
10:09 AM 2/11/2021 - The Capitol Riot as the focus of the Counterintelligence Investigations - Tweets

10:09 AM 2/11/2021 The Capitol Riot as the focus of the Counterintelligence Investigations - Tweets 10:09 AM 2/11/2021 - TOC - Russian Mob's (and the New Abwehr-GRU, etc., behind them) involvement in both the Trump's elections 2016 and Capitol Riot is evident in their characteristic style: DARING BRAZENNESS AND the ostentatiously displayed LACK OF PROFESSIONALISM (for the Mob, which is just the tool and the expendable foot soldiers, and the virtuoso skills for the German - Russian Military Intelligence Services, which gradually and ALMOST merged into the one and the same entity, the historical phenomenon that is omnipresent but vehemently denied.)   Tweets   by  ‎@mikenov Michael Novakhov @mikenov TOC - Russian Mob's (and the New Abwehr-GRU, etc., behind them) involvement in both the Trump's elections 2016 and Capitol Riot is evident in their characteristic style: DARING BRAZENNESS AND LACK OF PROFESSIONALISM https://www. +Russian+Mob%27s+%28an