
Showing posts with the label Covid-19

The Dachau Hypothesis - 9:52 AM 12/5/2021

The Dachau Hypothesis Google Search |  Post Link Did some infectious agent, possibly some Corona virus, experimented with by Nazis, escaped the lab and became endemic locally, spread by rodents, and surfacing at Munich Oktoberfest in 2019, possibly with meats and drinks? Pass that salt back from China to Munich, where it belongs! The Dachau Hypothesis, the deliberate use version: pathogen emerged from research was secretely saved after WW2 and was used as the agent of the Bio-Informational warfare by the New Abwehr, in the context of the German poltics, world affairs, and the anniversaries of WW2.  German Biological warfare program at Dachau - GS.  Is there a causal connection between the "unofficial" Oktoberfest 2021 (September 18 to October 3) and the sharp increase in Covid cases in Germany soon after it?  Tweets  by  ‎@mikenov Michael Novakhov @mikenov # JOSSICA : Journal of # OpenSource # StrategicIntelligence # Counterintelligence # Analysis # News # Times # TNT