
My opinion: this NYT article on "visual analysis" is a phony-baloney and the deliberately published piece of disinformation, aimed to skew and mislead the investigation, and it did.

Search inside image Speculation Swirls About What Hit Trump. An Analysis Suggests It was a Bullet - The New York Times Visit Images may be subject to copyright.  Learn More My opinion: this NYT article on "visual analysis" is a phony-baloney and the deliberately published piece of disinformation, aimed to skew and mislead the investigation, and it did. I recommend to the Counterintelligence Services (maybe as the combined group) to assess and investigate this article and the related issues very carefully. The help from specialists is needed. - Speculation Swirls About What Hit Trump. An Analysis Suggests It was a Bullet - The New York Times https:// politics/trump-shooter-bullet-trajectory-ear.html … - Quote: "The model and the trajectory analysis show that the bullet traveled in a straight line from the gunman to the bleachers, clipping Mr. Trump on its path." - M.N.: If it were so, the bullet had to go through Trump's head, given

Appearances and essences: Trump as the "war hero" vs Trump as the fraud

Search inside image Donald Trump's Greatest Escape - POLITICO Visit Images may be subject to copyright.  Learn More Appearances and essences: Trump as the "war hero" vs Trump as the fraud I think, Trump threatened (blackmailed) the #FBI with the lawsuit re the "bullet vs shrapnel, etc." dispute. Trump was mad at this attempt, as he saw it, to deprive him of the "war hero" status. And he would win, because that's how it looks like: "the bullet", the perfect "proximal cause", from the legal point of view.  Much more than that: such a lawsuit would reveal the depth of the popular discontent with the FBI, it would essentially kill the Agency, as Trump promised. The vote for Trump would become the vote against the FBI. That is why they backed off, gently, and maybe wisely. However, this is not the end of this discussion, it just started; Harris will pick it up and throw it in Trump's face. Essentially, it will come down to: &