
Showing posts with the label Covid-19

5:17 AM 1/6/2021 - M.N.: Much ado about nothing: It is very likely that Sars-Cov-2 was made or modified in the lab(s) but unlikely the Chinese ones: they do not have enough brains and expertise for it. GERMANS! New Abwehr! Old WW2 Nazi and Japanese human experiments and research - this is the most likely answer, in my opinion. And this is even much greater and much more consequential story that no one wants to look into, because it is awesome and very scary. And more might yet to come. WAKE UP, PEOPLE!!! | New life pumped into theory COVID-19 is result of China experimental lab leak

5:17 AM 1/6/2021 -  Tweets   by  ‎@mikenov Michael Novakhov @mikenov Much ado about nothing: It is very likely that Sars-Cov-2 was made or modified in the lab(s) but unlikely the Chinese one: not enough brains and expertise. GERMANS! New life pumped into theory COVID-19 is result of China experimental lab leak https:// -life-into-theory-covid-19-is-result-of-china-lab-leak/?utm_source=twitter_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site%20buttons&utm_campaign=site%20buttons  … via @ nypost New life pumped into theory COVID-19 is result of China experimental lab leak An American novelist is breathing new life into the theory that the COVID-19 pandemic was the result of a lab leak in China — a notion that several scientists agree is “absolutely” 2 m   Michael Novakhov @mikenov New life pumped into theory COVID-19 is result of China experimental lab leak https:// -life-into-theory-covid-19-is-result-of-china-lab-leak/?utm_source=t