
3:10 PM 1/14/2021 - Capitol Attack - Counterintelligence Aspects: this article is the first indication, in the open sources, of the (not so) hypothetical Foreign Involvement and Sponsorship of the Rioters. It is very difficult to believe that this circumstance escaped the FBI's attention. The FBI's eyes were habitually and comfortably wide shut. The explanations might range from the "simple" stupidity and incompetence, "at best" (!!!) to the more sinister deliberate omission. Investigate The Investigators!!!

The News And Times Blogs Network - The News And Times Information Network -   3:10 PM 1/14/2021 Capitol Attack - Counterintelligence Aspects: this article is the first indication, in the open sources, and based on my readings so far, of the (not so) hypothetical Foreign Involvement and Sponsorship of the Rioters. It is very difficult to believe that this circumstance escaped the FBI's attention. The FBI's eyes were habitually and comfortably wide shut . The explanations might range from the "simple" stupidity and incompetence, "at best" (!!!) to the more sinister deliberate omission.  Investigate The Investigators!!!  The notion of the FBI penetration and infiltration by the TOC, namely the Russian Jewish Mob, does not look and feel too far fetched by now.  Michael Novakhov ______________________________________________ On Dec. 8, someone (apparently in France) made a simultaneous transfer of 28.15 bitcoins — worth more th