
I think, the Russian General Staff, incl. Gerasimov, is deeply ANTISEMITIC. They also consider Israel a part of the West and NATO, which it is. Russia is not a friend, and had never been a friend of Israel. It is the dedicated, sophisticated, duplicitous, treacherous, and vindictive ENEMY of Israel. The only thing they have in common is the bloody history. The Russian populace at large remains deeply antisemitic, despite all their protestations. And the antisemitic card will be played, in one way or another, in the coming Russian Presidential elections of 2024. - My Opinion

Search inside image Why Russia is engaged in a delicate balancing act in the Israel-Hamas war | AP News Visit - I think, the Russian General Staff, incl. Gerasimov, is deeply ANTISEMITIC. They also consider Israel a part of the West and NATO, which it is. Russia is not a friend, and had never been a friend of Israel. It is the dedicated, sophisticated, duplicitous, treacherous, and vindictive ENEMY of Israel. The only things they have in common are the bloody history, and the Russian speaking, largely Jewish or mixed CRIMINAL MOB.  The Russian populace at large remains deeply antisemitic, despite all their protestations to the contrary. And most likely the antisemitic card will be played, in one way or another, in the coming Russian Presidential elections of 2024.  russia and israel - GS : https:// ow=1&sca_esv=583375078&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS949US949&sxsrf=AM9HkKnd9Lbb7P2CsKswbeBhEai4jOhPCQ:1700239062846&q=russia+and+israel&tbm=isch&source=l

Israeli weapons were sold to Azerbaijan and tested in Nagorno Karabakh wars. These weapons were tested along with the Israeli designed strategies and tactics for the One Day War (9.19 - 9.20.23), performed by the specially trained for these purposes WAGNER GROUP. And then GRU - #GRU appropriated these strategies and tactics and turned them against Israel in the "Hamas Attack" (actually the Wagner Group Attack) of 10.7.23, about two weeks later.

Search inside image Israeli weapons quietly helped Azerbaijan retake Nagorno-Karabakh -- sources, data | The Times of Israel Visit TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Israel has quietly helped fuel Azerbaijan's campaign to recapture Nagorno-Karabakh, supplying powerful weapons to Azerbaijan ahead of its lightening offensive last month that brought the ethnic Armenian enclave back under its control, officials and experts say. Oct 5, 2023  - M.N.: These weapons were tested along with the Israeli designed strategies and tactics for the One Day War (9.19 - 9.20.23), performed by the specially trained for these purposes WAGNER GROUP. And then GRU - #GRU appropriated these strategies and tactics and turned them against Israel in the "Hamas Attack" (actually the Wagner Group Attack) of 10.7.23, about two weeks later. - Israeli weapons were sold to Azerbaijan and tested in Nagorno Karabakh wars - GS https:// li+weapons+were+sold+to+Azerbaijan+and+tested+in+Nagor

Media needs fresh blood and new spectacles: Putin’s brutal war on Ukraine vanishes from news coverage amid raging conflict in Gaza - Saved Web Pages Review - 9:18 AM 11/17/2023

Media needs fresh blood and new spectacles: Putin’s brutal war on Ukraine vanishes from news coverage amid raging conflict in Gaza - Google Search — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) November 17, 2023 - Putin’s brutal war on Ukraine vanishes from news coverage amid raging conflict in Gaza posted at 14:10:23 UTC   via Editor’s Note:  A version of this article first appeared in the “Reliable Sources” newsletter.  Sign up for the daily digest chronicling the evolving media landscape here. When was the last time you saw a live television news report from Ukraine? It’s likely been a while. The raging war in the Middle East has put the prolonged war in Eastern Europe largely on the back burner, in terms of media coverage, with Vladimir Putin’s campaign of brutality against Ukraine receiving much less attention from the press than it did prior to the Israel-Hamas conflict breaking out. Closed-captioning data from the Internet Television Archive, which was