
The Red Scare and McCarthiism, Kennedy Assassination, Operation "Trump" and Anthony Weiner affair - they all reveal the presence of the diagnostic triad of the New Abwehr political operations

  Michael Novakhov  @mikenov posted on May 09 2023 17:42:10 UTC by  Michael Novakhov   via   Tweets by ‎@mikenov The Red Scare and McCarthiism also reveal the presence of the New Abwehr operations diagnostic triad: Both 1. Judeophobia and 2. Homophobia are present abundantly in the historical figure of Roy Cohn, his circles, and their political agenda and actions. 3. Austria Phobia is present too: 1950 Austrian general strikes can be seen as the precursors of McCarthiism. "The Austrian General Strikes of 1950 were organised by the Communist Party of Austria with half-hearted support of the Soviet occupation authorities. In August–October 1950 Austria faced a severe social and economic crisis caused by anticipated withdrawal of American financial aid and a sharp drop in real wages."…  Why did the Soviets leave Austria in 1955? 📷 The Soviets pulled out of the country in 1955, along with the Western Allies, in exchange for Austria's promises th