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HOWEVER! ODNAKO! ZIZ IZ NOT A JOKE! (In my az alwayz very humble opinion). Putin has to be very carefully (much more than now) and very professionally INVESTIGATED, and (if it is feasible) to be tried in The Hague.

Putin responds to Biden calling him a killer - Google Search — Michael Novakhov (@mikenov) March 20, 2021 Post Link путин ответил байдену - YT Search _______________________________ Editorial Comment Putin in this statement defined the  psychological mechanism of projection , which is very common in life and politics, indeed. In effect, he answered with even more common defensive Russian phrase: " Sam takoy ", apparently meaning: "You are all this: 'a killer, a man without a soul', etc. etc. - Yourself !!!" He skillfully tried to reduce the "MATTERS" to the empty name calling and the childish jokes.  HOWEVER! ODNAKO!  ZIZ IZ NOT A JOKE! (In my az alwayz very humble opinion).  Putin has to be very carefully (much more than now) and very professionally INVESTIGATED, and (if it is feasible) to be tried in The Hague. If all this (his attempts to rule the World and to interfere everywhere and into every