
Showing posts with the label Covid-19

Is the weather, specifically the relatively similar patterns of rainy seasons, the determining factor, the common denominator in the similarity of Covid-19 rates dynamics in both Germany and Russia? What is the mechanism of this association?

Post Link Is the weather, specifically the relatively similar p atterns of rainy seasons, the determining factor, the common denominator in the similarity of Covid-19 rates dynamics in both Germany and Russia?  What is the mechanism of this association?  mechanisms of association between infectious diseases and rainy seasons - GS rainy seasons in germany and russia - GS Also note, that more humid Western and Southern Germany had the  higher Covid-19 rates in the beginning of the Pandemic.  On Friday, Interior Minister Horst Seehofer warned that the only chance of regaining control was an immediate lockdown. "If we wait until Christmas, we'll have to struggle with high numbers for months," he told the Spiegel website. Bavaria, in the south, has already imposed tighter measures and Mrs Merkel is reportedly set to meet all 16 state leaders on Sunday. Tweets  by  ‎@mikenov Michael Novakhov @mikenov Seasonality of viral infections: mechanisms and unknowns https://