
10:05 AM 9/19/2020 - Jews (of Nazi kapos, e.g. Kushner) and their money (Nazi Gold) behind the New Abwehr agent Trump

10:05 AM 9/19/2020 -  Jews (of Nazi kapos, e.g. Kushner) and their money (Nazi Gold) behind the New Abwehr agent Trump Tweets  by  ‎@mikenov Michael Novakhov @mikenov New Abwehr pays, Jared Kushner plays: New Abwehr pays with the bloody Nazi Gold (and collects the debts), Jared Kushner plays the Reinhard Heydrich's violin. In accordance with the old German Jewish dictum: "The one who pays, orders the music". http:// l-novakhov-sharednewslinks_15.html  … 7 m   Michael Novakhov @mikenov Kushner's family money came from Abwehr... Jews (of Nazi kapos, e.g. Kushner) and their money (Nazi Gold) behind the New Abwehr agent Trump - Google Search https://www. %28of+Nazi+kapos%2C+e.g.+Kushner%29+and+their+money+%28Nazi+Gold%29+behind+the+New+Abwehr+agent+Trump&newwindow=1&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&hl=en&sxsrf=ALeKk02_tCkLWCYZwaFpTNk-C5MlTlWOug%3A1600523503819&source=lnms&tbm=isch