
11:38 AM 9/21/2020 - Recent Posts

  11:38 AM 9/21/2020 - Recent Posts Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠ Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks℠  |  In Brief  |  - Michael Novakhov - SharedNewsLinks   11:04 AM 9/21/2020 - M.N.: Finally, it was admitted. Now: connection with rodents and hantaviruses which have the same mode of transmission. COVID-19: SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Probable Through Fecal Aerosols - Infectious Disease Advisor COVID-19: SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Probable Through Fecal Aerosols 9:49 AM 9/21/2020 - NYC branded an 'anarchist jurisdiction,' targeted for defunding: DOJ NYC branded an 'anarchist jurisdiction,' targeted for defunding: DOJ 8:02 AM 9/21/2020 - FBI Reform 21/09/20 06:07 from Disease X-19 from Michael_Novakhov (82 sites) Coronavirus : 50,000 new daily cases by mid-October at current rate. Ross McGuinness. ,. Yahoo 5:44 AM 9/21/2020 - The chronicles of Trumpistan: Was That Ride on the Trump Train Worth It? - NYT Opinion | Was That Ride on the Trump Train Worth It? 20

6:19 AM 9/20/2020 - "Russian spies have undermined America for nearly a century. Their goals during and after the cold war were the same: Subvert the United States, sabotage its power, poison the body politic. They used the weapons of political warfare: deception, disinformation, espionage. Their American agents held positions of power and authority. They infiltrated the Justice Department, the State Department, and all of America’s national-security agencies. Turncoats at the FBI and the CIA gave the Russians keys to the kingdom of American intelligence. Their treason went undetected for many years."

" Russian spies have undermined America for nearly a century. Their goals during and after the cold war were the same: Subvert the United States, sabotage its power, poison the body politic. They used the weapons of political warfare: deception, disinformation, espionage. Their American agents held positions of power and authority. They infiltrated the Justice Department, the State Department, and all of America’s national-security agencies. Turncoats at the FBI and the CIA gave the Russians keys to the kingdom of American intelligence. Their treason went undetected for many years."  6:19 AM 9/20/2020 - "Russian spies have undermined America for nearly a century." Michael Novakhov @mikenov The Folly and the Glory: America, Russia, and Political Warfare: 1945-2020 - Google Search https://www. olly+and+the+Glory%3A+America%2C+Russia%2C+and+Political+Warfare%3A+1945-2020&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&oq=The+Folly+and+the+Glory%3A+America%2