
The Putin's Message In The Rocket

Putin's Message To Zelensky And Others In The Rocket Attack On Chaplino - his symbolic Ukraine: "You are just a Charlie Chaplin, forever a comedian, not a politician! No point of talking with you!" The Putin's Message In The Rocket Attack on Chaplino Zelensky: 22 people were killed, and near 50 more were injured after russian shelling of Chaplyne railway station in the Dnipro region. Is this a message from Putin?  Is Chaplino a Telling Name, addressed to Zelensky and the other inhabitants of symbolic and ironic "Chaplino", the land of comedians - the Ukraine under the EU, NATO and CIA (nicknamed Charlie): "You are just a #CharlieChaplin, forever a #comedian, not a #politician. No point of talking with you!"  Did Putin rush to Kremlin to personally issue or approve the secure order to attack the "high value target" Chaplino in order to convey this message?  I remember the press reports and tweets about similar rush trip to Kremlin before t