
2:45 PM 9/2/2022 | The News And Times | M.N.: Mr. Biden's tweets read like a political poem. This is very true: "There is nothing America can’t do if we do it together."The National Unity is the function, among other things, of the political art and acumen; and Mr. Biden is the master politician. Trump and Trumpism are the temporary aberration for America

Michael Novakhov's favorite articles  2:45 PM 9/2/2022 The News And Times posted at 18:33:00 UTC   via M.N.: Mr. Biden's tweets read like a political poem. This is very true: " There is nothing America can’t do if we do it together. " The National Unity is the function, among other things, of the political art and acumen; and Mr. Biden is the master politician.   Trump and Trumpism are the temporary aberration for America, they have to be studied, analyzed, and understood. They have to be explained to the people clearly and adequately.  "Semi-Fascism" is an excellent term to describe them, the MAGA movement, and the "Magats".  The lower middle class and the working class in America go through profound social, economic, and the psychological changes, and like earlier in history, e.g. in pre-Fascist Germany, this situation is exploited, now by Trumpistas.  The Democratic legislative agenda is addressing these changes an