Tweets Review - 5 AM - 6.11.24

A Deep State of His Own posted at 07:37:26 UTC   via In March 2023, Donald Trump kicked off his third presidential run in Waco, Texas. His arrival coincided with the 30th anniversary of the deadly confrontation that took place nearby between heavily armed Branch Davidian cultists and federal law enforcement. When Trump took to the stage, he framed the 2024 race as “the final battle.” In this battle, he said, “either the deep state destroys America or we destroy the deep state.” Lest anyone doubt his role, he announced: “I am your warrior, I am your justice. … For those who have been wronged and betrayed ... I am your retribution.” @mikenov / Twitter @dwnews: RT @dwnews: President Volodymyr Zelenksyy has arrived in Berlin for an event that aims to shore up support for Ukraine's war-torn economy.… 1h @EandPCartoons: RT @EandPCartoons: Bill Day @BillDaytoons #SCOTUS 1h @thehill: RT @thehill: There is a growing number